Listening to Liu Zhiyuan's question, Zhong Chunan and ye Qingyun look at each other. Zhong Chunan shakes his head to say that he doesn't know, but ye Qingyun says, "of course, it's from his parents!"

Liu Zhiyuan said with a hearty smile: "it's true to say that literally, but in terms of the real situation, it's quite different. However, it's understandable that you can't answer. After all, most people are not as interested in an ancient man more than 1000 years ago as I am. To be honest, I have asked more than ten people about this question, and none of them can answer it. From the side, it can reflect a person's point of view. It can be said that every one of our Chinese children grew up reading Tang poetry and Song poetry. We read so many popular poems of Li Bai, but we never wanted to care about the name of Li Bai and the origin of his name. It's really a matter of looking at things. In fact, no matter how many literati's articles we read, we might as well learn a little about literati's life experience. On the contrary, only when we understand a literati's experience can we really understand their words. Not only you, but also many teachers who educate their children have misunderstood many writers' works. That's because they don't understand the writer's life experience. "

When it comes to Li Bai, Liu Zhiyuan's attitude seems to be a little more serious, and he doesn't give any respect to his subordinates. But I have to admit that Liu Zhiyuan is very reasonable. There is a saying that a man is like his article. The articles of literati are all marked with their own brand. Only when we are familiar with the life experience of literati can we really understand their articles.

For example, the interpretation of many works in our middle school Chinese textbooks misunderstands and distorts the author's original intention to a great extent. Even the scholars who compile textbooks are like this, not to mention the people who grow up reading their textbooks?

Take a simple example, Madame Bovary by Flaubert, a famous French writer. This novel is an encyclopedia of love. No love element has ever been ignored by the author, and no love theme has never been examined by the author. Moreover, this novel is a unique work to reveal the psychology of extramarital love.

In the Chinese version of this book, it is said that the protagonist of the novel, Bovary, was born in a not very rich manor family. She had received a lady's education and read some romantic literary works. She yearned for romantic love life and a lady's way of life. She was childish and simple. She didn't understand this noble elegance. She needed wealth as a backing and didn't realize the reality The real filth and darkness, which determined that she could not escape the fate of self destruction.

I think this explanation is particularly disgusting. At least, Flaubert would not accept such a shallow argument: it not only wasted Flaubert's five years of painstaking efforts, but also right his famous saying: "Madame Bovary, it's me! According to me

Flaubert's famous saying has always been regarded as a breakthrough in the study of Madame Bovary. The interpretation of Flaubert's famous saying is extremely superficial in the existing textbooks of literary history in China!

Thus, to understand a writer's works, the best way is to understand the writer's own unique experience first!

"Does any of you know who helped Li Bai get his name?" Liu Zhiyuan scanned everyone present, including the tour guide and his personal bodyguard.

Xi'er quietly pulled my sleeve, frowned at me, as if to say: "who will know this?"

I looked at her with a smile, then turned my eyes to Liu Zhiyuan, and said with a smile: "Chairman, if I remember correctly, Li Bai's name is Li Bai's own."

Liu Zhiyuan also turned his eyes on me. His eyes brightened for a moment, and his face showed joy. He reached for me to go on.

I swept around and saw everyone looking at me, so I told the story of Li Bai's name.

It is said that when Li Bai was one year old, he grabbed a Book of songs. His father was very happy and thought that his son might become a famous poet when he grew up, so he wanted to give Li Bai a good name so that his descendants would not laugh at his lack of knowledge. Because he is careful in naming his son, the more careful he is, the less he can think of it. Until his son was seven years old, he didn't think of a suitable name. That spring, Li Bai's father said to his wife and children, "I want to write a spring quatrain, only two sentences. Your mother and son can add one to me, just make do. One is "the spring breeze brings warm flowers to bloom," and the other is "the golden flower comes first."

Mother thought for a while, said: "fire apricot forest, red sunset."

After Li Bai and his mother said that, without thinking, he pointed to Li Shu in full bloom in the courtyard and blurted out: "Li Hua is in full bloom, and Li Shu is white."

On hearing this, the father clapped his hands and cheered. Sure enough, his son had a talent for poetry. The more he read it, the more he liked it. As he read it, he suddenly thought that the beginning of the poem was his family name? This last white word is used very well. It says that plum blossom is as holy as snow. So he named his son Li Bai.

When I finished speaking, Liu Zhiyuan clapped his hands, looked at me with admiration and said, "not bad! young fellow! So many people can't answer, but you can answer. That's talent! "

I waved my hand and said with a modest smile, "it's not a talent, chairman. It's just that I came from the Chinese department and read more books."

"That's right!" Liu Zhiyuan then said, "this at least shows that you read a lot of books and cover a wide range."you 're right! Like Jia Baoyu in a dream of Red Mansions, I am a miscellaneous scholar!

Ye Qingyun interjected: "maybe this story is just something that Gu accidentally saw when he was browsing the web?" His tone was still disapproval.

