The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 39 Quantum Leadership

In the restaurant, after the eldest lady had spoken and established her authority, it was time for the serious meal.

The meals were all ordered from famous chefs in the middle area of ​​the space station. They were not that good, but they were definitely the best things these people had ever eaten.

Nan Ling even saw that Li Ji had eaten a lot. To be precise, she was very happy eating.

He opened the "Leader is not in the group" and asked curiously: "Aunt Liji, why are you eating?"

Li Ji replied: "I told you that this is a 'top head'. Is it strange that it has a taste function?"

Nan Ling felt sad in her heart. Li Ji had gone bankrupt when she bought the head, and ended up going bankrupt just to find what she once had.

Even though she is eating happily now, she will vomit up whatever she eats later because her body does not have the ability to digest it.

He looked at Mo from a distance again, and the group continued to ask: "Sister Mo, why don't you eat? Is the food not to your liking?"

Mo glanced at him helplessly and said, "I've gained some weight recently, I have to be more restrained."

Nan Ling said quickly: "Sister is not fat, she has a well-proportioned and beautiful figure!"

Mo was not used to such 'sweet words', so she raised her head and glared at him from a distance, and said in the group chat: "Be quiet, you are a little noisy."

Nan Ling immediately calmed down obediently.

In fact, his compliment just now was sincere, but he thought it was a bit ridiculous to see Li Ji happily chewing while Mo just sat quietly.

Who is the prosthetic body?

At this moment, there was another movement in the ‘work group’.

Fanny: "Liji, Xiaonan, when it's over, you can go to the captain's room to find me. Now the four of us are the 'management' of this ship, and we need to discuss the next itinerary together."

Nan Ling was quite happy that she suddenly became a 'management'. After all, this was a very honorable thing and a social status.

The only thing that makes him a little unreliable is that he has become a management team so easily. The feeling of being a grassroots team is still too strong.

So he didn't care much about eating. He transferred 1,000 Ling Baht points to Lao Mu's account, then got up and left the restaurant quietly.

He didn't care about this lively scene.

There was only a glass of fiery red juice in his hand, which was squeezed from a fruit he had never heard of. It was sweet and sour and had a very dense texture.

This should be regarded as a basic drink in the upper-class area. Nan Ling looked at the price and found that such a drink costs about 10 baht points... I can only sigh that she is indeed a eldest lady, and she is so bold in taking action.

Of course, this alone was not enough to impress him.

Only by filling this glass of juice with air and turning it into sparkling juice is Nan Ling's ultimate pursuit.

After taking a sip, I immediately felt the excitement of the explosion of carbon dioxide in my mouth. Coupled with the sweet and sour juice, the taste was really great.

He was a little surprised that this juice seemed to be able to dissolve carbon dioxide better under high pressure.

Although this cup is not much, it is so full of energy that I have to stop and take a breath after just one sip.

This is a situation where it tastes particularly delicious and durable. Nan Ling felt particularly pleasantly surprised.

For him, this is the surprise in life, and at the same time he has found his own fun: mixing sparkling water.

Although this seems to be a boring hobby, he just likes it.

Nan Ling came to the elevator and gave direct voice instructions to go to the top cabin.

Originally he didn't have this authority, but now he has it.

The elevator stopped at the top cabin. He found that this place was really good. There were viewing windows along the way where he could see the outside scenery, and the view was very broad.

The cabins here are also very spacious and high-end, and they look like the residences of upper class people.

Nan Ling was not envious of this. He was enjoying the scenery in the corridor, drinking sparkling juice, and enjoying himself.

After a while, footsteps were heard in the corridor again.

Just as Nan Ling wanted to say hello, he saw a very immodest girl dancing in a red and white captain's uniform.

"Mo, am I doing well!"

The head was placed on the tall Mo's chest, like a little cat begging to be touched.

Mo Ke saw Nan Ling's right away. She pushed her captain's head away wordlessly with one hand and said to Nan Ling, "How long have you been here?"

At this moment, Nan Ling always felt that Mo's aura seemed to be stronger than Miss Fanni's!

He said honestly: "It's been a while, and the scenery here is really nice."

Fanny was embarrassed for a moment. She didn't expect that the childish side she would only show in front of Mo would be exposed in front of 'outsiders'.

He quickly stood up straight, coughed and said, "Why are you here? I remember that others can't come up without authorization."

Nan Ling sighed in her heart, and then asked tentatively: "Then shall I leave?"

Mo glanced at his lady angrily before saying, "Fanni, this is Nan Ling, our quartermaster. Have you forgotten that you asked him to come up with Li Ji for a meeting earlier?"

Nan Ling interrupted at this time and asked sweetly: "Um, Sister Mo, when did I become the 'quartermaster' again? I seem to be a logistics worker, right?"

Mo said: "This title was something Fanny just came up with earlier. By the way, you not only have to be the 'quartermaster', but you also have to take over the work of the maintenance department in your old job. You also have to do a lot of work in the restaurant." worry."

When Nan Ling heard this, she felt extremely depressed.

He said: "I have too many part-time jobs, right?"

At this moment, another talent in the aisle arrived belatedly.

Li Ji shook her head and said: "You are not the only one who works part-time. In addition to the intelligence officer, I also have the job of a scout. You said that an old aunt like me who has never been on the battlefield still has to do this at an old age? I It’s easy!”

At this time, Fanny, who had revealed her childish temper just now, suddenly shook her head and said, "I want to remind you one thing. With the help of your intelligence core and super brain, you can quickly master and be competent in these tasks."

"Of course, this is not the reason why I am squeezing you, and you must not think that this is me, the captain, squeezing you."

"Li Ji, your ultimate goal is to become a digital life, right?"

"You have to remember that only the consciousness that uses various external conditions to continuously improve itself and finally allows its will to override external hardware can be qualified to become a digital life."

She finished speaking with a solemn expression, then looked at Nan Ling and said, "And you, Xiaonan, right? You are a practitioner like me."

"You must have felt how useful the Intelligent Core is, right?"

"But I want to say that only if one day you can completely get rid of your dependence on the wisdom core can you truly witness the immortal way. Do you understand?"

Nan Ling looked at Miss Fanny and felt that Fanny had become extremely wise at this time.

At the same time, the previous confusion in his heart about the wisdom core was completely solved with this sentence. He nodded gratefully and said: "Thank you, Miss, for your guidance. I understand."

Fanny showed a 'teachable' expression, and then changed the topic: "Okay, you're done talking about your things, now it's time to talk about mine."

"No, this is also your business."

"That is, what should we, the Zhuoxia safari ship do next?"

Nan Ling: "..."

Li Ji: "..."

Mo Ze covered her face with one hand, as if she had known this would happen.

No, as a captain who has organized such a large-scale operation, and has just conquered those bad people with his extraordinary personal charm, you suddenly say that you don’t know what to do?

So it was really all about painting cakes just now.

This pancake painting skill is simply full of points.

Nan Ling showed an expression of disbelief. Where is this young lady's leadership ability? Is it of quantum nature?

I have to admit that Mo is the one who knows this young lady best. She is really unreliable.

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