The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 178 Winning and Recommending

Yao Dongxia said: "It's not convenient for me to reveal the details to you. You just need to do your own thing. I should be able to handle the registration. I will send you my identity information later and I will contact you later." Rush to meet you as soon as possible."

She was fiery and resolute, so Lu Anzhi didn't ask any more questions and just responded: "Okay."

Yao Dongxia added: "Take good care of Suxin."

Lu An said: "I will."

Yao Dongxia then hung up the phone.

Lu Anzhi thought for a while before calling Song Xiaoqin.

After the call was dialed, before he could speak, Song Xiaoqin asked anxiously: "How is it? Has anyone contacted you?"

Lu Anzhi said: "I contacted her. It's Su Xin's good friend Yao Dongxia. She said she would come to Haidu to find us soon."


Song Xiaoqin responded, her voice a little weak, "If I couldn't find anyone else, I really don't want to contact her. That Yao Dongxia has such a strong aura. I just met her when I went to a dinner with my dad last time. , I was shocked by her aura at that time.

"She talked to me, and I found out that she also had a good relationship with Suxin. If it weren't for her good relationship with Suxin, I wouldn't want to talk to her at all. This time, I'm going to risk my life to avenge Suxin!"

Lu Anzhi originally thought that they all knew each other, but now after listening to Song Xiaoqin's explanation, he realized that Song Xiaoqin and Yao Dongxia had nothing in common before.

He asked: "What is the origin of Yao Dongxia?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "I don't know, I didn't ask my dad. Suxin always only talked about her friend before, who was mysterious..."

Lu Anzhi thought about it and found that when Zhang Suxin briefly mentioned Yao Dongxia several times, she really only mentioned "that friend of hers".

However, "her friend" Yao Dongxia came out of Zhang Suxin's mouth several times, and it always appeared at very critical nodes.

For example, helping Suxin get her phone number and information, such as helping Suxin resolve the matter of terminating the contract with the company...

He seems to be a man of great powers.

Lu Anzhi collected his thoughts and said: "Let's not talk about this for now. Please send us your identity information later. We will probably need our specific information to register later."

Song Xiaoqin said: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Anzhi saw that the unfamiliar mobile phone number had sent a text message. The content of the text message was Yao Dongxia's name, ID number, address and mobile phone number.

After a while, Song Xiaoqin also sent her identity information.

Lu Anzhi took a look at their text messages and found that Song Xiaoqin was the same age as him, while Yao Dongxia was one year older than him.

Song Xiaoqin's home address is Haidu Yipinju, while Yao Dongxia's address is in the capital.

Lu Anzhi thought about Yao Dongxia's identity, and then called Zhou Bo again.

After he explained the situation to Zhou Bo, Zhou Bo happily said that he would give way and wait for the news.

After waiting for a while, there was no news. Lu Anzhi simply sat down in front of the computer and turned on the computer to take a look.

At this point in time, the editor had finished reading the manuscript of Chapter 7 and sent him a message through Qiuqiu: Mr. B, which one is the heroine, Huang Rong or Mu Nianci?

Lu Anzhi’s reply: You guess.

Kuku: I guess it’s Huang Rong. Mr. B, you won't kill Huang Rong again in the end, right?

Lu Anzhi: Do you think I am such a crazy person?

Kuku: Yes.

Lu Anzhi:......

Kuku: But this book is getting better and better, hehe. The popularity has also continued to rise, and it is expected to be another hit.

Lu Anzhi typed: It should be.

If "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" cannot become a hit, then what other book can become a hit?

On the other side of the Internet, I was looking at Lu Anzhi's reply and felt that Teacher Big B's tone was really loud.

But Teacher Big B does have such strength, and such a strong tone is supported by confidence.

And with this "Legend of the Condor Heroes", I am destined to get another big bonus.

This year is a year for Teacher Big B to make a lot of money, and it is also a year for me to have a good harvest. The editor feels very happy.

When she thought that more small money was waving to her, Kuku smiled happily.

She typed with a crackling sound and reported another good news to Lu Anzhi: Also, Mr. B, many places have also called to order "The Little Prince" and "Dora B Dream Short Stories and Fairy Tales". The reputation of your two fairy tales has been so good that sales have begun to explode. I think it might really be comparable to "Dragon 3".

Lu Anzhi replied: Yes.

Having made so much this year, to be honest, Lu Anzhi has already made enough. The later books, fairy tales were written because of my daughter Xianxian, and martial arts were written because of my father-in-law Zhang Yuzhi. None of them were written purely for money.

Moreover, there are other things in his mind right now, and the good news that he talked about so hard does not make any waves in his heart.

Seeing Lu Anzhi reply so simply, Ku Ku was a little speechless for a moment.

She looked for another topic and said: Speaking of which, Mr. B, I didn’t feel the "Snow Child" in the "Collection of Short Fairy Tales" you wrote at the beginning. I didn’t notice that you included such a handful in so many fairy tales. knife. I received another razor blade because of this - it's from a razor.

Lu Anzhi: You can give it to your male colleagues, or keep it for yourself.

Kuku was a little speechless, so she typed an ellipsis, and then typed: Can we stop being so aggressive in the future? Especially fairy tales are too harsh for children.

Lu Anzhi: OK.

Seeing Teacher Big B answer so simply, Kuku obviously didn't believe it. She sighed and was too lazy to persuade Lu Anzhi any more. She looked at the razor blade thrown on the corner of the table and felt helpless.

What can this thing scratch?

While thinking hard, Lu Anzhi on the other end of the network received the call opened by Huang Pingan.

Huang Pingan said two things on the phone -

One is that the editor of "Ancient and Modern Legends" wants to contact Lu Anzhi and ask Lu Anzhi to contribute to "Ancient and Modern Legends". Lu Anzhi refused. He doesn't want to open any more books this year.

Moreover, "Under the Maple Tree" and "Under the Maple Tree" worked so well together and they were very sincere to each other. He had no intention of leaving "Under the Maple Tree".

The other is about joining the Haidu Writers Association.

Lu Anzhi agreed to this.

Then Huang Ping'an asked Lu Anzhi's email address, sent Lu Anzhi a membership application form for the Haidu Writers Association, and asked the recommenders to fill in Huang Ping'an and Lin Gu.

After ending the call with Huang Ping'an, Zhou Bo called again and said that he had mentioned it to director Han Guangyuan. Han Guangyuan was very happy and even a little surprised.

After all, the King of Colorful Bells and the Queen of Colorful Bells appear together, so the popularity is definitely not low. Lu Anzhi and Song Xiaoqin took the initiative to apply, how could Han Guangyuan be unhappy?

So Zhou Bo also sent an email to Lu Anzhi later and asked Lu Anzhi to fill out the form.

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