(Zhao? Zhao) After Ziqiao introduced Adong to the two of them, he slipped out, leaving Guan Gu alone to undergo the transformation. Tang Hao sat behind him and watched him while holding his phone.

Tang Hao thinks it's okay for this guy from Adong, but he just raises his head from time to time to make sure that Guan Gu is still in place.

The phone shows the selfie that Xinling sent him

Inside are selfies of women carrying various shopping bags, selfies eating sweets, and selfies doing nails.

Seeing Mika's smiling face, she should have figured it out. Tang Hao was really afraid that Mika wouldn't be able to turn this corner. If she opened an online store, even if someone helped her, she would probably end up with no pants left. . .

Smile and press the lock screen button, put the phone in his pocket

Looking up, I was startled

I fuck Guan Gu. . . .

After a careful search, I found out that this product was undergoing transformation in the machine over there, and the hair was exploding little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Text Chapter [-] Little Sheep

After Guan Gu felt Tang Hao's sight, his eyes moved. He was in a state of being frightened now. Just now, Adong sprinkled a lot of potion on his head, red, green, blue, purple, what color all have

Got myself here after messing around a bit. . .

He originally wanted to talk to Tang Hao, but just as he moved, Adong patted him lightly and whispered in his ear, "The potion is not evenly shaken, but I need to apply it again. Oh!"

Then Guan Gu maintained this action until now. . .

ten minutes later

The whole explosive head has been fully formed, and Guan Gu is finally relieved, playing with his hair in front of the mirror "Why does it feel so awkward..."

Tang Hao smirked and replied, "It's not awkward, it's not awkward! Just get used to it!"

After speaking, he couldn't help himself, he turned around and covered his mouth and laughed silently a few times, and then turned around again with a serious face. If it weren't for the few tears left in the corners of his eyes, Tang Hao's action would have been almost perfect!

He patted Guan Gu, who had a tangled face, "Okay! It's all done! I can't change it, and it will look good when I get used to it. By the way, do you still have to wait for Zi Qiao? I just sent him a message. "

Tang Hao called him just now, but no one answered. Tang Hao always had an ominous premonition, but he thought it would be better not to tell Guan Gu. . .

Guan Gu looked around, he always felt that all the eyes of everyone around him were focused on him, which made him feel quite uncomfortable. "Don't wait for him, let's go back first!"

"Alright then! Let's go!"

After saying hello to Adong, the two walked downstairs together

"Guan Gu, don't you think you can cosplay a green pheasant with your look? It looks like a thief!  …"

"Stop making trouble, Ah Hao!"

. . .Tang Hao's laughter and Guan Gu's frantic voices got farther and farther away. . .

. . .

Guan Gu covered the left and right all the way, but in the end he couldn't hide it anymore, so he gave up on himself and took Tang Hao's clothes and walked back all the way.

Now it was Tang Hao's turn to bear the strange gaze, one meter eighty-seven. . . . .Oh no, if you count the bonus of the hairstyle, it should be [-] meters!

The [-]-meter man covered his face like a little daughter-in-law, and walked wrigglingly with the corners of the clothes of a [-]-meter man in front of him.

Emma's style is so simple. . . .

Guan Gu is more comfortable, anyway, you can't see my face, I don't care~

Faceless, just so capricious!

Tang Hao didn't care about those strange eyes, and walked back to the apartment with his head held high and a big tail dragging his tail.

Guan Gu was outside and wanted to make a phone call to check the presence of all the friends in the apartment.

Tang Hao pushed him in directly

"Ah!!" Guan Gu screamed and covered his face after entering, "Don't! Don't!!! Ah shit! Ah shit!!!"

After shouting a few times, he realized that no one seemed to be there, only Tang Hao was looking at him with the eyes of a staff. . .

"Ahao!" Guan Gu arrogantly twisted his body

Tang Hao felt a chill and stood a little further away from him, "Speak well! You should get used to your new image first, don't get up in the morning and look in the mirror in a daze to frighten yourself!"

"Oh yes!" Guan Gu took out his mobile phone and pointed at him, ready to make a few poss

The door slams again

Mika Yifei Xinling walked in, and the three girls started screaming in a group after they found the suspected unknown object.

Guan Gu was almost scared into a quail, "Don't be afraid! It's me!"



"Guan Gu??!!!" Xin Ling looked anxiously, "Where's Hao? Where's Hao?"

Guan Gu pointed to the side

Tang Hao comes on stage

Xinling Fried Chicken stared nervously over there, and when Tang Hao came out, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared me to death..."

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