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The chaotic and unclear brain conveyed this single message to every nerve in my body, and the coldness beneath me stimulated me and finally made me regain consciousness.Opening my eyes laboriously, I raised my hands and stretched out in front of my eyes. My hands are still white, but with a lot of stains and scars.I'm still alive, unexpectedly...Still alive...After struggling a few times, I finally got up from the ground and looked around in confusion, "Where is this?" The surrounding light was very dim, humid and cold, and a disgusting rancid smell filled everyone here. The corner seems to be a corner forgotten by the world."Where is it, junkyard?!" I covered my nose and mouth in disgust, and I patted the dust on my body and walked forward. The dark alleys seemed to have no end, but they drove me slowly inward. The darker I walked, the remaining light was finally deprived, and the fear began to wrap around my body like vines, and finally stopped. Forget it, let’s go out. I shook my head. I couldn’t bear this weird atmosphere.Girls' Novel Network

Turning around and walking out of the alley quickly, I breathed a long sigh of relief. People gradually moved outside the alley. The human breath could have made a hell-like place on earth a little bit angry, but it doesn't seem to me.Everyone here is either pale or with a sullen face, like a horrible ghost from hell, but their eyes are not as sharp as a ghost, but as if they were taken away by something. The pool of stagnant water, deep in the blue eye socket.I froze in horror, is this still my world?"Where is this? Where! I am dreaming, or..." I pinched myself hard, hoping to escape from this unrealistic world."Wow!" The pain flowed through my wrist to my brain, and I screamed out in agony. This was not a dream at all. I was really still alive and came to an unknown world.So, is I the only person who came to this world?I boldly began to walk between the walking dead in front of me, almost hopelessly begging to see some familiar faces.The walking dead looked at me with weird gazes, as if they were looking at a monster, but they were more greedy.I try to avoid direct contact with their chilling gaze, yes, as a member of the incompetence here, I better not cause any trouble.

However, this seems unrealistic. I am wearing a chiffon dress and I am too incompatible with this place. It didn't take long for me to find that a few tall men gradually surrounded me."You...What do you want to do!?" I instinctively backed away."Oh, pure-bred Oriental woman!" The man in the front twisted his neck and made a sour cracking sound, and I continued to back away in horror.My back suddenly hit a layer of cold slate, and my heart sank suddenly. Oops, there is no way out!"Take it away!" The man grabbed my hair. Before I had time to struggle, another man rushed up and slashed my neck with a knife.With a burst of soreness, my body fell uncontrollably, and the moment before my consciousness flew far, I struggled to squeeze out two words from my throat: "Help...I..."

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