The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 292 Large-Scale Performance

moon world

Chaldea Tokyo Branch

The Moon World still plays the role of a garbage dump. Every time some of the more troublesome things in the new world are always thrown into the Moon World, the Pan-Human Alliance also gets various benefits at the same time. The population increases, and it gains access to the new world. Human elites and certain technologies.

The Pan-Human Alliance has gradually grown, and Chaldea has also gained more resources and manpower, especially many masters, professionals, and special talents. At the beginning, a world of ghosts and monsters can make everyone in Chaldea very anxious. Ledi has branches all over the world. It has many specialized teams to deal with certain special situations. They have rich experience and response plans. No matter if ghosts, demons, monsters, viruses, monsters come... let alone a single disaster, even if it comes at the same time Chaldea can handle a few of them calmly.

It has been several months, and no special new world has appeared. As one of the important command and dispatch departments, the Chaldea Tokyo branch has also been idle, and every day is just ordinary work.

Beep beep beep...

A buzzing alarm sounded in the Tokyo branch, and the staff got busy.

It is confirmed that the new world has arrived, other camps have made big moves, and all personnel will return to their posts...

All emergency response teams are on alert, and all support teams are preparing...

The observatory observes the new world, notifies all carrier pigeons, pays close attention to the movements of other camps, and reports at any time...

The intelligence analysis system is activated and the global branch information systems are connected. We must determine the connection location of the new world as soon as possible...

Chaldea's Tokyo branch is almost as if it is facing the incoming apostles. Most of the staff are highly focused. In fact, they don't have to be like this at all. There are other camps taking the lead in dealing with the new world, and they are following behind.

However, everyone in Chaldea is not satisfied with this. The thing that makes Chaldea most unhappy is that they seem to have been picking up the leftovers of other camps and dealing with troublesome things that others are unwilling to deal with.

Therefore, all Chaldean personnel are holding back their anger. They also want to seize the opportunity in the affairs of the new world and slap those camps in the face, for themselves and for the sake of mankind.

Report, the observatory has observed changes in the relative positions of the Apocalypse world and the Moon world.

As a female voice reported, a simulated image was projected on a screen, which was the relative position of the Xingyue world and the worlds of each camp. The original state was that the Xingyue world was in the middle, and the worlds of the other camps were on one side. You can see at this time , the world of Apocalypse moved behind the world of Shape Moon.

The relative positions of the world of gods and other worlds have also changed...

It can be seen from the image on the screen that the Xingyue world is pushed in front by other worlds. Facing the newly arrived world, why is this happening?

The observatory sent new world data and imported computer images...

As new information was input, the image on the screen began to shrink. The sphere originally used to represent the new world suddenly expanded a hundred times, and its volume was actually larger than the Moon World and the worlds of each camp combined.

The Apocalypse Legion has issued a mission, which is a disguise and investigation mission, and notified the public of the new world situation, asking everyone to cooperate.

There is no need for special intelligence analysis experts to analyze. The Chaldean staff who learned this information all understood the situation. The newly arrived world is a very large world. There is a high probability that there will be lords and there may also be many powerful enemies. Therefore, The Moon World is used as a human shield by other camps.

The purpose of the newly released mission of the Apocalypse Legion is also very clear. Needless to say, to investigate the intelligence of the new world, camouflage is to cover up one's own situation and mislead the other party. This is the rhythm of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Everyone who was busy in Chaldea suddenly fell silent, and many people stopped what they were doing. They originally wanted to take the lead this time, but they didn't expect this to be the case. Do you want to continue?

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that this is not possible. Isn’t that just being a pathfinder and cannon fodder?

Chaldea's command team hurriedly discussed and decided to slow down the matter and wait and see what happens.

The worlds come into contact, their relative positions coordinate, and the point of contact is in North America...

After waiting for a few more hours, synchronized information came from Chaldea's observatory, which is responsible for observing the world and space.

