The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 92 Underground Discovery

A new exploration team was formed, with only Nan Ling and Mo.

Li Ji originally wanted to go, but there were too many underground disturbances. She might lose control of the ground robot army if she went down, so she had no choice but to give up.

But when saying goodbye, she secretly made a "come on, work hard" gesture to Nan Ling.

This made Nan Ling feel embarrassed and angrily opened a private message to say that Aunt Liji's thoughts were too dirty. Isn't there pure emotion between men and women?

Anyway, he felt that his feelings for Mo were pure.

Both of them quickly changed into their equipment.

Nan Ling is still the inner armor of his hurricane, mainly because the outer armor has not been completed yet and there is insufficient funds.

Mo was also wearing her silent inner armor. She felt that there was no need to wear a big weapon like the outer armor. There were no serious threats on this planet.

They went deeper underground along the tunnel where Fanny had fought her way down.

This place was once the nest of the Hades Locust, and now there are many two-headed insects living here.

Although the two-headed worms should be weakening quickly after losing the king worm, no one knows whether they will suddenly attack from somewhere in the darkness of this tunnel.

The interference here is huge, especially for someone like Mo who is good at energy sensing.

Nan Ling is better, because he has gaseous perception and can directly sense the movement of living creatures in this space.

It would be okay if those two-headed insects in the dark were motionless, but once they started to move, they would be immediately sensed by Nan Ling.

Their purpose this time was not to eliminate the two-headed worms, but Nan Ling's sensing ability was more than enough.

The walls of the underground tunnel are full of traces of melting, and some places even have a glaze color.

This is not because they encountered the underground colored glaze mine, but because Fanny burned through it when she passed by here before.

There are indeed blind two-headed insects coming over the road, but as soon as they move within Nan Ling's perception range, they will be swept away by the strong wind generated by the trend, making them unable to get close.

Nan Ling was able to do this not because of his great improvement in cultivation, but because his control over spiritual power had improved again. There was only exquisite control but no absolute power.

As for already have a spiritual furnace, are you still worried about this consumption?

Mo said: "Okay, indeed there is no useless ability. Your detection ability is not interfered by dark matter."

"Speaking of which, gaseous perception is a good ability. It's not just about perception. You must have realized that practicing it well can actually give you an effect similar to out-of-body spiritual thoughts in advance."

This is a reminder.

Nan Ling nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Of course he could understand this, but he only understood it after Mo said it.

He said: "It would be great if the mind could observe this dark matter."

Mo shook his head and said: "The reason why dark matter is dark matter is because it is out of our observation range."

"Even if there is a spiritual mind that can observe it, it should be at least after the Nascent Soul stage."

Also, they have Fanni, a golden elixir cultivator here, and she cannot directly observe this dark matter.

The tunnel was very long, but the two of them walked very quickly, and it didn't take long for them to enter the depths.

There is a very large underground space here, full of brutal and ancient texture.

It's a pity that the detector cannot be used, otherwise it would be easy to map how huge this underground space is.

However, Nan Ling still tried his best to expand the range of perception with gaseous perception, and then projected a not very detailed map in front of him.

He said: "This is what I can perceive. It seems huge here, but there is still space further underground."

Mo looked at the gas diagram Nan Ling showed her and the wind tunnel that appeared in a corner, and knew that this was the downward passage.

She said, "Well, it looks like this is the part that even Fanny didn't go to."

"Let's go first to the iron ore vein she mentioned. That's where she found the King Insect."

They soon arrived at the place where Fanny discovered the King Insect. There didn't seem to be much special going on here.

Nan Ling just asked casually: "Hasn't the research on the king insect started yet?"

Mo said, "Fanny is watching too closely, so it's hard for me to take action."

"The other thing is that if we do research on the king insect, we will inevitably release it, and then the two-headed insect here will resurgence."

"It's better to let Fanny play with it first. After she has had enough and the two-headed bugs here are dead, we can start researching again."

Nan Ling nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He was indeed the person who knew Fanny best.

The iron ore vein has appeared in front of them. Although it cannot be analyzed with instruments, Nan Ling can judge that the iron ore vein should be of high purity.

He had already stepped forward to sample the ore.

Anyway, it has been established that pure hydrogen atoms can serve as dark matter carriers. Could it be that iron atoms can also do this?

This is easy to solve, as long as there are enough samples for purification and smelting, you will know to get pure iron.

After completing the sampling, Nan Ling thought of something else and said: "In fact, dark matter exists more or less everywhere on this planet, even in the soil."

Mo nodded: "There is no doubt about this. In fact, what we want to find is the smallest unit that is the carrier of this dark matter."

"The hydrogen atom you discovered is already very small, and what you are doing now is just to prove it."

Nan Ling smiled and said: "If it is smaller than a hydrogen atom, it can only be a proton."

Then both his and Mo's expressions changed, because it seemed like this was really the case!

This is a very important direction.

To be honest, Nan Ling wanted to go back and study this issue immediately.

But now that he's here, he still wants to explore the deeper parts of this underground lair.

It was a hole located on a mineral vein, but it looked like the fracture was new and had not always been there. It seemed like a collapse had just occurred.

"Could it be caused by the impact of the Zhuoxia's fall?"

Mo guessed.

Nan Ling had already jumped down.

There is no danger in gaseous perception, so he appears to be very decisive.

However, after jumping down, they discovered that they seemed to have arrived at an underground magma river bed.

It's just that the magma river here has condensed and dried up, but the ground under your feet is still warm.

There are magma rocks formed after the condensation of magma everywhere. There are many crystals formed by mineral particles, but the entire rock will often break when you step on it.

Mo also jumped down behind.

Because she didn't have the buffer of wind control like Nan Ling, she fell to the ground suddenly, directly smashing the ground and creating a small hole about thirty centimeters deep on the ground.

She said speechlessly: "Why is the rock here so loose?"

Nan Ling stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "This is what magma rocks are like, but it seems like there is nothing here."

Mo didn't mind. He reached out and took Nan Ling's hand to pull his calf out of the pit.

However, her action actually became a trigger signal. The moment she pulled herself out of the pit, the surrounding magma rocks made a violent "click" sound, and soon a large number of cracks appeared. On top.

To be honest, this scene is quite nerve-wracking. Are you afraid that the ground will collapse?

The fact is that the rock formations supporting the river bed are no longer able to hold up and are about to fall...

Mo's eyes suddenly lit up and he pointed in the distance and said, "Look what that is!"

Nan Ling was about to take Mo back, but when she looked along Mo's finger, she saw a gray crystal that glowed in the dark appearing in the crack in the rock formation!

That thing is extraordinary!

Nan Ling had this idea in her heart at that time.

Mo said: "I made too much noise. You have the wind control technique to quickly pass by. Let's take this stone away."

"I can feel it, it's good stuff."

When Nan Ling heard this, she didn't hesitate anymore and immediately jumped out and quickly rushed towards that place.

He felt a little excited in his heart. It was entirely the excitement of the unknown unfolding before his eyes. This was also the fun of exploration.

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