Lin Shuhua spent the whole afternoon reading the series of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the "Under the Maple Tree" electronic magazine, and he still felt that he was still unsatisfied.

The story background of this novel is huge, and the story unfolds at a leisurely pace, making her addicted to it without even realizing it.

Lin Shuhua recalled the scene when he met Lu An by chance. That person seemed to be just like his novels, indifferent and casual, but unknowingly, he was already impressive.

However, Lin Shuhua had also read some of the other Doraemon novels bought by his classmates, but none of them were as fascinating as this novel. This book has such great magic, it is really powerful.

Maybe it’s because of the different themes...

Lin Shuhua was thinking this, and when he went out of his bedroom, he saw his grandfather sitting in the study, writing and drawing with a pen.

My grandfather's name is Lin Gu. He is very famous in the world of fairy tales and novels. He can be said to be a leading figure. He has been writing novels for more than thirty years. He has always written with pen and paper, and delivered manuscripts by email or in person.

Computers, which have become increasingly popular in recent years, are not something Lin Gu likes to use.

Lin Shuhua saw his grandfather writing and thought about what he was writing.

However, in recent years, my grandfather has written less novels and more essays.

Lin Shuhua originally wanted to go in and mention Doraemon to Lin Gu, but after thinking about it, he still didn't go in to disturb Grandpa.

Calculating the time, "The Little Prince" and the "Dora B Dream Fairy Tales Short Story Collection" should be on sale in the next two days, right?

It would be better for him to wait two days, buy the novel, and then tell his grandfather Lin Gu about the big secret he discovered.

With this in mind, she silently retreated to her bedroom, and her heart aroused to the point of watching "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" again.

After reading it again, I actually had a different understanding and discovered many details that I didn't pay attention to when I read it the first time.

This book is really good. If it comes out in print, I will definitely buy a copy and read it again.

Lin Shuhua thought in his heart.

Lu Anzhi has been busy in Zhuyuan Community for the past two days, and he can't even take care of the novels he is serializing and about to release.

Teacher Big B, who has always been guarding her in the autumn and autumn, looks forward to it. Occasionally, when she sees Lu An come online, she will quickly say a word or two, but she can't help but complain:

Boss B, you are too arrogant, your novel is still being serialized! "The Little Prince" and "Collection of Short Fairy Tales" are about to be released. Why don't you feel nervous at all? You have no intention of paying attention at all! You make it seem like my little Kuzi Emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is!

Lu Anzhi had no choice but to ask perfunctorily: How are my books?

Kuku quickly answered: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has jumped to the top in the popularity rankings. I didn’t expect that a martial arts novel in our magazine could be so effective. Mr. B, you are so awesome.

After finishing talking about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Kuku sent another message: Thanks to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", many readers have seen that you can handle different novel genres so well, and they think you will have no problem writing fairy tales. , I am also more confident in your "The Little Prince" and "Collection of Fairy Tale Short Stories". Sales should not be a problem.

Lu Anzhi replied at that time: That's it.

He didn't expect that in order to please his father-in-law, he serialized a martial arts novel, which would have a positive impact on the fairy tale novel he was about to release.

Kuku was not satisfied with Lu Anzhi's reaction and complained in Qiuqiu: Boss B, your reaction is too calm!

But seeing that Lu Anzhi had always been like this, the editor didn't expect Lu Anzhi to have any other reaction that she expected.

Kuku told Lu Anzhi that the game copyright payment should be in place and asked Lu Anzhi to check it himself.

Lu Anzhi went to check and sure enough, the payment from Jiji Company had been received.

In the next few days, there was no communication between Kuku and Lu An. Over at Sanwei Bookstore, Lu Anzhi seldom paid attention to it.

It was approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Zhang Suxin had told her parents that she was in Haidu and booked air tickets for her parents. The two old men will come to Haidu the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Therefore, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin have been busy cleaning up their home in Zhuyuan Community these days, buying quilts, pajamas, toothbrushes and other things for Lu Anzhi, and also bought some other clothes.

This was something they had said they wanted to buy before but had forgotten to do so. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Suxin carefully selected some clothes for Lu Anzhi and put them in the wardrobe at home.

In addition to Lu Anzhi's daily things, the two also prepared some things for Zhang Suxin's parents and tidied up the guest bedroom so that they could stay directly when they came.

In the past few days, the two of them bought whatever they thought of and prepared whatever they thought of. Zhang Suxin also asked Lu Anzhi to live at home to adapt to the life of two elderly people together in advance.

That night, both Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin slept with Xianxian in the master bedroom, but there was Xianxian between them, so nothing happened.

It was just the first time the two of them slept together in the same bed, but they were so distracted that they couldn't fall asleep for a while. They kept chatting until midnight before drifting off to sleep.

Not only the two of them, but also the little guy Xianxian didn't go to bed until very late. The little guy slept with his father for the first time at night. He was so happy that he made a fuss on the bed and threatened to collapse the bed in the master bedroom.

This little guy kept crawling on Lu Anzhi, sometimes he jumped on Lu Anzhi's head, sometimes he ran to Lu Anzhi's feet, and sometimes he stepped on Lu Anzhi's back, as if he was treating Lu Anzhi as an obstacle toy, and he was having a great time. Huh.

They played until very late. Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi persuaded her for a while before she finally fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Lu Anzhi found that Xianxian was sleeping on his body.

Not wanting to disturb Xianxian, Lu Anzhi lay on the bed and didn't move. He turned around and glanced, only to find that Zhang Suxin had also opened her eyes and was looking at the ceiling, wondering what she was thinking.

"what's on your mind?"

Lu Anzhi asked quietly.

Zhang Suxin came back to her senses, glanced at Lu An, and then said: "I was would be better to tell the truth to my parents. Pretending to be completely together like the current plan may make my dad His impression of you is even worse. I'm afraid he will think that I haven't contacted my family or gone back for three years because of you."

Lu Anzhi said: "But you have been unwilling to say more about what happened three years ago. Are you ready to tell your parents?"

Zhang Suxin said: "'s nothing. It's just some discord in the company. I don't want to recall it. After such a long time, I have let go of those things. It doesn't matter if I tell my parents. But at least this is it." If you do, they won’t blame you.”

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