The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 957: Dragon Warrior 16

Chapter 957 Dragon Warrior 16

Buck's house is very big, and of course his status and identity will have a huge manor. A large field of roses is planted in front of the manor, and several gardeners take care of it every day. This is Buck's favorite garden. From Buck's rugged appearance, there was no way he could tell that he was such a delicate person inside.

This is the tiger sniffing the rose.

After accepting Jesse, Buck did everything he could to teach Jesse. And Jesse did not let him down, but made him full of expectations and surprises every day. Jesse is improving every day, and he is improving very fast. In addition to Jesse satisfying Buck in martial arts, Jesse's character satisfies Buck even more.

Although Jesse is from a small town, he is humble, gentle, polite and studious. Although gentle, but not cowardly. Be gentle when you should be gentle, and be unambiguous when you should make a decision.

Buck really felt that he had found the treasure. In this life, it is enough to receive such a disciple.

And this treasure also brought another little baby.

That is Jesse's sister, Tianmiao.

This child is so cute, like a little angel. The appearance is like an angel, but the inside is an angel.

She is polite, cheerful and polite, and she will feel sorry for others. He and Jessie will keep a portion for everything delicious.

Buck found someone to give Tianmiao various courses, including etiquette, astronomy, history, geography, etc...

Then these teachers came, resigned after less than two weeks of class, and they all said the same. They can't teach this kid anymore. She is so smart, she knows everything at a point, and she likes to read books, even more knowledgeable than theirs.

At this time, Buck felt that the two of them were more like real brothers and sisters, with such aptitudes.

Buck praised these two siblings when he met everyone, and almost everyone in the imperial capital knew their names. In fact, many people in the imperial capital knew about it on the day Buck took his disciples. The palace also knows it. Buck often praised his disciple Jesse and Jesse’s sister Tianmiao in front of the emperor and queen, which made the emperor and the queen very curious about these two people, and told Buck that they must be brought with them for the next court ball.

Jessie has more classes every day than Tianyi's. After all, in addition to accepting Buck's martial arts guidance, he also has to take various cultural and etiquette classes. He is busy every day like a spinning top, only when he eats every day can he get together with Tianmiao.

When Buck was taking culture and etiquette classes with Jesse, he always took Tianmiao to play at the manor. That's why Jesse had some doubts that his teacher had deliberately arranged his class so full, and then grabbed the baby with him.

Buck ignored Jesse’s suspicions. After breakfast that day, Buck smiled and said to Tian Miao: "My dear, how about going to the woods to hunt when I finish my class with Jesse? We will be there at noon. Picnic in the woods."

"Okay, Buck is great." Tianmiao nodded happily, and said again, "Buck, I will have a gift for you in a while. I made it myself." Tianmiao didn't call Grandpa Buck, just named Buck, too. Buck heard Tianmiao call Jesse's name directly and asked Tianmiao to call himself that. He felt this way closer.

"Do I have it?" Jesse asked quickly.

Buck smiled and said to Tianmiao: "Okay, little baby, I will come to the garden to find you after the class for Jesse in a while. I like everything the little baby gives." Then he said to Jesse majesticly, "Jie Xi, you can’t talk when you eat. Go and swing your sword five hundred times after you finish eating. What gift you want will cause you to be distracted."

"Yes, sir." Jesse responded sadly. The teacher is so bad, and he is so arrogant and so right that he dare not refute it.

(End of this chapter)

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