Liu Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Qingyun, nothing is difficult in the world. I'm afraid of those who want to do it! Even if Xiao Gu happened to see this story, if he is only interested in online games and has no interest in these cultural and historical things, I dare say that even if he sees this story, he may not be able to read it patiently and remember it so clearly! "

Zhong Chunan agreed with Liu Zhiyuan with a smile: "the chairman has a point. How can young people be interested in these things now? It's not easy for Mr. Gu to remember the story so clearly that he can remember even a few of the poems in it

Xi'er turns to look at me and smiles with satisfaction.

There are so many stories about Shixian. There are so many things to list, such as the Gauss taking off his boots, Yang Guozhong polishing his ink, dozens of concubines writing for him, and so on.

Zhong Chunan tells a little story about Li Bai's dream of writing with flowers on his head:

according to the records of Tianbao's legacy, when Li Bai was young, he dreamed of writing with flowers on his head. Later, he was so talented that he became famous all over the world. It is also recorded that Li Bai was addicted to alcohol and did not pay attention to details, but there was no mistake in the articles he wrote during his deep drinking, and most of his discussions with others did not come out of what Li Bai said, so he was called zuisheng at that time.

Others may not know it, but I can tell that he only knows one thing about literature and history, or Li Bai. However, this guy is definitely an assistant. Maybe he is not interested in Li Bai. He only pays attention to Li Bai's life in order to win his master's joy. And look at his expression, it seems that he intends to express himself in front of Liu Zhiyuan.

Zhong Chunan even said that Li Bai's dream of pen and flower is the origin of the idiom "dream of pen and flower". I almost couldn't help laughing.

But Liu Zhiyuan heard it. When Zhong Chunan finished his speech, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Chunan, your little story is very interesting, but you mistakenly regard it as the source of the idiom

Liu Zhiyuan is really different from ordinary people. He is a matter of fact man. This is what makes him different from ordinary people. He will not take care of other people's emotions or face, but say something against his will. He will directly express his inner likes and dislikes.

There are fewer and fewer such people in this society. Fortunately, he is in a high position, otherwise his character will offend a large number of people. Most people's character is born, and it's hard to correct it the day after tomorrow. There are only two situations for a person with Liu Zhiyuan's personality to be in such a high position. Either he is lucky, or he is really superior!

Of course, there is another possibility that there may be more people who dare to tell the truth in their society than in today's society? Has the social atmosphere not been reduced to the present degree of distortion?

Zhong Chunan realized that he might be self defeating. He couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He looked at Liu Zhiyuan with an embarrassed smile and said, "is that right? I didn't go deep into this problem, either. I'm sorry! "

Liu Zhiyuan turned his eyes to me and said with a smile, "Xiao Gu, is it your duty to tell you the true source of this allusion

If it's normal, if other people make such mistakes, I usually laugh it off, because what's right can't be wrong, and what's wrong can't be right, so I don't have to point it out. If you don't offend others, you won't get any benefits. But today I have to point out Zhong's mistake. Even if I offend him, I don't care, because it is of great significance for Liu Zhiyuan to form a good impression on me and Lin Xier.

I said with a smile: "since the chairman gives me the opportunity, I am duty bound. The allusion "dream of writing makes flowers" comes from the southern history. "Biography of Ji Shaoyu."

I went on to say: "it is said that Ji Shaoyu was not outstanding in his talent when he was young, but he worked very hard. His sincerity moved Wen Shen. One night, when he was reading a book, he fell asleep unconsciously. He dreamed that a famous scholar gave him a pen and told him that he could write the most beautiful articles with it. After Ji Buyu woke up, he found an unusual brush beside his pillow. Since then, Ji Shaoyu's articles have made great progress. Finally he became a famous writer. Ji Shaoyu was a famous scholar in the Southern Dynasty. He specialized in the six classics when he was young. He was good at speaking and answering. He was deeply admired by scholars at that time. Later he became an official in Tokyo University. This allusion is now used to express the growing talent and thinking.

Liu Zhiyuan nodded with a smile. He seemed to appreciate my literary talent very much. He added with a smile: "Zhang Xiaoxiang used this allusion in" Partridge Sky ": recalling the past, Tongting looked at the sun and China, hastening to write and dream of flowers. In addition, many people often mistakenly think that dream brush and wonderful brush are the same idiom. In fact, they are two completely different idioms. "

This man is really serious!

I'm thinking that if Liu Zhiyuan doesn't go into business, he will certainly become a promising scholar. His true spirit is the essential and key quality of learning!

"Come on, drink," Ye Qingyun raised his glass and suggested, "let's not just talk about the history of essays. What a beautiful night!" He looked around, and his eyes fell on Xi'er. He made a seemingly ambiguous joke and said, "this is destined to be a night for one woman and six men!"Everyone was holding glasses and laughing at Xi'er.

Xi'er responded with a very decent smile, but her cheeks were red. I sat beside her and could see it most clearly. The bonfire reflected her beautiful face, especially moving.

After thirty years of drinking, Liu Zhiyuan was still interested. He looked around and said, "who knows where my name comes from?"

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