"Yang Yang!" Xi'er cried to me happily, "come and sit down! What are you doing at the door? "

I feel that my body is a little stagnant, and my legs are heavy like lead. I buy a mechanical step to go forward and walk towards them, carrying the last gift that I gave Xier as my lover.

He raised his face and cheerfully called to me: "handsome boy! What song are you going to sing? Let me help you

I cast my eyes on him, and his Adam's Apple moved up and down violently. Then his voice trembled and said clearly: "meet Oboo!"

I cast my eyes on him, and his Adam's Apple moved up and down violently. Then his voice trembled and said clearly: "meet Oboo!"

Looking at me, I blinked and said: "handsome! Do you have this song? "

What I understand is that she is a fashionable and avant-garde girl. She listens to pop songs from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and love songs from Korean Li Xiaoli and Bai Zhiying. I don't know that the old song "Aobao meet" is normal.

Don't mention her. If it wasn't for Dao Lang's cover, I'm afraid I didn't know there was such a classic old song. Later check Baidu just know "Aobao meet" is the film "people on the grassland" episode. The film "people on the grassland" is adapted from the Mongolian writer malaqinfu's short story "people on the Horqin grassland".

He lit a cigarette, smoked it, looked down for a while, looked up at me and said with a smile, "there is really this song! Which version do you want? "

"Dao Lang!" I said.

Xi'er got up and came forward, pulled me to sit down, sitting beside her, the most door position.

Xiao Yuhan stood up, looked at me with a smile and said, "Gu Yang should be the guest today! It's time to sit in the middle! "

Then she reached for me, pulled me to the center of the sofa and sat down.

Xi'er Yang's face looked at Xiao Yuhan and me, and said: "I don't care! Anyway, I'm going to sit next to Yang Yang! "

Then she moved her little hips and sat down next to me.

Xiao Yuhan said with a smile: "good! As the host, I will definitely arrange for you to sit together! " Then she squeezed her eyes at Xi'er.

Xiao Yuhan let me out between Xi'er and me. In this way, I would sit in the middle of Lin's sisters. This position, let me be on pins and needles simply, if rely on sharp edge!

After ordering the song, I got up and ran up to throw my cigarette to me.

"Have one! The smoke tastes good! " She said, squeezing her eyes at me.

I catch it and look down. It's Liqun cigarette. It's silver packaged. I know it's very expensive. It costs 180 yuan a pack. I heard it tastes good!

"Is this a man's cigarette?" I watched the way to the red high chair in front.

When she stepped on the floor, the high chair turned to face me. She puffed out a puff of smoke and said with a smile: "women's smoke is not suitable for me. It tastes too light and doesn't feel like it! I think Liqun is OK! Try it! "

I thought that this girl is really different, even if she smokes, she smokes men's, and she smokes so expensive!

I took out a fulcrum and took a mouthful of it. The taste is really mellow. I feel it's still very strong, but it has an endless aftertaste!

"Good! Sure enough, every cent is worth every cent! " I said with a smile.

Xi'er pours at me, grabs the cigarette case, looks at me like a coquettish and says, "I want to smoke too! I want to smoke, too! "

I turned to her and said, "stop smoking! The smoke is too strong! "

If Xi'er wants to smoke, she can only smoke mint flavored women's cigarettes, such as French cigarettes, which are more suitable for her. Cigarettes are not sold everywhere. They can only be sold at special outlets! Elegant, noble, suitable for her Leo girl smoking!

Last time, she tried to smoke my Zhongnanhai cigarette. She snatched it from me. She only took half a sip, and then she burst into tears!

"No! I'm going to smoke! " Xi'er looked at me provocatively and said.

Because her elder sister is on the side, I don't want to obstruct Xi'er's coquetry behavior, so I have to let her do it in vain.

Sure enough, I didn't expect that. After taking a sip, she choked so much that her lungs would cough out!

She laughed and pointed to Xi'er with a cigarette and said, "I say miss Qianjin! How can you get used to such wild men's cigarettes with your delicate voice? Why don't you smoke your mint flavored "witch cigarette"? Cluck, cluck... "

Xi'er couldn't see it. She grabbed the cigarette from her sister and put it in the ashtray on the table.

Xi'er pouted and hummed, "I'll go back and train well. Next time I'll smoke three cigarettes. Do you agree with me?"

