Zi Qiao sneered, "Isn't this trick too damaging? Planting the blame or framing the blame? I've never seen such a deduction!"

Chapter 1 Pause -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Zi Qiao sneered, "Isn't this trick too damaging? Planting the blame or framing the blame? I've never seen such a deduction!"

"You can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth! If it's an Oolong, it's a beautiful Oolong! If we hadn't found a pregnancy test stick, would Guan Gu propose so soon? Maybe..."

Mika felt that something was wrong when she was halfway through speaking, and immediately stopped, but it was too late, so she had to apologize, "Sorry...I'm not questioning your feelings..."

"It's okay! I just wanted to ask him!"

Yoyo stopped the incoherent Mika and turned to look at Guan Gu, "Guan Guan, if it wasn't for Mika and the others who mistakenly thought I was pregnant, would you still propose to me at that time?"

Guan Gu obviously paused, "Yes!"

Yunyou was dying immediately, looking at him with a face full of disbelief, "Okay you!"

"What's the matter, I said yes!" Guan Gu didn't understand, was it wrong to say yes?

"You hesitated for a second! Did you see that?"

Guan Gu hurriedly explained, "This is a pause!"

Yunyou didn't know where to find a stopwatch, "Usually your pause is 0.65 seconds, but just now, you stopped for 1.58 seconds! You really are not at all sharp!"

Guan Gu was stunned when he looked at the stopwatch.

Zi Qiao also stared, "You actually carry a stopwatch with you?"

"Honey, listen to me explain..."

"You gave in because I was pregnant! Failed! Anyway, I didn't get the picture! Last time didn't count! Next time I'll ask again! When you don't have to hesitate anymore! Humph!" come and leave

"Yuyou...hey...the feet are teasing the sack..." Guan Gu chased after him with a guilty conscience.

"Zhanbo! If you want to talk too much, are you in trouble?!" Meijia used the thief to throw the pot.

443 Mr. Zeng couldn't get used to it, "It seems that this topic was brought up by you, right?"

Zi Qiao was still a little unconvinced, "What did you really find... a pregnancy test stick?"

Mika resolutely denied, "No! It's all a misunderstanding! You guys are drinking and playing, you're welcome..."

Mejia took Zhan Bo Xinling and held a small meeting, mainly to let Zhan Bo rot this matter into his stomach. .

"Hey, what about Yoyo and Guan Gu?"

After the two of them left for a while, Tang Hao came back with a CD box.

Zi Qiao said leisurely, "Little aunt is angry, Guan Gu will go and apologize!"

"Angry? Why?" Tang Hao was curious

Xinling told him what happened just now

Tang Hao was speechless and raised the CD in his hand, "This is the video of Guan Gu's marriage proposal..."

Teacher Zeng almost spit out a sip of wine, "Say it earlier!"

Tang Hao spread his hands helplessly, "You didn't ask..."

Zi Qiao gloated and sighed, "Poor Guan Gu...".

Text Chapter [-] Radish

"When was this filmed? Is it still made into a CD?" Zhan Bo took the CD box in Tang Hao's hand and looked at it. The box read 'Witness Unswerving Love'

Mika and Xinling also looked at him curiously.

Tang Hao sat on the sofa and took a sip of wine, "I asked that Xian Di to do it. I found out that there was a camera in the auditorium, so I asked him to do me a favor!"

Mika muttered, "No way, that sissy is so good at talking? He didn't say 'I'm sorry'?"

Tang Hao smiled bitterly, of course he said it. . .And said several more. . .But don't tell them the process is better, the result is good anyway.

"Hmm... That Xiandi said that she was moved by Guan Gu and Yoyo, so she spontaneously kept this beautiful scene!"

Zi Qiao and Teacher Zeng looked at each other and nodded with a smile, "There must be a conspiracy!"

Tang Haoxiao rolled his eyes and ignored these two second-hand goods.

"Hey! Let's go and give this tape to Guan Gu? He's also very pitiful. Taking this can also coax Yoyo a little bit" Zhan Bo suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Mika agreed very much.

Xinling turned to look at Tang Hao, "Husband, do you want to go together?"

"No, go back first, I'll watch it here for a while!" Tang Hao stroked her hair and said

"Yeah!" Xin Ling nodded obediently, and followed Zhanbo Meijia back to the apartment

The three just left

Yifei limped in, walked to the sofa with difficulty, and sat on it.

"Yifei, why are you here? Auntie's game is all over!" Zi Qiao complained.

Yifei didn't feel "Am I late? I'm here as soon as I receive the text message!"

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