The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1395: Isolated Island "Feast" 23

Chapter 1395 The Island "Feast" 23

"That's OK, we will wait until Zhu Jie comes tomorrow."

"Yes, it will be easier when Zhu Jie comes."

"I hope he will arrive early tomorrow. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment."

Everyone was complaining.

"That's it, take a break after dinner tonight, and let Zhu Jie come and let him send us back soon." Luo Tao said.

There is no hot food for dinner, all leftovers at noon, but not bad. But everyone had no thought of tasting the delicious food, they all had dinner and went back to their rooms to sleep.

Only a few male classmates have not returned to the room and stayed in the lobby to discuss.

"Squad leader, don't you tell other people that what we saw at the dock today is afraid that others will panic?" Wang Jiqing asked.

"Yes. Do you think it is possible that we all had hallucinations at the time? Actually it was not like that. Sometimes the islands would grow some strange flowers and plants. At that time, the staff who drove the battery car did not explain to us while driving. There were a few flowers and plants. It is poisonous, let us not pick it. But the bushes growing on the side of the road are not poisonous. Let us be fine as long as we don't run around. Do you think it is possible that we smelled some hallucinogenic fragrance of flowers. Luo Tao frowned and guessed.

"It's also possible? Did Wei Hai and the others smell the hallucinogenic smell? Then let's go to the pier tomorrow to see what's going on. Then ask who brought the toilet water. We sprayed it on. It smelled very It should be pungent," someone echoed.

"Yes, this is the greatest possibility. There must be some hallucinogenic plant." The other male student was obviously persuaded by this reason, and it became more and more possible.

Even Wang Jiqing felt that this was really possible. Otherwise, it would be too magical. But deep in his heart, he felt that things were not that simple.

Damn Zhu Jie, he won't be here until tomorrow. Wang Jiqing took out the exclusive mobile phone and turned it over. He had sent a message to Zhu Jie before, but later realized it later that this phone can only be used on the island. Zhu Jie is not on the island, even if you send a message to Zhu Jie, Zhu Jie will not receive it. It seems that Zhu Jie said that there is a signal station on this island, which only covers this island, so these mobile phones can only be used on this island.

It's so annoying! Wang Jiqing scratched the screen indiscriminately. Looking at the housekeeper whose name had already turned gray, I knew in my heart that this housekeeper might be impossible to contact. Some names in the contact book are gray, and some are still green. There is also a list of some staff members, all of which are grayed out, and they cannot be contacted.

grass! Wang Jiqing cursed fiercely in his heart, glanced at the screen, and then locked the phone. After talking to everyone, I went to sleep, and went upstairs.

But he dared not sleep alone. He cleared the quilt and pillow, knocked on the door of the next room, and squeezed into the same room with two other classmates, sleeping on the sofa by himself. Before the change, the two male classmates must laugh at him like this, but this time, the two said nothing, and Ren Wang Jiqing slept on the sofa. Wang Jiqing tossed and turned for a long time, and didn't fall asleep until late at night.

Early the next morning, everyone went downstairs to eat, feeling a little more relaxed. After all, they all knew that Zhu Jie could finally come back today. They will be able to leave this ghost place soon.

(End of this chapter)

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