The North American branch should not act rashly. First observe the movements of the new world and each camp, and immediately send a team there...


Among the worlds currently integrated into the Moon World, there is no world where the United States is the main stage for the evolution of works. The earliest is the United States of the UNION (World Economic Union) in the Gundam World, plus the North American singularity of the Moon World - the North American Myth War. , that was 1783.

Later, the demon world and the infinite world were integrated into North America. After the world of Final Fantasy 7, some fictional worlds were integrated, such as Beast Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc. In addition, the United States in other works , however, they are usually just some small scenes or background panels.

If it weren't for the long sporadic battles between the Demon World, the Infinite World, and the Apocalypse Army, the United States would be a prosperous and developed area.

Nowadays, most areas in the United States are no-man's land. Even though the demon world in the material world has been almost wiped out, and the Apocalypse Legion has stationed a team of strong men to monitor the demon world, people are still threatened by hell.

A few towns are also built in an ancient city-like style, and there are some modern large cities in coastal areas.

The most prosperous area is the Infinite World Control Area, not only because the Infinite World can resist demons, but also because there is the existence of the Elf King there, which is the Elf King in the world of Shaman King and one of the homes of souls on earth.

Although the world has changed a lot, ordinary people are still the majority, and spiritual sustenance is even more needed in a chaotic world.

As a result, many people in countries all over the world believe in the Elf King and hope to return to the Elf King after their death. A well-organized sect has been formed. Every day, people from all over the world go to Pachi Village for pilgrimage to pay homage to the Elf King.

New York is still one of the most important and prosperous cities in the United States. However, the city is far smaller than the real New York. In addition to modern buildings such as skyscrapers, the city is also mixed with various buildings from the imaginary world. The population is about Numbering in the millions, they are mainly indigenous people from various worlds.

At this time, New York is changing rapidly. You can see that the city is expanding. As the streets extend, new blocks appear one after another, including buildings with various functions, such as police stations, hospitals, fast food restaurants, supermarkets, movie theaters, stadiums, etc. City hall, office buildings, residences, parks...

At the same time, many spaceships, planes and other aircraft descended in the sky, and many people carrying luggage came down. They went to the new neighborhoods. There were also people wearing clothes from all walks of life, including police, doctors, couriers, company employees, takeaway vendors. Brother, cleaner...

In a few hours, New York expanded like a balloon. In terms of specific changes, it can be said that it became more like the real New York, a prosperous and ordinary city. There are also some incongruous places, such as the number of people with oriental faces. It's a bit too clean, there aren't many old people, and there's almost no dark skin to be seen. It's a bit too clean and tidy, but it doesn't hurt.

If I hadn't known about it in advance, I wouldn't have believed that all this was fake. I would have thought that I had traveled through time...

In a KFC, several young men and women were talking quietly while eating Mexican meat tacos, spicy chicken wings, cola, etc.

Looking at the streets outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the flow of people coming and going, they felt as if they were in a dream, coming to an ordinary world.

They were actually one of the reconnaissance teams from Chaldea. However, they were stopped by the Apocalypse Legion team on the way. It did not prevent them from going to the United States, but gave them new clothes and arranged new ones. identity.

Although this request was a bit strange, the Apocalypse Legion still complied with it. Anyway, it did not affect their mission. The same was true for other camps and scattered personnel. The Legion of Apocalypse requested not to carry weapons and equipment, but they did not take it away. Instead, they arranged for someone to keep it in a relatively private place that could be accessed at any time.

When they arrived in New York and on the streets here, they already understood the reason for this matter. The Apocalypse Army was digging a hole for the new world.

Although it is an acting, the scale is really amazing, and everyone acted as if they were real.

That's natural. It is said that acting is one of the required courses for the Apocalypse Legion. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that their acting skills are really not that good.

Then we actually play the roles they assign to us?

Otherwise, if we act independently, if people from the New World come, we will probably attract their attention.

