Zi Qiao said earnestly, "Little aunt! Calm down! Look at Xin Ling, Ah Hao does it too. People don't have such a big reaction, so learn!"

The two women were shocked and looked at Tang Hao in unison

Chapter 1 Mold-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The two women were shocked and looked at Tang Hao in unison

Xin Ling tightened Tang Hao's arm a little nervously, "Husband, are you going to do this hairstyle?"

Although she didn't mind as long as it was Tang Hao, this hairstyle. . .It might take her a while to get used to it. . .

Tang Hao lay down the gun innocently and comforted Xin Ling, "Don't listen to Zi Qiao's nonsense, I won't do it!"

Zi Qiao felt betrayed "Hey Hao!"

"Don't look at me! I never promised you!" Tang Hao quickly drew a line with him

Zi Qiao thought about it, as if he really didn't agree to come. . .

Looking at Yoyo's expression of victory, she gave Guan Gu a wink and pulled him aside.

Xin Ling leaned over and took the magazine, then followed Tang Hao and began to gesture

Tang Hao was speechless, he hugged her and rubbed "Don't look at it! I wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Hmm..." Xin Ling put down the magazine and rubbed back.

Teacher Zeng covered his face, "I said! You can't just stuff dog food while your boyfriend isn't around, right?"

"Boyfriend?" Youyou looked at Teacher Zeng with a strange look

It's really that Teacher Zeng's actions are too imaginative, you can't blame Yoyo for thinking crooked. .

"I'm talking about you, Yoyo! Just after my boyfriend left, these two people gave me dog food like this. I can't swallow it as a single dog, and as a person with a boyfriend, you can't swallow it, right?" Zeng Teacher is outraged

Yunyou didn't understand, and indifferently spread her hands, "I swallowed!"


Teacher Zeng is angry

"I said Mr. Zeng! You should really find a girlfriend! Look at you, it's almost 647 endocrine disorders!" Youyou kindly advised

"What do children know! If your brother Xian is looking for you, I can choose from a lot of girls, mainly because your brother Xian is too picky! Ordinary people don't like it!" Teacher Zeng forced his face.

"Yo! I really didn't see it!"

"Brother was the little prince of a nightclub back then! Only after going to work these years has he gradually faded out of the arena!"

The three showed their disbelief

Teacher Zeng was in a hurry, took out his mobile phone and opened the album, "Hey! Look! Look!"

The three of them went up to take a look. In the photo, Teacher Zeng was holding a beautiful woman with a hot body in one arm.

Yoyo exclaimed, "Hey! Really!"

Tang Hao rubbed his chin and muttered, "Why is this so similar..."

As soon as Mr. Zeng didn't hear it well, he immediately put it away, "Read it! Brother is leaving, and now my brother is busy with his career! Bye!"

Chicly pat on the buttocks and leave

In Tang Hao's eyes, Mr. Zeng's back seemed to mean running away. . .Those photos just now, he has seen the mold in Xiao Hei, this product is specially designed for single people to make P pictures, to ensure that they are perfect and no one can see it!It is said that there are many beautiful men. . . . .

The three hundred and ninety-eighth chapter of the text

"Mika? You're not angry, are you?"

With a small notebook in one hand and Xinling in the other, Yoyo found Mika who was playing with two big dicks in a daze at the bar.

Meijia glanced at the two of them and turned her head slightly, "I'm not angry! Artists and cat food sellers have nothing in common!"

The two women looked at each other, this arrogant little princess. . .

"I know I shouldn't let you dove! But there are actually many ways to let you continue to open an online store without having to settle accounts!"

Mika turned her head sharply, "Really?"


Yunyou opened the small notebook that she carried with her, "Look! Method one, you can hire an accountant to help you settle the accounts! There are no four-legged toads, but there are many accountants with four legs!"

Xinling coughed, why do I always feel so awkward?

Mika pouted, "Forget it! I can't trust outsiders! What should he do to me?"

Yoyo thought about it, Mika this. . .Um. . .It is indeed possible, I turned the article "Okay! Method [-]! You go to learn mathematics!"

"I've been studying mathematics for more than [-] years! It's still at this level! When I learn mathematics, let alone the shelf life of cat food, I've already passed the shelf life myself!"

Rough words are not rude!Xin Ling nodded secretly

Youyou glanced at Xinling

"There is another way, let Xinling help you!"

Mika rolled her eyes, "Brother Hao will kill me if he finds out!"

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