The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 328 The Useless Xingyue World

But it was said that the prehistoric saint reached a deal with the great priest, obtained a lot of energy, and also designated a private land for his family.

As the former controller of the prehistoric world, it is naturally not shabby. It is at least a planet or a continent, with a beautiful environment and rich resources. In addition to being a residence and a dojo, it can also be used as a place for disciples and vassal groups.

Putting aside the endless mundane tasks in the prehistoric world, the saints felt relaxed and arranged for their disciples to go to the construction and layout of private areas. They themselves stayed in the Gaowu world to visit. They had wanted to walk around in various worlds in person before. Look, it's a pity that it's so busy that it's difficult to send out clones.

Now everything is fine, you have money and leisure, you can do whatever you want, so the saints traveled together to experience the customs of the world of high martial arts, and discussed the Tao with the masters and learned people. The leader of Tongtian personally came to compete with the masters of swordsmanship in the world of high martial arts. The Taoist priests, Zhunti Taoists, and Tathagata Buddha were invited to meet Buddhists from the world of high martial arts, and later it became a Buddhist conference.

Empress Nuwa was not interested in this, so she called a group of fairies and goddesses and went to Xingyue World to shop and play together.

The prehistoric saints were so uncomfortable that they did not ask anything about the fact that Zixiao Palace was smashed by human masters. They completely let it go and handed over all the business of Zixiao Palace to Longwu Temple.

The human masters who smashed the Zixiao Palace did not get any favors, and were surrounded and killed by troops sent by the heaven.

The Heavenly Court took this opportunity to vent their anger and suppress the arrogance of the human race. The human race was engaged in creating a humane world and building a new Heavenly Court on their own. They did not take the Heavenly Court seriously at all, and even regarded it as a hostile force or a lackey of the saint.

You must know that the prehistoric world relies on the many immortals and gods in heaven to operate normally. It is not an easy task. The laws of heaven are strict, so the immortals and gods have to be cautious for fear of omissions. As the main body of intelligent creatures in the prehistoric world, human beings also receive Blessed by many gods and gods.

As a result, most people in the human race are not grateful at all. After listening to the words of those who want to establish a humane world, they all believe that heaven is a big mountain pressing on the human race. They suffer great hatred and all dirty water goes to heaven and immortals. It's really a bit chilling to have it splashed on God.

Those human race masters are also arrogant. The template world war is just a last resort to pick the fruit. They all seem to be invincible in the world, shouting that they will defy heaven every day.

The reason why Heavenly Court did not speak out was firstly because of the restrictions of heaven, and secondly because the superiors did not want to intensify the conflict. Now that the prehistoric times are gone, and there are legitimate excuses, the masters serving in Heavenly Court have taken action one after another.

Today's heaven is not like in mythological dramas. Anyone can go to the Lingxiao Palace to make trouble. It has a strict and huge system. Heavenly soldiers, generals, and gods have been trained in many worlds, and there are many masters.

On the other hand, most of the human masters have just left their own world not long ago. They all seem to be the best in the world. In fact, most of them are still at the silver level, and a few have barely reached the gold level.

The main reason why these people are so noisy is that their thinking has not changed at all. They stick to the world they were born in. They still think that they are the protagonists. They are the only one who dominates the world. One person suppresses an era. Everyone else is scum. ,supporting role.

They say it's for the human race, but there's a lot of content in it. Which of them didn't kill countless people in the original world? It's just that the new world has caused them to lose a lot, and the psychological gap is huge. They can't let go of everything they had. They want to regain glory. No matter how nice they say it, it's actually for themselves.

It's a pity that even the laws of today's prehistoric world are relatively fair and will not favor anyone.

The human masters who smashed the Zixiao Palace fought against the immortals and gods in heaven. Even those human masters were very passionate and kept shouting that they wanted to break the heaven and free all living beings from the control of gods and Buddhas. They were full of pretentiousness. , but it was a pity that he was not strong enough and was beaten badly, killed and suppressed.

There were also many strong human race people who escaped with the help of their source power. However, the human race was too high-profile before and offended too many people. Many masters from the monster race and alien races took the opportunity to do something dirty. Almost all the human race masters who smashed the Zixiao Palace were wiped out. , most of them have no chance of reincarnation and end up miserable.

In this matter, all parties took the opportunity to teach the human race a lesson. They had no intention of going further and were busy grabbing territory and dividing their spheres of influence.

As a large number of human races gathered in the human world, many areas of the prehistoric world were vacated and evolved into a sparsely populated planet and continent.

From the perspective of the human race, there is another rhetoric, shouting that the law of heaven is unfair and suppressing humanity. The masters of the human race went to seek justice in anger. As a result, they were plotted and killed by the heaven. The sky wept with blood, and all the people were in sorrow. Monsters, demons and other alien races took advantage of the opportunity. Wantlessly seizing the living space of the human race...

