"What's wrong Wanyu?" Xinling looked at Wanyu who was suddenly angry and didn't know what was going on.

"But you can't say it all, my suspense has been destroyed by you!"

Guan Gu still didn't think he did anything wrong, "You are reading too slowly! I read Chinese books faster than you!"

Wan Yu laughed angrily, "Too slow?" Guan Gu nodded.

"Okay! Yang Guo wanted to marry Xiaolongnv, but Huang Rong objected, so Xiaolongnv left! Guo Jing wants to marry his daughter to Yang Guo! On the day of the wedding, Guo Fu cut off Yang Guo's right hand!"

Guan Gu was about to collapse, "I.. I didn't mean to! Well! Later, Lixiang offered to transfer overseas, and she hoped Wanzhi could keep her! Wanzhi said, I can't delay Lixiang's future in life! Lixiang pia gave her slapped him and left him" startled teacher Zeng

Wan Yu was so angry that she called out "Ao... Xiao Long Nu was raped"

Guan Gu's expression went from calm to contorted. .This child's worldview is about to collapse "Nani!!!!!!!!!! How is it possible?!!!!!!"

Guan Gu is crying like a baby

Wan Yu made another shot with a smile on her face, "That's right, Yin Zhiping did it!"

Guan Gu frantically shook his head, covered his ears, pulled Teacher Zeng and shook it violently, "Don't say it! Don't say it again!" Then he suddenly remembered something, "Is Yin Zhiping the uncle of Yang Guo?"

Mr. Zeng seemed to see a business opportunity, so he took a fire extinguisher and walked between the two of them, "Cut down the fire! If you two go back and burn the discs and books, please buy a bottle of fire extinguisher in advance! Be prepared!"

After waiting for a while, neither of them paid any attention to her, so Xin Ling gave him a blank look, and Teacher Zeng was frustrated and exited the bar with a fire extinguisher. . . .

Chapter [-] Business Mind


Xinling sat alone on the sofa watching cartoons, cats and mice, and Nuoda's living room seemed a little lonely. . .

Zi Qiao twisted the door and broke in, "Xin Ling! Where's Ah Hao? Is Ah Hao at home?"

Xin Ling said weakly, "What?"

"I have something to do with A Hao." Zi Qiao looked around. It stands to reason that Tang Hao and Xin Ling would usually stick to each other and the chainsaw wouldn't be able to cut it open. It seemed that he hadn't seen A Hao much in the past two days. . .

"He's not at home..." Xin Lingnen supported her little head in her hands and looked at the screen casually, where Jerry was being chased by Tom's jerk. It was obvious that her attention was not on it, and she hadn't seen Tang for two days. Hao, even though he said video chat every night, he still couldn't sleep or eat. Tang Hao felt that she was a little thinner when he was videoing with her. Although he told her to eat more on "July [-]", he still felt hesitant. Ling can't get up if he can't see Tang Hao.

Zi Qiao looked at Xin Ling's state and seemed to be in a wrong state, so she cautiously stepped forward, "Ahao won't be..."

Xin Ling flew over with a pillow, Zi Qiao was smashed and staggered, "He went to the capital on a business trip, what is he thinking, is there anything wrong?"

Zi Qiao hesitated for a moment, "Well...I want to borrow some money from Ah Hao..." He originally wanted to do a diuretic experiment, and he thought about it. . .Let's talk to Tang Hao and see if I can borrow him [-] yuan and pay it back slowly. Tang Hao usually treats Meijia like his own sister, although he can't compare to Xinling, so he probably won't stand by.

Xinling heard "Oh", she knew what happened to Meijia's coat, Yifei told her yesterday, took out her mobile phone and transferred [-] yuan to Ziqiao

After a while, the prompt sound of the cottage machine sounded, Ziqiao picked up the mobile phone and glanced at it. Your bank card has already received RMB [-]. . . .Zi Qiao glanced at Xin Ling suspiciously, not sure what state she was in now. .Is it. . .

When Zi Qiao was thinking wildly.Mei Jia pushed the door open, "Lu Ziqiao! You don't have to do scientific experiments anymore! Because, I have already sold my coat!" Mei Jia showed off a dozen RMB in her hands.


"It's enough here!" Mika slapped the palm of her hand with the money

"What did you do?" Zi Qiao asked quickly

"I held a special Valentine's Day lottery in the bar just now! I'm selling lottery tickets! I'm amazing, Xinling?"

"Hmm..." Xin Ling squinted at the screen and hummed.

Ziqiao looked at Meijia up and down, "Who came up with it? Zhanbo?" After thinking about it, it seemed that only Zhanbo had the motive to help Meijia

"I sprayed you with a sip of salt soda, of course it was Miss Ben! At that time, a fifty-year-old boss was the last winner! He bought me [-] lottery tickets in one fell swoop! But when he later found out that the prize was a coat , a little unhappy!" Mika recalled the expression of the man

"Why? What prize did he think he got?" Zi Qiao was curious

"A coat! What else could there be?"

Zi Qiao couldn't figure it out, "Aren't the big men who buy your lottery tickets?"

"Yeah" Mika of course

Zi Qiao rolled her eyes, "You really cherish animals." It's amazing that you can even sell lottery tickets!

"I've already returned all the money to Zhanbo!" Meijia turned around, in a beautiful mood

"Then? What's this?" Zi Qiao looked at the dozen grandpa Mao in Mika's hand.

"This is extra!" Mika put the money into the small bag

"How come there are so many more?"

"I sold a lottery ticket for one hundred and eighty yuan! I sold ninety-two tickets in total... So let's count... One seven is seven, two seven forty-eight... Women's Day..." Mika's magic math worked, and after counting for a long time, "I should still have some extra! I'll just say I have a talent for business!"

"How are you going to spend the extra money?"

"I've already figured it out! Since I'm so financially minded! I should make money with money! I'm going to buy a lot of roses! It will definitely make a lot of money! By then, I will live a prosperous and well-off life. Hahaha" Mika feels that the future is bright

Chapter 1 Business Mind-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"I've already figured it out! Since I'm so financially minded! I should make money with money! I'm going to buy a lot of roses! It will definitely make a lot of money! By then, I will live a prosperous and well-off life. Hahaha" Mika feels that the future is bright

Zi Qiao's tongue is venomous, "You should memorize the multiplication formula first!"

Mika was so angry, "Lu Ziqiao! Don't forget your kindness! I haven't settled the bill with you! You never remember my birthday! You owe me a lot of birthday gifts!"

"I've given you a birthday present before." Zi Qiao felt that this was pure slander.

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