The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 74 Forced Hard Landing

Nan Ling drew and retracted his gun, then disabled one of C.K.'s mechanical arms.

At this time, the fighting dagger on C.K.'s other arm also thrust towards him.

Nan Ling quickly drew out the gun again, and with his swiftness, he struck first, and with a single stroke on the inside of the arm, spiritual power penetrated and destroyed its energy pipeline.

With Nan Ling's current vision and experience, the structure of the prosthetic torso may not be distinguishable, but the structure of the limbs is clear at a glance.

Just like that, both C.K.'s arms were disabled.

But he didn't stop, his whole body hit him, as if he was ready to fight to the death.

But Nan Ling fired two shots in succession, one in his throat and one in his lower abdomen.

These are the two energy nodes he judged. The lower abdomen is the key to energy transmission in the legs, and the throat is the head.

The head is not really a critical point. According to Nan Ling's understanding, this prosthesis should have all the observation functions integrated into the head.

Therefore, some injuries to the head only destroy part of the observation function, not the central nervous system.

But now that the entire head was cut off, C.K. suddenly became a "deaf-mute" and stayed where he was, looking like he didn't know what to do.

I couldn't move my arms and legs, and my head lost electricity.

No matter where C.K.'s central intelligence is, he seems to be locked in an iron can at this time and has completely lost his ability to move.

But the other two former Baiyu sergeants were not satisfied with this. They attacked angrily, determined to take back their companions.

Of course, Nan Ling would not let them attack. He directly used the 'Wind Pressure Technique' on these two people who were not so suspected.

As he stood there, a strong gust of wind immediately blew past his sides, and then hit Ding Zuoshu and Tao Qi like a tornado.

"Hurricane Roar Technique? How could you have such a high-level wind technique!"

Ding Zuoshu felt that he couldn't understand it. This level of wind skills can usually only be mastered in the foundation building stage, but the young man in front of him can only master it in the Qi refining stage, right?

Of course, what Nan Ling used was either the 'Hurricane Roar' or the simple 'Wind Pressure Technique', which was enhanced to the extreme with the LV9 Wind Control Technique!

Both of these people are also cultivators, although their talents are not that good and they are not so thorough.

They used their own spiritual power to try to create wind pressure to resist, but the problem was that the pitiful wind pressure they created was quickly destroyed by Nan Ling's wind pressure technique, and all resistance was destroyed.

Their spiritual power was simply vulnerable to Nan Ling's spiritual power.

Then he was knocked backwards by two hurricanes and hit the wall behind him heavily.

There were also three out-of-control robots, but Li Ji counter-invaded and regained control.

When Nan Ling saw the three betraying robots, she thought it was no wonder that Fanny didn't like robots, because robots were too easy to be hacked and then betrayed.

Nan Ling couldn't help but think carefully. Now everyone on the ship had at least a smart core or a super brain. His idea of ​​using robots as guards was effective before, but it may not be effective now.

At least with the computing power of his Zhifeng Intelligence Core, he has no advantage over Lao Mu and others who have undergone super brain transformation, let alone others.

On the contrary, if the robots are handed over to Li Ji, she can also build a firewall for the robots, and even if the situation is bad, she can detect that the robots have been hacked.

He was thinking too much and felt that he could not actually solve the ship's security issues as well.

At this time, Mo's voice came from the communication: "This is the end of the matter, Ding and Tao. If you want to withdraw, there is nothing you can do now. We will let you go free when we get through this difficulty."

Ding Zuoshu was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Is there really something wrong with C.K.?"

Mo said: "The last time we were in the Caipan Galaxy, including this time we were attacked in hyperspace, it was all the information he conveyed."

Tao Qi asked incomprehensibly: "But why is this?"

Mo said: "We will only know this after interrogation."

"Third Deputy Nan, please go back to the material warehouse first. The situation there is not optimistic and needs to be repaired immediately."

"Second Officer Li Ji, I leave the interrogation work to you. Be careful and don't risk falling into any logical trap in his mind."

Li Ji asked in confusion: "How can I obtain intelligence without reading the information in his brain?"

Mo Ze pointed directly to the source and said: "He is just a nobody. Compared to us, the troublesome target of directly looking for the Death Star pirates is more clear."

Mo said: "The only thing I'm curious about is why the Death Star pirates are staring at us."

"But this kind of curiosity is not strong, and it doesn't matter even if it cannot be satisfied."

Li Ji nodded and said: "I understand."

Then she took the robots that she had regained control of and took the C.K. prosthetic body that had been completely destroyed by Nan Ling to a studio.

Ding Zuoshu and Tao Qi both looked at Nan Ling with some fear, because Nan Ling's ability made them afraid. Although such face-to-face close combat would hardly happen on the battlefield, they were Nan Ling's sense of superiority as a white feather sergeant was completely destroyed.

Of course, they are also very conscious and know how to deal with themselves at this time. They simply returned to their room, and then asked Xiaoxia to lock herself up... This was proof of her innocence after being imprisoned.

Nan Ling didn't care about them and quickly returned to his own territory to deal with the mess there.

The main reason was that when he was bombarded in hyperspace, the opponent targeted the rear of his cabin near the engine room. Therefore, after the shield was broken, the cabin on his side was more or less stressed and deformed.

This kind of deformation is the most troublesome to repair, and the cracks in the hull seem not so important in comparison.

Nan Ling did not rush to repair the damaged cabin, but directed the robot to move all the folding shelves in the space for storing supplies to the middle of the Zhuoxia.

Several activity rooms there were requisitioned and used as temporary warehouses to store supplies.

There are not many living people on this ship anyway, so most of this space is wasted.

After that part of the cabin is sealed, the damage to the hull will not cause additional material losses.

That side was close to the engine, and he also wanted to check if there was any problem over there in the engine room.

Suddenly Mo said with a solemn voice: "Xiaonan, check the engine room immediately. The attack just now has had a certain impact on the engine, and many parameters are wrong."

Nan Ling ran over as soon as she heard this.

Originally, Zhuoxia was not supposed to be so invulnerable, but it was unexpected that the opponent would launch a surprise attack in hyperspace, and obviously wanted to capture them, so they specifically targeted the engine room to attack.

It would be really bad if the engine stalled.

He said: "I will go there immediately."

"Xiaoxia, send me all the engine room parameters."

He gave the instructions first.

His intelligence core immediately received a large amount of parameter information.

Just looking at these parameters, he really felt that something was not so wonderful.

This energy pipeline is damaged a lot, and it feels like there is a risk of losing control at any time.

Nan Ling realized something at that time and suddenly changed his mind and let the robot enter first.

"Alarm, high-energy alarm!"

The moment the alarm sounds...


The moment his robot stepped into the engine room, a small-scale explosion occurred.

Because of the special structure of the engine room, this explosion could not destroy all the facilities, but it was enough to stop the engine.

Nan Linggou took a step to ensure that his life was safe. The robot he sent had been destroyed on the spot. It was extremely miserable.

He connected to the communication and said: "Bad news, we have to find a place to dock, as soon as possible."

There was no need for him to notify him. In fact, the Zhuoxia was now almost out of control.

Fanny responded to him on Mo's behalf: "I have good news and bad news for you."

"The good news is, we'll have a place to park soon."

"The bad news is, now we have to make a hard landing!"

Nan Ling understood what was going on as soon as he heard this. He looked around to see where he could fix himself.

But then he reacted quickly and let the robots around him hug him into a ball.


The next moment, there was a violent impact.

The hard landing is coming…

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