The Cruelty of the NBA

Chapter 165: , Violent 3 double overlords.

In addition to the slam dunk contest and the All-Star game, Xue Ding also participated in the rookie challenge.

Xue Ding can already imagine how busy he will be.


After learning that Xue Ding was the king of votes, Yaya said happily to Xue Ding: "Her husband, I actually admire you sometimes."

"Admire me? Can't see it."

Xue Ding's status at home is not high.

Yaya said: "At first, I thought you were just a normal basketball star. I didn't expect you to be so influential at all. Not many people knew me before, and now almost all Chinese fans know me.

Xue Ding pursed his lips and said, "Just this? Fame is all floating clouds for me. I just want to play quietly, but my strength doesn't allow me to be low-key."

Yaya smiled as she watched Xue Ding's beating.

"CCTV got in touch with our team to make your inspirational documentary and shoot your legend."

"Hey, I will talk about that later, and continue to talk to me about the topic I just admired."

Xue Ding has little interest in filming, what he cares about is that Yaya admires herself.

Men have a great sense of pride when they are admired by women. This is a good saying.

Women who are strong in appearance will also be weak in heart. They are usually emotional animals, who are impulsive and easy to worship people who have made achievements in areas that she thinks are difficult.

Yaya sat down, hugged Xue Ding’s arm, put her head on Xue Ding’s arm, didn’t look up at him, and continued to whisper: “You are confident, motivated, and work hard, and then you are also capable, and I feel lucky. It's really great to catch you."

Xue Ding gives her a sense of security. Although she usually yells at Xue Ding, when she tells love, she still makes Xue Ding feel very feminine.

In the eyes of her lover, Shishi, when a woman completely falls in love with a man, she will think that her man is the best.

Xue Ding's feeling for Yaya gradually increased from like to love.

"You suddenly praised me so much, I am not used to it." Xue Ding looked at her with a smile.

"Okay, don't praise you, so you don't have to be."

Yaya broke free from Xue Ding's arms.

"Don't go on."

"Come on."


The two had a very comfortable New Year's Day holiday.

After the holidays, Yaya returned to China to arrange work.

She originally had a studio in China, with public relations, brokers, publicity and other people. Later, this studio was shared with her by Xue Ding, and the team began to change from serving her to serving as Xue Ding.

Xue Ding's domestic business potential is very large, and there are many invitations for work such as endorsement and event cooperation. It also needs a domestic team to support it. It is not enough to be famous without making money.

The Chinese brokerage team is very important. You must understand some majors in arranging Xue Ding's sports career development and business activities. For this reason, Xue Ding also asked Yao Ming to recommend two professional management talents to Yaya's team.

Xue Ding doesn't care much about these plans, but Yaya is more concerned. She is still very clear about Xue Ding's off-site career planning.

Now Xue Ding is slowly trying to surpass Yao Ming and gradually become China's most internationally renowned and commercial athlete.

Yao Ming, who is still recovering from injuries, often contacts Xue Ding. Yao Ming also pays attention to maintaining his relationship with Xue Ding.

Of course, Xue Ding also respects Yao Ming, the big brother.

Yao Ding's text message Xue Ding definitely returned, and the two also communicated by phone from time to time.

Yao Ming feels that Xue Ding and he have many common experiences and views, so he often pulls Xue Ding to discuss some questions about how Chinese basketball should develop in the future.

He was a bit lonely. The crisis of domestic basketball was only seen by him in the past. Now there is one more person who can point out one, two or three.

Xue Ding also often jokingly called him "Chairman Yao."

On January 3, Portland welcomed the Clippers at home.

Roy announced his comeback, and this game also kicked off the Blazers' journey in January...

In this January, many major events happened in the NBA.

The first to bear the brunt of the McGrady Rockets.

Tracy McGrady symbolically played six games in December and was once again blocked by the Rockets. The conflict between McGrady and the Rockets was publicized and upgraded. McGrady packed his luggage on January 3 and left Houston to go to Chicago for training alone. At the same time, Rocket manager Morey expressed his willingness to listen to McGrady's offer. Fernandez was involved in trading rumors.

On January 26th, the league announced the East-West All-Star bench. This year's All-Star saw many new faces, such as Deron Williams, Xue Ding, Rajon Rondo, Derek Rose, Gerrard -Wallace, El Horford, Kevin Durant, Zach Randolph.

In the final voting result of the All-Star announced by the league, Iverson entered the starting position as the second defender in the Eastern Conference, but the answer himself gave up the All-Star because of injury.

Xue Ding was selected as the king of votes and Roy was also selected to the All-Star bench.

On January 27, David Stern made the final decision to impose a penalty of 50 games on the protagonist Arenas. The general ended this season early.

Not only did Arenas lose the advertising endorsement, but also the contract with the Wizards was also cancelled.

On January 28, Griffin was reimbursed for the season. Griffin chose to repair the left knee and will miss 4-6 months of the game. Originally Griffin could come back this month, but Zhuang Yuanxiu chose surgery for safety reasons. Griffin's reimbursement meant that the Clippers spent a season in vain and the No. 1 player appeared.

On January 28th, Paul hit the knee in the Hornets and Warriors game. Two days later, the Bulls' injuries increased. He had to undergo knee surgery and will be absent for 1-2 months. The Queen Bee is in the All-Star position. Will be replaced by Nash.

In January, the league suffered frequent injuries and illnesses, and the Blazers have reached the point of reaching their peak.

Glassman Oden is tragic again this season. Oden's injury was checked by a patella fracture of his left leg, which means that the former champion was reimbursed again this season.

This season, Oden averaged 11.7 points and 8.8 rebounds per game. It was expected to usher in a rising season, but suffered major injuries again, which was a heavy blow to Oden and the Blazers.

Then on the same day, the Trail Blazers backup center Prbizla also announced that he needed surgery on his right knee and was reimbursed for the season.

With Chandler still unrecovered after the deal, the Trail Blazers are now a genuine center.

Although the Trail Blazers' schedule this month was not difficult, the heavy injuries made it difficult for them.

Fortunately, with the return of Fernandez, Xue Ding continued to play steadily, Roy's recovery status.

The Blazers played 16 games in January ~ ~ achieved 9 wins and 7 losses.

After the end of January, the Trail Blazers record 33 wins and 16 losses, ranking fourth in the West.

Xue Ding increased his three-point shooting percentage from 30.1% to 33.1% this season, a significant improvement from the beginning of the season.

However, Roy's comeback reduced the proportion of Xue Ding's shots and offense. Xue Ding's average score fell to 22.3 points. The rebound was due to the injury of the center. Xue Ding took part in the task of protecting the rebound. His average rebounds per season Also came to the horrible 12.3, top ten rebounding star, Xue Ding, the defender is unusually outstanding, as for assist data, Xue Ding fell slightly, only 10.2 times.

So far this season, Xue Ding has turned up 22.3 points, 12.3 rebounds and 10.2 rebounds per game.

A total of 17 triple-doubles were made in one season.

Until now, Xue Ding's strength has been widely recognized.

He is a veritable All-Star.

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