No matter how much the human race publicizes, it is difficult for other ethnic groups to interfere, and they are too lazy to argue with the human race. It is of no use anyway. It is a waste of time and words. Anyway, in the future, everyone will be separated by a long distance, and no matter how hard the human race goes, it will be difficult to affect them.

The great changes in the prehistoric world can be said to be earth-shaking, but except for the humane world, all ethnic groups accepted it calmly, showed amazing adaptability, and actively cooperated.

Under the new world laws, various ethnic groups will encounter various problems. For example, the demon tribe is faced with the problem of choosing between the original body and the human form. Other ethnic groups with special life forms are also at a loss. Fortunately, at this time, Longwu Temple sent staff to help Each ethnic group solves problems while also conveying to them the corrected message of the world.

Soon, various ethnic groups sent personnel to the Earth of Gaowu World, registered at Longwu Temple, went to the new world to do missions, and some ordered interstellar spaceships.

The new world has a strict space structure, and the long distance between planets is both a protection and an obstacle. Except for those groups who just want to live behind closed doors, interstellar ships have become indispensable, whether for travel, exchange or trade.

In order to get the spaceship as soon as possible, many people from the ethnic groups went directly to Xingyue World to buy it.

In fact, as time goes by, more and more people come to the Gaowu world and then to the Earth on the other side of the Xingyue world.

In the early days, the prehistoric world was in a relatively closed state and was too huge, making it difficult for most people to go to the outside world. Now that it is completely open, many people are trying their best to get out, especially to the Xingyue World, because everyone knows that that is where the current world is. The true center of all worlds.

Since the other world has been integrated into the Xingyue world, due to the distance between the planets, the Xingyue world has been calm. Even if a new fragmented world opens, it has not caused any waves.

At present, the world of Xingyue has been integrated into too many worlds. Most people cannot tell how many specifically. Naturally, there are fewer new fragmented worlds in the outside world, and the interval between the arrival of new worlds is lengthened.

Recently, with the successful trial and rapid popularity of interstellar spaceships, many alien planet guests have come to the moon-shaped Earth. They may be an alien planet in the world of interstellar background works, an alien planet in a different world, or an unknown planet.

Because many of the original stories of the evolving world of interstellar works take place not on Earth, and world passages are also opened in distant galaxies. Many of them were opened by demon world lords and were destroyed. The Apocalypse Legion sent personnel to the Moon Earth. When I went to deal with it, I couldn't figure out the specific world in a short time. In addition, there were also some worlds where very unpopular works evolved, so that even the travelers didn't know about it.

With the arrival of alien visitors, many problems have arisen. Even the new continent stationed by the Apocalypse Legion is not as stable as before.

New World Loklak

In a room on the third floor of the Sickle Group's station, there was a row of devices that seemed to be dormant chambers. One of them was turned on, and Long Er stood up from it, but his face looked tired.

The device used by Long Er can indeed be used as a dormant chamber. However, its main function is to protect the body. It has many other functions. It can play virtual games, enter the digital world, enter the spiritual space of the Apocalypse Legion, and also allow The spiritual body travels to the spiritual world more safely and conveniently.

Just now, Long Er went to the spiritual world in his spiritual body, and so did the rest of the sickle and spear group. As for what they were going to do? Fighting the demons of the Burning Hell, of course.

The demon world lord controls the spiritual world, which is a huge threat to the material world and also brings many hidden dangers. For example, the worlds in the distant galaxies are eroded one by one, so the Apocalypse Legion has to send a large number of personnel to help, Long Er The two avatars of Long Ming and Long Keduo are currently busy on the alien planet.

On the earth side of the moon-shaped world, on the other side of the spiritual world, there are many strong spiritual bodies in the spiritual world, underworld, and underworld in the fragmented world, as well as spiritual angels, demons, etc., relying on the pure land of bliss to fight against the demons of the burning hell, and prevent The Burning Hell erodes the Earth's Gaia consciousness, the River of Life, etc.

In order to enhance the combat power in the spiritual world, researchers from the material world and the Pure Land of Paradise have developed technology for the spiritual body to enter the spiritual world to fight. However, it must be at least Silver level.

There are certain risks in doing so. Once seriously injured or killed there, the damage to the spirit and soul will be greater. The advantage is that it can hone the spirit and soul, and also improve everyone's control of the spirit and soul power, not only for the Silver level advancement level, it also has a big effect on the gold level.

The current battle situation is good, and the efforts of all parties have suppressed the power of the Burning Hell Demons in the spiritual world of the Moon Earth. However, the number of Burning Hell Demons is too large, and continuing to fight like this is not the answer. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

While stretching his body, Long Er thought about how to deal with the demon world lord and seize control of the ectoplasm world. There are ways, but the difficulty is not low, the success rate is hard to say, and there is a lot of price to pay.

