The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 295 Burning Hell Invasion

The structure of the superhero world is the structure of the multiverse. On the surface, the space portal opened by SHIELD is closed after use. In fact, the two worlds are closely connected.

If the Xingyue world is successfully annexed, it will become one of the multiverses and exist independently, with different world laws, but it will also recognize the power of superheroes and the like.

It is precisely because of this that the superhero universe is so strong. The ordinary world cannot resist the encroachment of the superhero world like the Xingyue world and have reverse effects.

But there is no way to further change the superhero world. Its multiverse structure can resist or be compatible with the laws of the moon world, so the previous methods of encroaching on the new world naturally do not apply.

Long Ming's attempt to connect the demon world and the superhero world is also an attempt. Anyway, the demon world is doing this. In fact, every time a new world is opened, the demon world will do what it wants, but today's demon world is inside the Xingyue world. In addition, it is connected to the spiritual world. If the new world does not have a similar spatial level or spiritual world, it will naturally be impossible to invade.

The Lord of the Demon World has been trying to build the Demon World into a high-dimensional world, but there is a simple logical problem here. If you want to become a world with a higher latitude than the Xingyue World, you must have more source power than the Xingyue World.

Although the Xingyue World was treated as a garbage dump by Long Er, it received a lot of power and became more and more stable.

The demon world is also quietly plundering the source power, but since everyone is shouting and fighting, it can only be done secretly and quietly, and the results are naturally not as good as those of other camps.

However, the lord of the demon world is a very patient and sophisticated guy. He has been waiting, looking for opportunities, and trying.

This time there is an opportunity to connect the superhero world and the demon world. Anyone who has read the works of Marvel and DC universe knows that there are multiple dimensions, including inner dimensions, outer dimensions, split dimensions and distant dimensions, etc. Some of them are also called Hell and can intervene in the affairs of different parallel universes.

In fact, this multi-dimensional space structure is directly connected to the demon world.

Therefore, Long Ming has restricted the world passage, and now he wants to use the demons in the demon world as bait, so he naturally has to let go and push.

Next, let’s look at the performance of the demon world. Long Ming feels that he will not be disappointed. After all, it is also a world that he has not been able to completely handle.

At the same time, in the depths of the Burning Hell, a pair of flaming eyes saw a passage between a certain dimension between the demon world and the superhero world.

Needless to say, the owners of these eyes are none other than the Lord of the Demon World and his clones. They are majestic and terrifying strange buildings, with terrifying demon kings sitting on thrones at the top of huge pillars.

Through the layers of obstacles, they saw a passage connecting a certain spatial level in the new world. They were not happy, but fell into thinking.

Obviously, the demon world lord noticed that the passage was deliberately opened, and after a little thought, he knew that there must be a conspiracy, and did not act rashly.

As time passes, the passage in the demon world is gradually expanding, and you can already see a space with many strange things, colorful planet-like spheres, and twisted and surging energy.

Who dares to invade my domain, Dormammu!

A loud and deep voice echoed, and a huge head a hundred meters high appeared on the other side of the passage. It had no hair, except for its eyes, whose structure was changing at any time and seemed to be burning. It looked extremely evil and terrifying. Looking down from his neck, It felt like the whole world over there was just like his body.

Haha! A new dimension... This will become Dormammu's new territory!

The big head poked out the space channel, and at the same time, the colorful energy surged and eroded toward the demon world or the burning hell.

Who is Dormammu...?

The demon world lord still did not move, looking at it quietly, and asked the demons next to him who were originally time-travelers in a low and hoarse voice.

Master Demon God, Dormammu is a villain in the Marvel Universe. It is said that he was originally a wizard who discovered the dark dimension, gave up his body, and became the absolute ruler of the dark dimension.

No, Dormammu's hometown is a realm with a higher dimension than the earth. The only job of the creatures in it is to constantly devour energy. Dormammu was expelled for devouring his own kind, and he coaxed and killed the original lord of the dark dimension before he came to power.

The Dark Dimension is one of the extra dimensions in the Marvel Universe and is also considered a hell, along with multiple other hells.

“Dormammu can obtain unlimited mysterious energy from the dark dimension. His abilities in the setting include invisibility, changing his size and shape at will, controlling elements, telepathy, dimensional teleportation, resurrecting the dead, immortality, distortion of reality, and destruction. Galaxies, inter-dimensional teleportation, creating extra-dimensional dimensions, manipulating the axis of time and space, dominating the multiverse, can also create life and give other people abilities.”

Dormammu is the highest being in the world of black magic. As long as Dormammu's followers are still there, Dormammu will never really die and he can exist forever.

Dormammu likes to invade and engulf other dimensions, but he cannot come directly, he has to go through his believers.

Dormammu is the main opponent of the superhero Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful magicians in the Marvel world, also known as the Sorcerer Supreme. However, Dormammu is much stronger than Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange was able to defeat Dormammu mainly by relying on the Time Stone among the six Infinity Stones, trapping him in a time loop and forcing him to compromise.