Xiao Yuhan filled everyone with wine. First, he raised his glass, looked at everyone with a smile and proposed, "come on! Why don't we just have a drink? Originally, I was going to invite Yang Yang to dinner. To tell you the truth, I went to a party in gophera in the evening. I went to take a photo and then went to the bathroom to sneak here. Today, Yang Yang is a guest. I'm a Zhuang. I suggest you have a good drink and a good singing tonight. The most important thing is to get our protagonist Mr. Yang Yang drunk. How about that? "Xi'er and the response, everyone has a toast!

After a round of drinking, the melody of meeting OBO suddenly rings in the box

Approaching, he handed me the microphone in his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Yang Yang, come to sing the first classic song for you."

Xiao Yuhan took the lead in clapping and said, "come on! Look forward to it

Xi'er squeezed her eyes at me and said, "Yang Yang! I'll take care of you! "

Xi'er didn't speak. I turned to look at her. She was also looking at me. Each other's eyes touched lightly, and they bounced away

I went to the front with a microphone and stood on my side. On my right is the LCD screen, and on my left are the four beauties sitting on the sofa.

Raising his hand and shaking the jingling props in the box, he excitedly cried to me, "Yang Yang! Today, all the four beauties of Binhai are here! You can sing your classic love song to one of them

I feel my nose hard and say that the four beauties in Binhai city are here. I have no objection. However, I'm afraid no one here can understand the true meaning of Aobao meeting except Xi'er.

I remember that time in Heilongshan hunting ground, I remember that I explained this classic old love song to Xi'er in the sleepless rainy night in the mountain forest where Xi'er shared a sleeping bag.

What is Oboo? I'm afraid few people know.

Oboo was originally used as a sign of roads or boundaries, and later evolved into a place for worshiping mountain gods and road gods, which is about the same as the earth Temple of the Han nationality. Oboo is usually made of stones, and willows in the desert. Herdsmen sacrifice Oboo in June and July every year. After the ceremony, traditional recreational activities such as horse racing, archery, wrestling, singing and dancing are held.

The so-called Aobao meeting means that the girl and the young man take this opportunity to hide in the grass, talk about love and tell each other their true feelings. This is Aobao meeting.

If we exclude the religious symbolism of Oboo and consider the survival needs of human beings in the early times, what is the most fundamental reason for the emergence of Oboo in the northern grassland? Many scholars believe that its original meaning is the signpost. It is a wise move for people to seek survival in the vast grassland. Later, it gradually evolved into a totem, worshiping it, believing in it, making wishes for it and praying for happiness, which became people's desire for development beyond survival and the holy land for the return of ancestors' souls

However, on the way of love, I can not find the direction, I lost in love!

A long string of melodious sound of horse head Qin resounded in the private room.

My heart is surging, surging and flying. I said in a deep voice to the microphone, "I can't sing well. Please forgive me. This song is dedicated to the four beauties of Binhai City, and to the people who belong to... "

Everyone applauded warmly. Xi'er and Xiao Yuhan all looked at me with a smile on their face. Besides, while she was smoking, she shook the jingling props in her hands again and again!

Xi'er also looked at me, her moving eyes in the dark box, shining, as if there were tears in her eyes.

I restrained myself from going to see Xi'er, but I still couldn't help looking at her. I tried my best to stabilize my mood, turned to face the large LCD screen, and stabilized my trembling voice.

After a long string of melodious Matouqin sound, I put the microphone to my mouth and began to sing.

"The moon rises in the sky on the 15th day

why is there no cloud nearby

I'm waiting for the beautiful girl

why don't you come yet..."

Maybe it is because of the emotion in my chest that makes my voice full of emotion. Because my voice is a little trembling, it makes the singing more infectious.

At the pause, all four of you applauded warmly!

I turned to face them and nodded. I looked at Xi'er with a smile. In fact, Xi'er was faded into a shadow in my field of vision, while Xi'er beside her was very clear in my field of vision. Her face, her eyes, her frown and smile, her hand and her hair.

Following the melody, I sang the last part

"the moon rises in the sky on the 15th day

why is there no cloud nearby

I'm waiting for the beautiful girl

why don't you come yet?

I'm waiting for the beautiful girl?

why don't you come yet..."

In this process, I can't tell whether I am in the private room or in the rainy night in the mountains. I still remember the warmth she gave me when I was sleeping in the same sleeping bag. I still remember the breath from her nose and lips brushing my face when we were nestling up and whispering. I still remember the moment when I shook my hands and lifted her underwear. I still remember the gesture when I beat back the big brown bear and she ran towards me. I still remember holding her when I got the yiliyuan bill Flying in the corridor of the guest room of Heilongshan Hunting Club, flying

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