Isn't that a good thing? We can contact them in advance and obtain information.

Are you an idiot? The new world is huge. If you come here to invade, what should you do if you catch us and interrogate us?

So, the safest thing is to be an ordinary extra performer and then take the opportunity to collect intelligence?

Hey! What role have you been assigned? I'm a street gangster, how should I play it?

Pfft... street gangster, it really suits your temperament. You don't need to act, just perform your true character.

I am a dancer, how can I look more artistic?

That's right! Why did the Apocalypse Legion spend so much effort doing this? How effective can it be?

This matter should be a task assigned by the upper management of the Apocalypse Legion or even the lord. There must be a reason. We just have to do our job well.

While whispering, several people carefully figured out their roles. When they left KFC, they actually looked impressive and became a member of the inconspicuous passers-by.

How effective will this be?

In a corner of KFC, Long Ming, who was eating fried chicken and Coke, was also thinking about this issue.

The response plan for the new world is that he carefully observed the external information of the new world, analyzed it with a supercomputer, and predicted the world it might belong to, and it was jointly formulated by the think tank countermeasures group of the Apocalypse Legion.

According to the size of the new world and the area closest to the Xingyue World, it is speculated that it should be a fusion of evolutionary worlds from European and American works. It is impossible to know which ones they are, but only guess some possibilities, and such a huge world , most of them have lords, and they should be more aggressive.

Therefore, this time, the Apocalypse Legion think tank countermeasures group believes that it should change the previous active invasion method and adopt a relatively passive plan. In order to mislead the opponent, it changes the world position and camouflages and packages New York in a short period of time. , turned into a large-scale film and television scene.

At this time, the influx of people in New York include people from the Apocalypse Legion, as well as people from the Main God Space and the Temple of War. In addition to people from the official team, most of them are extras.

They all acted very hard. In addition to the reward, Long Ming listened to their private conversations. Many of them had also participated in plundering the new world. Of course, it was refreshing to be a plunderer. People who were invaded and plundered the world could not. It's not about being happy, and I don't want that kind of thing to happen to me. The Apocalypse Legion wants to trick the New World, and of course they are willing to cooperate.

At the same time, the arrival of a huge new world means crisis, but also huge opportunities, and everyone wants to try their luck.

People were waiting for the opening of the new world portal and the arrival of the new world visitors, but nothing happened until nightfall.

Except for Long Ming, people in New York will not know that the Xingyue world is in contact with the New World. Although the world passage has not been opened, the laws of the two worlds are conflicting and blending.

This is a situation that Long Ming or Long Er has never seen before. The outer structure of the new world is very special, and it seems to directly engulf the Xingyue World, and its internal laws are also penetrating into the Xingyue World.

However, the Xingyue world incorporates many world laws, and its structure is quite stable and cannot be reversed or changed so easily.

As a result, the new world seemed to be stuck in its throat and was in a dilemma. The laws of the Xingyue World also affected it, causing an overall shock.

Swallow the world directly... If there is a lord in this world, he is really arrogant, or the structure of the world is rather special...

Long Ming made a judgment based on past experience, and then waited. Something happened in the annexed world. If there were lords in the new world, they would definitely respond.

Thinking that the other party would take action soon, Long Ming stayed up that night and paid close attention. As a result, nothing happened the next day.

After just waiting for one night, Long Ming was not in a hurry. Maybe the other party was also exploring the situation, or dealing with internal problems in the world, or the other party was aware of some situations here and was waiting for him to take action first.

After waiting like this for two days, there was still no movement on the other side. Long Ming considered whether to turn on the moon world to test. A space portal opened on a street in New York.

After adjusting the surveillance footage, a World War II-style motorcycle rushed out. The rider was a sturdy man wearing tights in the colors of the American flag, carrying a white five-pointed star, red and blue buckler.

The appearance of this visitor from the new world is so distinctive. If it weren’t for cosplay, it would be Captain America.

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