The Cruelty of the NBA

Chapter 285: The heart of the world

In the early morning, under the influence of a long-term regular body clock, Xue Ding woke up at six o'clock, saw Yaya was still asleep, and gently got up to the living room, ready to look at the situation of the bib first.

As soon as I came out and found out that someone was busy in the kitchen so early, I looked closer curiously. It turned out that the four old people were all in the kitchen and were busy preparing breakfast together.

This is simply a professional and dedicated breakfast team.

Xue Ding's taste was a bit complicated, and thinking of the over-nutrition mentioned by Yaya yesterday, she knew a little bit about it.

Both sides are thinking about each other. As a result, both sides are tired, typical of the characteristics of oriental family relations.

Xue Ding remembered that when he was in the country, he often faced this kind of thing. When he came to study abroad, he was still a little bit uncomfortable at first. When he saw the way that Mi Guo and his parents got along, they felt like apathy. It was only after the cultural differences behind this that I slowly adapted.

In a flash, many things turned over in my mind. Xue Ding decided to solve this problem without leaving hidden dangers for good family relations.

"How do you guys get up so early?" Xue Ding greeted the conversation.

"It's not early. When I was in China, I was already playing Tai Chi." Dad said with a smile, and the work of picking vegetables in his hands didn't stop.

"Yeah, my dad and I have been around the park a few times at this point." My mother-in-law didn't care about this point too early.

Although the parents on both sides spoke very lightly, Xue Ding felt a little bit more uncomfortable, because although he had lived abroad for several years, his parents' living habits were still very clear.

On the Yaya side, the two have nothing to chat with, and they are even more familiar with their parents-in-law.

Basically, both parents are 9 to 5 public officials, and their incomes are ordinary working families, but they are still relatively comfortable in life. Where do they need to live so early?

The reason for this is just thinking that Yaya needs nutrition now, so every meal is so rich, I want Yaya to be able to fully absorb nutrients, and everything must be done by yourself to keep it fresh.

Otherwise, you don’t need to be so busy and tired. Although it is in the United States, there are also places where Chinese people live. Just go buy it.

The parents' hearts are completely understandable, but Xue Ding feels a little guilty in his parents so tired. Now he lacks nothing. As a result, the older parents are more tired, which is not good.

"My parents, I want to discuss something with you"

"Son, if you have something, just say it, we are all very open-minded." Mother saw Xue Ding's words stopped, thinking that there was something that was not easy to say.

"Yeah, Xiao Xue, we are all a family now. If you have anything, you can tell us directly." The old man also quickly expressed his position when he saw this, and he did not want any pressure from Xue Ding.

Upon seeing this situation, Xue Ding felt that it was better to speak directly. Otherwise, he was worried about this, and he was hesitant. He was awkward and his parents were even more worried.

"My parents, I know that you have always done it yourself for the nutritional problems of Yaya. I am afraid that there is a place where there is a little worry. In order to make a fresh breakfast, I wake up two or three hours in advance. Yaya always feels that you are too hard. She feels that the nutrition is too rich every day, and she can’t adapt to it. But thinking of what you have done so hard, you have to eat it with your scalp. You can see if we can be democratic and consider each other, how?

Xue Ding summoned the courage to express his thoughts in one breath. He looked at the four elders a little anxiously, feeling a little nervous.

"I thought it was a big deal. Once I was a parent, a daughter-in-law on one side, and my son had been entangled for a long time, haha, before you fell in love with Yaya, you must be a father until you get married, and your mother didn't think you were really mature. Now, seeing you come to deal with the matter between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, my mother really feels that her son has grown up." The mother said with emotion.

"Yeah, the two of them were very young when they got married early. They have always been like children in our hearts, but unconsciously, a family has been fully established, and I am very satisfied with Xiao Xue." Live recognition of Xue Ding.

Xue Ding was a bit stunned. He came to discuss things, not to be praised. If he had parents-in-law, he really wanted to ask his parents directly what he really said about what he said to himself.

Fortunately, the mother-in-law's opening made Xue Ding feel at ease.

"Xiao Xue, you come to communicate with us for Yaya's things. We are happy. As long as we parents see you happy, that's enough. Your parents are like you and we are like Yaya. Mood, now that you are in a career ascension, Yaya also needs to recuperate her body. We can do something for our children and we are very happy. My daughter knows that she has a strong personality and a kind heart. You can come for this family Communicating with us, I am really happy. We will cook the food, but we will eat it with the girl."

The mother-in-law's words made Xue Ding both grateful and moved, grateful for understanding, and moved to the heart of the parents.

"Yeah Xiao Xue, Yaya's nutrition must be guaranteed, but we will not put pressure on her diet. We will make a more comprehensive meal. She eats according to her appetite, as much as she wants, as long as she is comfortable and happy. Ok, as far as we are concerned, don’t think too much. At our age ~ ~ you will understand that it is also a happy thing for us to do something for our children, as for hard work , That doesn't exist," said the old man with a smile.

"Yes son, we don’t feel hard. Besides, it’s nothing to cook. It’s nothing to be a parent, so don’t worry too much about us and do your business well. Just be happy and live your life well."

As his mother said, she pushed Xue Ding out of the kitchen and asked him to go to wash. The breakfast was almost ready, ready to eat breakfast, and then busy himself.

Xue Ding came to the bathroom in a good mood, brushing her teeth while humming. She thought it was difficult to say something, and was worried that it would be said. Everyone was embarrassed. I didn't expect there would be so many problems at all.

Through this exchange, Xue Ding understood the truth and really cared about each other's family. They wouldn't ask you what you must do because they were good to you. They would only care if you were really happy.

After washing, Xue Ding suddenly remembered that he wanted to see what happened to the bib. He quickly opened it, and as expected, the fact that he had sent the bib late at night had been on a hot search.

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