Guan Gu nodded, "That's what I meant!"

"Wait, you're not local?"

Guan Gu almost forgot about this, and immediately introduced himself, "I'm Japanese, from Yokohama!"


Guan Gu hesitated, "You don't like Japanese?"

The woman quickly waved her hand, "No, no, I don't have any prejudice against Japanese people. I would take the liberty to ask, your Chinese was taught by a physical education teacher?"

Guan Gu thought of this with pride, "I taught myself, I have been here for more than two years!"

The woman rolled her eyes "It's two years!"

"It's two years!"

"In spoken language, we generally don't say two, we say two!"

Guan Gu stretched out two fingers to compare, "This, what's the difference?"

The woman suddenly reacted and forced a smile, "I'm sorry, I usually teach children to speak Mandarin at school, and I'm used to it!"

"Then what to eat?"


Suddenly I feel like it's not a good thing to say, "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom!"

After the woman left, Guan Gu breathed a sigh of relief, took out his finger and gestured a few more times.

"Guan Gu is so pitiful" Xin Ling lay on Tang Hao's arm and watched the whole process, a little gloating

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, why did he always feel that Xinling was getting more and more black-bellied, he must have been brought down by a few girls!

While the two were talking, they walked over with a notebook, "Xinling... . . . Ah Hao, you're here too! Look at Xinling, I'll take them all down! It's amazing!"

Xinling looked at the little man meditating on the screen, and the corpses in the surrounding area, surprised. Yoyo was very good. I usually watched her play, but I didn't get started. It was the first time I got started today.

"It's amazing! Let's run quickly, or they'll come back after a while!" Xin Ling manipulated the characters to leave

"It's okay! Even if they come again, I can get them down" 3.4 Yunyou clenched her fists

"It's the best for you, let's go back and get some medicine..." The two internet addict girls got together and started to exchange experiences. . .

At this time, the woman who was dating Guan Gu also went to the toilet and came out. She took the mobile phone and signaled to Guan Gu that there was a call. Guan Gu made a gesture to indicate that he knew.

Then. . .

I saw him. He is handsome and handsome, but he is a little special. He is Japanese and he has taught himself Chinese!But his Chinese accent is really weird. I don't even know how long his tongue is. As soon as I hear it, I feel uncomfortable all over. If I talk to him for a long time, I'm afraid that I will be hit by him. Bring it over, how can I teach the children to class in the future, otherwise, I will give him to you next time?

Hey, poor Guan Gu, I met a Chinese teacher. If he taught painting, he would probably have a lot of common topics. . .

Text Chapter [-] The Magic Cocktail

A very strange combination appeared in the bar, Yu Mo in red, Yi Fei in a white women's suit surrounded neo and moved rhythmically with the sound of his guitar.

Teacher Zeng is on the side. . . . .

Forget it

Xinling leaned on Tang Hao and played with the computer, and discussed with Youyou for a long time. Now he will try the method. . .

Tang Hao is using his mobile phone to record Mr. Zeng. This can be regarded as Mr. Zeng's black history. . .

The first time Tang Hao failed to see Ziqiao's domineering image, but now he can feast his eyes

Ziqiao walked in in yesterday's outfit, followed by Zhang Wei, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

"The stars are shining!"

Tang Hao's black line, he moved his phone and recorded Zi Qiao as well.

"I guess Teacher Zeng will fall, but you don't have to fall so thoroughly, right?!" Zi Qiao couldn't stand Teacher Zeng's dress up either. .

"But this Neo, he is indeed more handsome than us!" Zhang Wei seemed to recognize the reality

"Bah!" Before the war starts, you will damage the morale of your own family

Zhang Wei wiped the spit on his face and said, "Then why is he more popular than us?"

"Let me tell you! It's all about novelty! Because he's from out of town, no matter what he does, everyone thinks it's very novel, yes, it's not just a foreigner, we can do it too!" Zi Qiao seems to have another good idea


Zhang Wei nodded, "You mean, buy a plane ticket to pick up girls out of town?"

Zi Qiao pressed Zhang Wei's head down, "Stupid, don't be so troublesome, just change the look!"

Zhang Wei couldn't wait, "Then I'll go to him to design it!"

Ziqiao stopped, "You forgot that I am the Caesar of the fashion industry, I will help you!"

Pushing Zhang Wei and the two out again

Neo is planning the image for Mr. Zeng "Imagine you are a superstar now, you are addicted to art, and you are disdainful of everything in the outside world!"

Teacher Zeng stood up and seemed to be in a state. He stepped on the coffee table and played the guitar a few times, "I am a good man! I am a big star!!"

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