There were some noisy sounds outside. Long Er looked out the window and saw two groups of marchers bumping into each other on the street. The two sides had an argument and started fighting.

One group carried signs that read Peace, not war, Long live democracy, The world belongs to everyone, Establish a parliament...

Compared with the leisurely look of the first group of marchers, the other group of marchers gave people a sense of iron-bloodedness. They were dressed in punk style. Some people wore heavy power armor and held banners reading Long Live the Empire of Man and Long Live His Majesty the Emperor. , The Emperor is the master of mankind, The Emperor is the guiding light of mankind...

These guys in the parade are all outsiders, or from other planets, and of all races. They can hold demonstrations in Lockark mainly because there are too many of them. They swarm in in tattered spaceships and pull up. Some old people and children, it’s not easy to kill them all.

As long as these people don't mess with the Apocalypse Legion or do anything that disrupts the normal order of Lockark, the Apocalypse Legion will not care. Most of the Apocalypse Legion went to alien planets, and the rest are also very busy. Pay no attention to them.

The first wave of marchers mainly came from the Pan-Human Alliance, plus people from alien planets. They were all idlers and incompetent people who could not benefit from the world war. Some of them took the benefits and went to Lockark to march. , some were incited, and generally wanted to seek benefits for themselves through so-called democracy. The demand was to ask the world lords of the Apocalypse to hand over world power, let everyone decide the future of the world, solve problems through peaceful negotiations, and avoid war.

Another wave of marchers is the Human Empire from the world of Warhammer 40K, an interstellar world full of gothic style, where the Human Empire, Tyranids, Tau Empire, Necron, Chaos Daemons, Orks, and Eldar exist. and other forces.

Different from ordinary works, there is no righteous force among the various forces in the world of Warhammer 40K. Even the human empire is militaristic, considerate of human life, completely corrupt, the people are in dire straits, hopeless, extremely xenophobic, and the lower class people are always there all day long. It is common practice to use child labor in workshops to make weapons.

The Chaos Demons in this world have been absorbed by the Burning Hell Demons, and other ethnic groups have also been corroded to varying degrees. A large number of Chaos Space Warriors loyal to the Chaos Evil God will be demonized in the human empire.

The supreme ruler of the human empire is the Emperor, known as mankind's greatest psyker.

After the world of Warhammer 40K opened, many people felt that the totalitarian human empire would soon collapse. In fact, this was not the case. Countless people in that world tried to maintain the rule of the Emperor and make him the leader of all humans in the outside world. ruler.

After acquiring the new interstellar battleship, the Human Empire sent a large army to the Moon Earth to seize supreme power for their Emperor. They were punished severely before they could be honest.

Afterwards, they did not simply give up. Instead, they changed their approach and spread propaganda everywhere, saying that only the Emperor could save all mankind. Their Mechanicus was also preaching and beguiling everywhere.

The group of marchers brought by the Pan-Human Alliance looked lazy, but they were also very fierce at the beginning. They attacked the Apocalypse Army and were beaten to death in large numbers before they became honest.

Lockak's side is considered good. These guys parade for parades and don't dare to really cause trouble.

However, the Pan-Human Alliance is a bit self-inflicted, launching a lot of propaganda slogans, and then some people really believe it, and some people use the topic to play on it. In the Tokyo area of ​​​​the Moon World, people marching every day fill the streets, demanding that the Pan-Human Alliance government provide higher levels of support to ordinary people. Welfare and solving many people's livelihood problems are of course not just about food, clothing, housing and transportation, but about wanting to live longer, stay young, and be reincarnated safely with memories.

The top management of the Pan-Human Alliance are not fools. How could they agree to such conditions and give free benefits to those who have done nothing? However, they blame the world of Apocalypse and the world of gods, saying that only Only lords have that ability.

People are like this, they will feel resentful if they don't get it. What's more, seeing the members of the Apocalypse Legion and the masters living a comfortable life, they will gnash their teeth with hatred.

If a demon told them at this time that as long as they became a demon, they could gain long-term life, youth, and strength, most people would choose to join, and indeed many people would secretly use the power of demons.

More and more people are coming to the Xingyue World. If the commotion continues like this, something will happen sooner or later. Although it is not a big problem, it is still very annoying. I have no interest in playing political games with those people. Since the prehistoric world It’s basically done, then it’s time for Xingyue World to complete its mission.”

While thinking secretly, Long Er made a decision. The world of Apocalypse will be completely integrated with the world of Xingyue. On the one hand, in order to deal with the burning hell, on the other hand, it is also to avoid potential threats and troubles on the earth side of Xingyue world. As a lord, he You have to plan ahead and not wait until something happens to solve it.

Long Er already had a specific plan in mind, but he didn't take action directly. He issued a mission, saying that in view of the illegal immigrants' disrupting public security, all illegal immigrants should be completely deported from the New World.

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