According to the strength of the Marvel Universe, Dormammu belongs to the Heavenly Father level, and it is the top Heavenly Father level.

The demon world lords didn't need to ask any more questions. The time traveler demons told them all the information they knew without missing a beat.

Then quietly wait for the decision of the lord of the demon world. Even if Dormammu is wreaking havoc, he is not too worried. This is the burning hell, the territory of the lord of the demon world. Except for those serious lords, no matter who it is, come in It's like throwing yourself into a trap.

Of course, it seems that other demons will not be Dormammu's opponents, and they can only wait for the demon world lord to take action.

Dormammu is a troublesome guy, almost omniscient and omnipotent in the dark dimension, an immortal existence with almost no solution.

Of course, the demon world lord has a way to kill Dormammu and completely eliminate it from the source, but only if it requires a lot of energy.

Today's demon world is not rich, otherwise it would not stop the war with the Apocalypse Army and withdraw from the purely material world.

It can be seen that Dormammu is actually testing, trying to force out the master and strong man of the new dimension he discovered. The demon world lord is indifferent. On the one hand, Dormammu did not cause actual damage to the Burning Hell, and on the other hand, Dormammu did not cause actual damage to the Burning Hell. The reason is that he noticed that as Dormammu continued to attack, spit out huge energy, and cast various spells, the energy in the dark dimension poured into the Burning Hell, part of which was directly converted into source power, and the remaining energy was also expanding. , rich burning hell.

Of course, the demon world lord would not refuse the benefits that were given to him for free. However, he could not remain silent at all, and he also wanted to get more.

A figure stood on a throne at the bottom. She was a tall woman with four spider legs on her back. She was none other than Andariel, the Queen of Pain among the three demon gods and four demon kings of the Burning Hell. Sitting on other thrones were There is no doubt that they are other demon gods and demon kings.

Andariel flew out of the hall, and first spoke to Dormammu. He acted relatively weakly and angrily asked the other party to withdraw from the Burning Hell, appearing to be stern but weak at heart.

When Dormammu saw it, he naturally felt that this was a soft persimmon. He had determined the new dimension, so he fought with Andariel.

Little did Dormammu know that he was also facing an old ghost who was tempting him to squander the energy of the dark dimension, completely treating him like a fat sheep.

It stands to reason that as a super villain, Dormammu has a high IQ, but how does he know this? The level of awareness prevents him from understanding the real situation.

In Dormammu's understanding, the energy of the dark dimension is infinite, and of course it can be used at will. He can completely afford to conquer the new dimension.

So, does the dark dimension really have infinite energy?

The Lord of the Demon World is studying this problem. On the surface, the dark dimension is eroding the Burning Hell. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The Lord of the Demon World is controlling the influence of the Burning Hell and engulfing the Dark Dimension. Dormammu is unaware of it. This shows that his control over the Dark Dimension is not Not that in-depth.

When it comes to controlling the world, a guy like Dormammu, who is set as the master and lord of the dark dimension, of course cannot beat a real lord.

If you want to, it is not difficult for the Burning Hell to engulf the dark dimension, it just takes a little time. However, the demon world lord is not satisfied with just engulfing the dark dimension and harvesting the source power.

The fact that the Burning Hell is successfully connected to the dark dimension is probably the work of the Lord of the Apocalypse World. According to his past behavior style, he must have a purpose. At least it is to let the demon world serve as a pathfinder, or to use it to deal with the demons. world.

But giving up this rare opportunity to expand the demon world?

There is an extremely huge world on the opposite side. There are a lot of spatial dimensions similar to hell. Why give up because of a single concern? Besides, it may not be that the Lord of the Apocalypse World is trying to make things mysterious.

After thinking with the heads of several demon kings, the demon world lord made up his mind. No matter what the Apocalypse world lord had planned, seizing the source power was always the first priority. There was no reason not to eat the fat meat presented to him.

Andariel is still fighting Dormammu outside, and the demon world lord has figured out the dark dimension. To his surprise, the dark dimension is changing under the influence of the Law of Burning Hell.

You know, the setting of the dark dimension in Marvel's original work is independent of the multiverse. It seems very awesome, but in addition to containing infinite energy, it does not show the advantages of the high-dimensional world. It is just an ordinary dimension and is subject to many Limitations, the current dark dimension is transforming under the influence of the Burning Hell.

This process comes naturally and is completed without the push of the demon lord. The laws of the Burning Hell are perfecting the dark dimension and raising it further.

The demon world lord has been trying to do this in the moon world, but has never been successful, and now it is easily implemented in the superhero world.

Immediately afterwards, the demon world lord, who was in a good mood, started a new operation to verify some of his original ideas. He also wanted to plunder the new world and launch an invasion using the dark dimension as a springboard. Specifically, it was to let the demons from the Burning Hell project. The ontology is still burning in hell, and part of their consciousness and power is mapped to a certain universe-forming entity.

The game Diablo originally had a game setting that allowed players to progress from easy to difficult, defeating the projection first and then gradually killing the demon body.

