"Don't, don't, don't force me, who said I wouldn't?"

Tang Hao drove the car in a stable manner, glanced at the rearview mirror inadvertently, and saw Zhanbo spit at the jeep on the side.

Tang Hao was a little surprised. When did Zhan Bo become so rigid?

Chapter [-]: Teacher Zeng is on TV

Tang Hao saw the cars in front of him, and stopped slowly. Zhanbo also slowly stopped behind him and opened the hood.

After another car parked next to it, the black jeep and Zhanbo happened to be parked together

The car window slowly rolled down, and a face full of flesh was revealed, staring at Zhan Bo, Zhan Bo turned his head in fear, "Sister, you lied to me..."

"What did I lie to you?" Yifei was a little puzzled

"You said I would never meet that black jeep in my life" Zhanbo complained

Yifei turned around and glanced at

"Oh! Great, as long as they dare to provoke, we will let them taste our power, Zhanbo, go!" Zi Qiao watched the fun without taking it too seriously

"No, don't be impulsive, there are three girls in Ah Hao's car, so don't be impulsive" Zhan Bo found a reason to escape

"Ahao alone can knock them all over, don't worry about them, let's go to Zhanbo"

"No, I have to observe, sister, is he still staring at me?" Zhan Bo quietly turned his head and turned back immediately.

"Zhanbo, of course, it's you! Spit on them"

"I know Mr. Zeng" Zhan Bo was about to cry

"Look, what's going on ahead? Why did everyone get off the bus?" Yi Fei glanced at it.

"Parking to have sex with Fenglin late, Shuang Yehong and Er Yuehua" Zi Qiao stretched her waist and looked comfortable

"Don't let anything happen today, it's no joke if you're late," Mr. Zeng stopped and prayed

"You guys stay still, I'll go out and have a look" Yifei was about to get out of the car, but was pulled by Zhanbo "Sister, I'll go with you"

"No, sit down, dealing with people is my forte." Yi Fei got out of the car and walked to Tang Hao's car, just in time for Guan Gu Meijia and Wan Yu to come down with helpless faces.

"Hey, what about Hao and Xinling?" The three of them pointed to the car with expressionless faces, Yifei looked around, Tang Hao was sitting in the co-pilot, Xinling was sitting on top of Tang Hao, and the two hugged each other. rubbing each other's ears together

Yi Fei glanced at her expressionless face and took a few steps forward. "Hey, what are you all looking at? Don't you know that you can't park casually on the elevated? Ah?!!!!!!" The three behind him looked at each other.

Mika and Wan Yu took out a large bag of snacks and drinks from the trunk to eat with Ziqiao Zhanbo

Guan Gu came over, "Hey, I'm still on the Central Link..."

Yifei came over "I have a very important announcement to announce"

"Is there a car accident ahead?" Teacher Zeng was anxious

Yifei didn't answer Teacher Zeng, "I just got a very, very, very, very sexy, handsome guy in the car in front of me." Mika and Wan Yu were shocked and forgot to chew the snacks in their mouths. Teacher Zeng and Ziqiaomu stare

Yifei said to herself, "Strong arms, broad shoulders, driving a black Chevrolet Jingcheng, and most importantly, he has a lot of hair." Several people continued to stare at the dog.

"The hair is strong?" Zhan Bo raised his eyebrows

"Women like furry things, such as King Kong," Zi Qiao added.

"Don't talk about it, Yifei, I'm more worried about the traffic jam in front of me, O, a car accident, eight cars rear-end, seven Japanese cars, it is said that there are no casualties, but the floor is full of bumpers and tail lights, and both lanes are closed. Well, it is estimated that the road will be cleared before it can be released.”

"how long?"

"I estimate at least a few hours" Yifei estimated the time

Chapter 1: Teacher Zeng is on TV-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"I estimate at least a few hours" Yifei estimated the time

"No, I still have to run to the TV station." Teacher Zeng walked around Zhanbo. "How far is this from the TV station?"

"About [-] kilometers"

"Thirty kilometers, OK, I have fifty-two minutes now, and I can run thirty kilometers in fifty-two minutes, ah... Computer, help me figure out how I should run?"

"Fifty-two minutes is [-] seconds, and [-] kilometers is [-] meters. Except, congratulations, you just matched the Jamaican trapeze's world record of [-]!" Zhanbo deserves to be able to use his brain to simulate The characters who exploded the atomic bomb were figured out so quickly

"Ah, ouch, I suddenly remembered that my Achilles tendon is injured..." Teacher Zeng supported his leg

"You didn't get hurt while hurling, did you?"

"I got a strain while playing golf..."

A few people sat in the car bored. Meijia and Wan Yu were tired from eating and went back to Tang Hao's car to sleep with Xinling and the others.

Tang Hao sat by the car and watched Teacher Zeng anxious, Yifei sat in the co-pilot and took out his mobile phone, Zhan Bo glanced at him, "Sister, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, I just suddenly had an idea in my heart. I want to take a photo of my brother and his provocative opponent for the first time in his life, and announce that my brother has completely evolved into a man." Yi Fei fiddled with her phone.

"Then what am I?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, have a laugh" Yifei poses

"Eggplant...Okay, it's all in, perfect composition, Hao, take a look?" Tang Hao glanced at the driver's vicious face, and Zhan Bo's husky's frightened expression, it was simply beautiful

Tang Hao took out his mobile phone, "Come and pass it to me, the picture is so good." The two laughed wickedly.

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