"Aren't you very convinced? Do you want to give you one last chance?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Question! What bird walks on two feet!"

Zhang Wei is still not long, "Every bird walks on two feet!"

"Oh, I'll be rushing to answer? But... Who told you that every bird walks on two feet? People use sparrows to jump!"

Zhang Wei was killed by Yifei with a sparrow, and he cried

The three did not know how to comfort Zhang Wei.

"You just lost the room to Hu Yifei?" Zhang Wei said he didn't want to speak

Ziqiao shook his head, "You can't even tell that Zeng Xiaoxian can't climb trees?"

Tang Hao couldn't hold back and took a sip of wine.

Teacher Zeng lying down

"It's too late to say anything... I wanted to win glory for the boys... Now it's really gone..." The development of things exceeded Zhang Wei's expectations

"Okay! You don't have to care too much! She just said it casually! What does she want your room for!" Teacher Zeng comforted

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the door slamming, a few people turned around, Yi Fei led a few workers in and started to distribute work

"You guys, move the bed out, and put this washing machine in there! Hurry up!" Yi Fei has long envied Tang Hao's house for everything, and now she has the opportunity to do it herself

"Wow..." Zi Qiao exclaimed when she saw the lineup, "Is it true?"

"What are you doing?" Teacher Zeng asked Yifei

Yi Fei clapped her hands with a ruffian look on her face, "Oh, that's a good question! What are you talking about? My territory! I'm in charge!"

"I'm going to turn this room into a laundry room! This way you don't have to go to the laundry room to wash your clothes in the future."

"Laundry room?!" Zi Qiao couldn't believe it, then suddenly thought of something, turned her head and smiled, "Can we use it?"

"Of course you can! It's convenient for the people, why not do it?" Yi Fei was very excited

"But this is Zhang Wei's room!" Teacher Zeng wanted to defend Zhang Wei.

Yi Fei took the word "Zeng... Jing is!"

Teacher Zeng ran to Yifei and pulled her, "You don't have to be so extreme, right? He already knew it was wrong!"

"I didn't force him! It was he who had to take the right to use the room to gamble with me!" Yi Fei remembered that Zhang Wei was taken aback at that time.

"It's just a game that focuses on participation!"

Yifei disagreed, "Hey! This is wrong! The competition is the competition! You can not participate! If you participate, you must abide by the rules of the competition! Bear all the consequences!"

"Are the rules that important?!" Teacher Zeng gritted his teeth

"If there are no rules, then winning or losing is meaningless! Winning and losing is meaningless! Winning and losing is meaningless, then the game is meaningless. If the game is meaningless, then my next move is meaningless, isn't it?" Zhang Wei, who was looking at the two, danced awkwardly in front of him.

"Your room is mine! Your bed is mine too! One black, one 2.9, one black, hehe!" The four of them were stunned, and Yifei's awkward dance was really amazing. . .

I came to my senses when I heard the door closing

Tang Hao glanced at Zhang Wei, "What are you going to do now?"

"Before I find a new place! I can only sleep on the sofa temporarily... But I don't have a quilt..."

Why didn't Tang Hao let Zhang Wei sleep with them? He and Xinling slept in the same room at his house, Xinling's clothes were kept in the same room, and Tang Hao's study had all the messy things in it. There is a game room exclusive to Tang Hao, and the configuration of the machines inside is simply explosive.

Where can he sleep. . .I can only sleep in the living room, so why not just sleep here?

Zi Qiao didn't understand, "What? Didn't you just lose the right to use the room? Why don't you have a quilt?"

Zhang Wei answered as a matter of course, "I lost in the sixth round!"

"O..." Didn't save the child. . . . .It was really hard for him to have so much luggage left. . . . .

Text Chapter [-] The Three Stooges

"You mean... I sleepwalked last night?" Zhang Wei pondered after listening to Teacher Zeng's words

"Zhang Wei! You'd better admit that you were sleepwalking last night! Otherwise, Teacher Zeng will definitely kill you!" Zi Qiao played billiards

"What did you dream about?" Tang Hao handed Teacher Zeng a cocktail

"Hmm... can't remember!" Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, "Ao, I dreamed of making a private visit in micro-service, but there are rebels trying to murder me!"

"Private interview through micro-service? Just you? Ah Hao is almost the same." Zi Qiao mocked Zhang Wei mercilessly

"Hmph, that milk might be a poison bar!"

Tang Hao didn't need to get close to Teacher Zeng to smell the milky fragrance, "This smell is more natural than perfume"

Teacher Zeng rolled his eyes, "Why did you jump off the building? If I hadn't stopped you, you would have been visiting privately in another world!"

Zhang Wei is also a little bit pained, what's wrong with this "I don't know..."

"Why have I never seen you sleepwalking before?" Zi Qiao frowned

"You can still see him sleepwalking when you sleep separately!" Tang Hao was speechless

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