The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 146 I wish your love will last forever and grow old together.

When Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin arrived at the window again, the couple in front of them had left, and there were no other newcomers here.

When the staff saw them, they gave them two forms just like they did to the previous couple and said, "Fill in the forms first."

So Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both filled out the forms separately. The form contains identity information and other things, but the information that needs to be filled in is a little more than the information in the household registration book.

If they didn't know how to fill in the form, they asked the staff. The two of them filled out the form quickly while asking questions.

The staff member took the form and looked at it, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"You are Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin! Why did the newlywed couple just now say that you look familiar!"

She looked at Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin through the window with a little surprise and said.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both smiled and said to the staff member, "It's us."

The staff member, who originally had an indifferent and business-like attitude, suddenly became enthusiastic. While filling out the form on the computer in front of her workstation, she glanced at Lu Anzhi and said:

"I have been listening to your songs recently. You are so awesome. You have occupied the top ten positions on the ringtone download list. I thought you were quite old, but I didn't expect you to be so young and look so good." handsome……"

As he spoke, he copied the contents of one table onto the computer, then copied another table, while continuing: "I thought you were in a superior-subordinate relationship, but I never thought you would become a couple! But you guys The two are a perfect match, congratulations."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both said: "Thank you."

The staff member finished transcribing the information on the computer, then scanned two forms while continuing to talk to Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin.

"You are good at picking your time, come here at this time. There are few people here right now, and usually the number of people will gradually increase after 10:30. If you come here now, no one will disturb us.

"Today's young people generally wake up late and can't come early. Unlike social security windows and the like, where there are many elderly people, they get busy early."

She suddenly became talkative except for business issues, which made both Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin a little uncomfortable.

But she still knew how to behave, and she just talked casually while working so as not to make the atmosphere awkward.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin listened silently, occasionally responding once or twice, and they were very cooperative.

"If I tell others that Lu Anzhi is so young, I'm afraid they won't believe it... No, Lu Anzhi, you have clearly sung and your voice is quite young. Why do I have the impression that you are not young? Where are the photos? The photos. Give it to me. I need two."

The staff member was chatting and doing business.

Lu Anzhi took out two of the ID photos he and Zhang Suxin had just taken and handed them to the staff. He smiled and said, "I guess I look older when I sing."

The photos were taken one by one, but fortunately, the cameraman had already cropped them for Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin.

"Oh, yes, it should be the song "Two Butterflies" that gives me the impression that it doesn't sound like it was sung by young people. But I think it sounds pretty good."

The staff member said, took a look at the photo, and said, "If it looks good, it's good. The photos taken also look good. It's pleasing to the eye."

Zhang Suxin said: "You have given me the award."

The staff member said with a smile: "I will tell you the truth whether it is an award or not."

While she was talking, she took out two blank marriage certificates, printed text information on them, and glued the two ID photos of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin to the marriage certificates respectively. The location is stamped.

Two marriage certificates are ready.

"Here, how about taking a look?"

The staff handed over two marriage certificates.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin reached out and took it, then looked down. The black text printed on the marriage certificate has put the names of the two people on a piece of paper, and the photo of them wearing white shirts, as if they were nailed to the marriage certificate with a steel seal, so it has validity.

Looking at these two thin booklets, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin couldn't help but feel something strange in their hearts. The two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Although it's a little fast, it feels... not bad.


The two said to the staff behind the window at the same time.

The staff member waved his hand and said with a smile: "How do you say thank you? This is my job content. Don't worry, I have very professional ethics and will not spread it to you. To be honest, there are quite a lot of celebrities living in Haidu. , I have also accepted many celebrities who have received certificates here. But when it comes to good looks and talents, they are not as good as you two. "

There is quite a bit of compliment in this remark. Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin had no choice but to thank them again.

The two of them were about to say goodbye and leave, but the staff member took out a book and asked them to sign it.

The book was turned to a new page, but Lu Anzhi vaguely noticed that there were signatures on other pages. Is this staff member using this book to collect signatures from celebrity couples?

Lu Anzhi thought so and wrote his name on it. Zhang Suxin generously wrote her name after Lu Anzhi's.

After writing her name, she suddenly had a sudden impulse and drew a small heart shape between her and Lu Anzhi's names.

Lu Anzhi looked on and couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect that Zhang Suxin, who usually looks shy and reserved, would have such a little girl side.

He didn't even think of drawing a heart between two people's names.

Zhang Suxin caught Lu Anzhi's smile with the corner of her eye, her face turned red, and she turned her head and rolled her eyes at Lu Anzhi. Fortunately, she was wearing a mask and her hot face was not easily visible.

After handing the book back to the staff, the staff looked at the two names and a heart on it and couldn't help but laugh: "You guys have such a good relationship. I wish you a long-lasting love and a long life together."

"Thank you! Happy working."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin expressed their sincere thanks, then said goodbye to the staff member and left.

When they walked out, their hands were held together unconsciously.

The staff watched them go and sighed softly: "It seems that this couple is real, really good..."

After a while someone came again, but it was the newlywed couple from before.

The two young men had just run out without their ID cards due to a misunderstanding. Now they finally calmed down and came back.

"Hmph! I'll spare you today, otherwise I won't be able to explain to my family. But you must give me an explanation later!"

The girl was still a little angry and said.

The boy was speechless: "I said it was nothing, but it really was nothing."

When the staff saw this, they responded: "Okay, stop arguing. What your boyfriend said is true. The couple just now do look like celebrities, and they look familiar to me."

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