Until the award ceremony officially started, Ricardo did not return. Vertex Novel x23us. com

The award ceremony at the Zurich Opera House tonight is not just a prize for World Footballer, but a top event for FIFA, with many awards to be awarded.

The FIFA President's special trophy was awarded to Facheti, who had just passed away. This respectable old man, of course, was once Italy's first left-back and could not come to receive the award in person.

卡 Ricardo and Facheti can't say that they have deep feelings, but still feel sorry, after all, Facheti can be regarded as a young man who died early.

But before he died, he and Ronaldo jointly presented the triple crown for Inter Milan, reappearing the glory of the great international era, which should also make him laugh at Jiuquan.

最佳 The team of the year was awarded to the Brazilian national team.

巴西 In the past year or so, the Brazilian national team has been invincible, and it is well deserved to receive this award.

Unfortunately, since losing to Argentina in the 2005 World Cup qualifier, Brazil has not lost more than a dozen games in 90 minutes.

Counting overtime, never lost.

Only in the last game, the penalty was lost to Italy, and the championship was missed. Thinking of it now, Ricardo would feel heartache.

The fastest progress award is naturally given to the Italian national team. In the case that everyone is not optimistic, Italy rises against the trend, and finally returns, breaking the glasses.

先生 Mr. Esports Football was awarded to Andre Schmidt, a Dutch e-sports player.

The winner of the World Cup Fair Play Award is the Brazilian Football Association and the Spanish Football Association. These two teams have the least fouls in the World Cup.

The best goalkeeper of the World Cup "Jasing Award" was awarded to Buffon.

Then came the World Miss Football award, Brazil's top football star Mata won this honor.

At this time, Ricardo's attention was returned to the scene. He had been absent before, only subconsciously applauding.

His mood suddenly became tense. Although Ronaldo's arrival indicates that the World Footballer's Award has a great probability to belong to him, at this time he still can't help but suffer.

Of course, the World Football Association has more influence and authority than magazines, so in the eyes of many people, the world footballer's gold content is higher than the Golden Globe Awards, and Ricardo is no exception.

I won the Golden Globe Award. He was very happy, very excited, and felt that he was recognized.

如果 And if you get Mr. World Football, he feels that he will be trembling with excitement, just like enjoying the extreme high ~~ tide!

At this time, "Next, what will be revealed is our most important award today, the FIFA World Footballer of the Year Award," host Anderson said with a smile, "I have invited our award guests!"

Ronaldo, walking on the crutch, slowly walked up to the podium. As soon as his figure appeared, there was a continuous applause from the audience.

"Hello everyone!" Ronaldo limped with his left hand, freeing his right hand and waving to the audience. "Hello Anderson."

"Hello, Ronaldo," Anderson laughed, "I think everyone cares about your injury and wants to know when you will be back on the court. Can you talk to everyone?"

Ronaldo stood in front of the stage and smiled and said, "My surgery went well and my recovery is good now. My doctor told me that in another month, I could start low-intensity restorative training. If everything If it goes well, on-ball training will start between March and April, and as early as possible, it will come back at the end of April. "

Applause is even warmer!

"It's great, I think everyone can't wait to see your wonderful performance. Sincerely hope you can recover soon! Now let's get to the topic," Anderson said. "Look at the big screen, the three people listed above are This year, the three leading footballers in the world have voted. Who will win this big prize? "

On the big screen, the avatars of Ricardo, Cannavaro, and Zidane appeared in turn, and then their highlights, each of which cut out about 20 seconds.

"Ronaldo," Anderson said with a smile after the video, "Who do you think will be the World Footballer of the Year?"

"It's weird, why isn't there me? It's too regrettable," Ronaldo joked, causing a big laugh. "The three of them are all very good players and the best players in their respective positions. Zidane won the Champions League with me last season and some of his performances were fantastic. Cannavaro has always been the best defender in the world. Italy can win the World Cup. His outstanding defensive contribution is indispensable. Lee Cardo led Brazil to the finals with 5 games and 5 goals, and he was the Serie A champion last season and the Champions League runner-up. This season also has some amazing performances. Frankly, I think they all deserve this award. "

"I think so," Anderson laughed. "Unfortunately, this award can only be given to one person. So let us see who this year's world footballer is!"

He handed an envelope to Ronaldo ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ronaldo clamped his crutch under his arm, tore open the envelope neatly, and pulled out a folded white paper from it. He shook the blank paper and gave him a serious look.

I smiled blooming on his face. He turned the paper towards the audience and said, "Mr. Football of the World this year is ... Ricardo!"

Applause rang frantically! Since the beginning of the award in 1991, the youngest world footballer has been born!

In applause, Ricardo found himself suddenly calm down. He took a deep breath, went to the podium with a smile on his face, took the microphone, the first sentence was not thank you, but "Anderson, you said something wrong, I am not the youngest footballer in the world .Ronnie was only 20 years and 3 months old when I got this award, and I was 20 years and 6 months old. "

He is the youngest Golden Globe winner, because Ronaldo was already 21 years old when he won the Golden Globe in 1997. The 96-year Golden Globe Award was given to German superstar Summerr who performed well in the European Cup. But Ronaldo first got the World Footballer in 1996, shortly after turning 20. Ronnie is the youngest footballer in the world.

Anderson laughed.

Ronaldo handed the trophy of the World Footballer to Ricardo.

That is a beautiful ornament. A rectangular golden panel is inlaid with a football.

卡 Ricardo lifted the trophy and shook it, again causing applause. After the applause stopped, he continued, "Thank you very much for the judges who chose me. I am very honored to receive your approval."

Then he almost copied the Golden Globe award.

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