Last time Cassandra came to Ifamouni, Harry didn’t know why Cassandra didn’t take Slytherin’s wand with him, but now this time Harry came to Ifamouni so inevitably to take away Slytherin’s wand, after all, Slytherin’s wand is related to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets inheritance, as well as a quarter of Hogwarts’ permissions.

Of course, these Harry may not be able to use them, but even if he can’t use them, he can take the Gate of Truth as a bargaining chip.

So Slytherin’s wand Harry must go back, and even if there is no Slytherin Chamber of Secrets inheritance, a Slytherin wand alone is worth Harry’s trip, after all, Slytherin’s wand is also a good trading item.

With the phantom transfiguration of Phoenix, Harry appeared in Ifamouni, and Ifamouni naturally arranged anti-phantom shifting magic like Hogwarts, but unfortunately anti-phantom transfiguration has limitations after all, that is, house-elves and non-human creatures such as phoenixes can come through phantom transfiguration.

Because school hasn’t started yet, there are no students here in Ifamouni.

Before arriving at the snakewood tree where the Slytherin wand was on display, Har spoke in his parseltongue voice, “Wake up, Slytherin, the greatest of the Big Four.”

After Harry finished speaking, the snake tree suddenly began to grow backwards, and the last wand broke through the ground.

After getting this wand, Harry couldn’t help but think back to this wand, after the death of Slytherin, the wand was passed on to his children, and by the beginning of the century, it had become a family heirloom of the Gaunt family.

In 1620, Isosel stole the wand from her aunt Gormregunt and traveled to the New World on the Mayflower, which she had been using since the founding of the Ifamouni School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

However, when Gormley discovers Aesop’s whereabouts and arrives at Ifamouni to kill her, the wand goes into hibernation under Gormley’s parseltongue command.

Since Aesop could not speak Parseltongue, she could not restore the function of the wand, and in addition, this wand was the last memory of Aesop’s unhappy childhood, and she no longer wanted to use it, so she and her husband James Tuart buried the wand in the ground outside the school.

Within a year, some kind of unknown snake tree grew at the site where the wand was buried that could not be cut down and destroyed, and a few years later, the tree’s leaves were found to have powerful medicinal effects.

But now the snakewood tree has disappeared and has become a Slytherin wand again.

However, just as the tree disappeared, Ifamouni repeatedly seemed to be touched by some alarm.

The headmaster of Ifamouni rushed over with the professors, but after seeing the disappearing tree, the other party was shocked and angry!

“How dare you, how dare you, invading Ifamouni again and again, what do you think of Ifamouni!”

The last time Ifamouni was invaded by Kassandra, the student file was exposed by Kassandra, and now someone invaded and actually snatched the Slytherin wand, you must know that the current tree has become a symbol of Ifamouni, a symbol, but now this symbol has been dug up abruptly.

Egilbert vontaner exploded on the spot.

How dare anyone do this, how dare anyone come and touch this tree!

“Drop the Slytherin wand, this is the property of Ifamouni!”

“When did Slytherin’s wand actually become the property of Ifamoni, Slytherin is afraid to be angry when he hears this sentence, even if it is property, it should be Hogwarts, after all, Slytherin is the founder of Hogwarts, and you Ifamouni are something.”

Egilbert Fontana was immediately speechless when he heard Harry’s words, and this one really couldn’t refute it.

But there is no way to refute does not mean that the other party will let Harry take this wand away, after all, although this wand was originally snatched, but now hundreds of years have passed, this wand is already a precious treasure belonging to Ifamoni.

“No matter how clever you are, you can’t change that this wand belongs to Ifamoni, now put this wand back, then I can let you leave Ifamoni, otherwise.”

Harry was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people.

“It’s just that I’m too lazy to think about all kinds of things, so let me see what other means you have now.”

Eguildbert Fontana immediately gave orders to the other Ifamouni professors: “Grab each other and snatch back the Slytherin wand.”

The next moment, one spell after another shot towards Harry.

Raising his Slytherin wand in his hand, Harry easily broke up all the spells that came at him

“If you only have this level, then your magic school is simply a misguide.”

Hearing this, Eguildbert vontaner was even more furious.

“Don’t play with you anymore, let you see the devil!”

A huge magic array appeared from under Harry’s feet, and then a pillar of light rose from the sky.

The next moment, the gate suddenly opened, and then countless demons with goat horns and crimson skin wrapped around hellfire appeared.

“Destroy everything you see!”

Harry gave the order, and after receiving Harry’s order, the demons suddenly shouted and shrieked with joy.

“Damn, what are these things!”

Egilbert Fontana looked at these demonic things described in religious mythology, angrily raised his wand and attacked the other party, but to no avail.

The lower mysteries will lose their effect in the face of the higher mysteries, and these wizards today have only one crushed result when facing the high mysteries.

The magic used by these wizards had no way to cause damage to these demons, and these wizards did not know how to use Transfiguration to deal physical damage like Dumbledore, and one by one they saw that the Avadaso Death Charm and the like were useless and began to use spells such as the Fire Charm to Crush Bones.

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