Evolving into the real world, the demons of the Burning Hell truly have the ability to project, which is perfect for invading worlds in other dimensions.

The advantage of projection is that it doesn't matter even if you die. As long as you don't kill the main body, you can continue to project. Multiple projections are performed at the same time, and the demon army is endless.

Projection also has a shortcoming, that is, its strength and intelligence are not as good as the original body. Intelligence cannot help, but the demon world lord can eliminate another flaw and mobilize the energy of the dark dimension to build demon projections, so that the power of these demon projections can be improved. And it has some special abilities, which are weakened versions of Dormammu's abilities, such as changing body shape, teleporting and flashing, invisibility, etc.

The demonic projection of the Burning Hell has descended on multiple universes, and the already chaotic world of superheroes has ushered in another wave of trouble.

Marvel Multiverse

Earth-616, which is the code name of the universe, is the main universe of the original stories in the Marvel world.

New York, USA, thanks to the efforts of superheroes, today is another peaceful day. However, as long as the world is still facing threats, superheroes cannot really relax.

There is a building at 1774 Bleecker Street in New York City that looks like an ordinary apartment. The special thing is that there is a circular mirror-like skylight on the roof and a well-shaped metal window frame.

The Supreme Sanctuary (Supreme Sanctuary) is located in New York, Hong Kong, and London. It is used to protect the earth from invasion by external mysterious forces, magical creatures, etc. It is also the residence of Doctor Miracle.

Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange, was originally an excellent neurosurgeon. With his superb medical skills, he was praised by the outside world as God's gift to the surgical community. However, in an unexpected car accident, his hands that he relied on for survival were shattered. He suffered a severe fracture. After recovering from the injury, he kept shaking and could no longer pick up the scalpel.

He refused to become an assistant or engage in scientific research, but began a long journey to seek medical treatment, traveling around the world. In the end, he met the Supreme Master Ancient One in the XZ Himalayas. After going through some twists and turns, he was accepted by Ancient One as his Disciple, learn mysterious spells and magic and become a new generation of supreme magician.

At this moment, Doctor Strange is not the only one in the Supreme Sanctuary. He is drinking tea and chatting with a few people. It is not just chatting. The others are also superheroes. They are discussing how to deal with the subsequent crisis.

It is indeed a very big crisis. They are discussing how to deal with a powerful enemy, the super villain who is nicknamed Director of the Universal Family Planning Commission by time-travelers - Thanos.

This one is quite extraordinary, he has super strength, and he also has many strong men and an army.

Thanos has been committed to wiping out half of the life on the planets in the universe, because the planet Titan where Thanos was born was declining due to oversaturation of the population. Therefore, in order to maintain the balance of the universe, Thanos began to massacre, and the only way to reduce the population was to , to maintain the balance of resources in the universe.

Probably thinking that this was too inefficient, Thanos began to collect six infinity stones, which can control space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul respectively. They are the most powerful items in the universe. Once collected, any wish can be realized. Rebuilding the universe is not a problem, and Thanos is trying to use the infinite stones to achieve the purpose of wiping out the population.

Regardless of whether Thanos's theory is correct or not, why is the resource of this cosmic planet so scarce? According to the time traveler, Thanos did this, and with a snap of his fingers, half of the population in the universe was reduced to ashes. , and destroyed the Infinity Stones.

A few years later, the superheroes traveled through time and space, reunited the Infinity Stones, rescued the wiped-out population, and defeated Thanos.

Of course, for the sake of their own lives, the existence of time travellers, even if they fail to become superheroes, will definitely work hard to prevent this matter. Therefore, SHIELD and superheroes have known about it for a long time and have been committed to stopping Thanos.

In fact, Thanos also knows the cause and effect of this matter, but this guy is just a fool and refuses to accept his fate, and he is still working hard to do this.

Around the Infinity Stones, the superheroes fought a fierce and arduous battle with Thanos. This incident was really frightening. The time-travelers' interference also changed things, stopping Thanos and making things impossible. It was originally going to develop towards a good ending.

As long as Thanos doesn't give up, he has the possibility of succeeding again. Traveling through time and space to reverse everything is very important as a record.

Unknown problems have arisen in the time and space of the current multiverse, and things have changed again. Recently, Doctor Strange learned another thing from the time traveler.

Thanos is an Eternals who was born on Titan, and the Eternals are top-notch robots made by the Celestials who created the universe and the planet. Their purpose is to protect the next generation of the Celestials, and the way the Celestials are born is to implant seeds into living things. Inside the planet, when the life on the planet reaches a certain amount, the new gods will absorb the life energy, break out of the planet's shell, and the planet will explode accordingly.

If this thing happens in this universe, Thanos's act of erasing half of the population has delayed the process. Now that Thanos's work has not been completed, does it mean that they will soon face the Celestials?

Doctor Strange and others were having a headache because of this, and they were discussing countermeasures. As they were talking, Doctor Strange's hand holding the tea cup suddenly stopped, and he noticed the abnormal movement in the dark dimension.

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