The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 254 There are many risks in traveling

An area more than 100 kilometers away from Dalun Temple is inconspicuous at first glance. It is just a mountain range on the edge of the desert. The color and weathering marks give people a feeling of dryness and lack of vitality.

Only when I really flew up did I realize that there was a different cave. There was a peach orchard oasis-like basin in the middle of the mountains, and there was a green and clear lake in it. Due to the obstruction of the surrounding peaks, neither the sand nor the cold wind could invade this place.

However, that is already in the past. Now the peaks that block the basin have been cut off in half, or have been destroyed by huge forces. You can see palm prints, fist prints, etc. covering more than a thousand meters. There are also several craters in the basin. Like potholes, the area is devastated, and traces of the former existence of houses, fields, vegetable gardens, etc. can be seen vaguely.

“A rare and good place, what a pity!”

After riding the armed beast to the top of the highest mountain peak, Long Keduo couldn't help but feel regretful. He liked this place very much as soon as he saw it. It was a good place for seclusion or vacation.

This basin is the place where Dali, the god of martial arts, once lived in seclusion. It can also be said to be the territory where he ruled the mountain as king. Those traces of destruction were left by his battles with other gods of martial arts.

Long Keduo came here to resurrection Long Dali. On the surface, he wanted to see the traces of the battle to infer the martial arts level.

Before really starting to do business, Long Keduo still had to do some serious reconnaissance. He first looked around. When he looked back, his sight crossed the vast desert. On the horizon stood a stretching city wall, undulating along the mountains, one after another. Beacon tower.

From a distance, it looks like an inconspicuous khaki ancient city wall. Considering the distance, the city wall is quite tall and majestic. In terms of the amount of work, it can be called a miracle.

The Great Wall, the Great Wall on the King's Continent, is stationed with the Great Wall Guards to resist demons. Beyond the Great Wall is the Tang Dynasty ruled by the empress Wu Zetian.

The so-called demon species are creatures with magical power, similar to the monsters in the magical world.

At this moment, there are several demon species not far away. They are the mounts tamed by Jinlun Dharma King, Jiumozhi, Wanwan and others. Their appearance is generally that of a lion, tiger, wolf, eagle, etc. a few sizes larger. There are many demons on the body. Armor, horns, scales or wings.

They came as guides and to remember Long Dali.

Long Keduo knew their purpose, which was to learn more about the world of Xingyue.

Long Keduo used the intelligent system of the armed beasts to introduce them to them, but he did not go into details. He only talked about things that ordinary people understand, such as world structure, power distribution, etc., including the Apocalypse World and the Apocalypse Legion, which were also briefly introduced. , would not tell them how powerful and awesome the world of Apocalypse was, nor would he tell them in detail about the lords.

However, based on the IQ of these people, it is not difficult to find that the information is not detailed and comprehensive enough. Therefore, they behave very enthusiastically in order to get closer to each other in order to obtain more information.

After a cursory inspection, Long Keduo landed in the basin and fully developed his senses to see if he could find anything.

The next moment, Long Keduo felt something in his heart, and some vague images appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, Long Keduo guessed right. Even if the soul of a time traveler born from the same origin as him dies, as long as he has existed, his consciousness activities can also have a certain connection with him.

Then, the feasibility of resurrecting Long Dali will be greatly increased. The real confidence of Long Keduo is that he has obtained some world blueprint fragments of the new world at this time.

Long Keduo named the new world Martial God World. It is very easy to obtain the world blueprint fragments. Like the new worlds that came before, if they are perfected by the laws of the Moon World, part of the world blueprint of the new world will fall into Long's hands. Besides, the laws of the Martial God world and the Xingyue world are not completely synchronized. As long as he makes corrections and adjustments, the world blueprint fragments will naturally increase.

This incident also further proves that the heavenly books in the hands of the Martial Gods in the Martial God World are indeed world blueprint fragments. At the same time, it also shows that those Martial Gods do not fully understand the world blueprint fragments and cannot play all their functions.

It should be said that the fragments of the World Blueprint are more difficult to understand and use than the fragments of the World Book released by Long Er. After all, the fragments of the World Book were compiled by Long Er. The fragments of the World Blueprint or the Heavenly Book are equivalent to If a book is torn into pieces and then randomly glued into pages, it will be difficult for people who have not read the complete blueprint of the world to fully and systematically understand it. For people with weak brains, reading it is like reading a bible.

Long Keduo operated the fragments of the world blueprint in his consciousness, and his consciousness connected with Long Dali. Everything went well. If he was willing, resurrecting Long Dali would only consume more energy. However, he did not intend to do it in public. Doing this is no longer something that ordinary people can do with source power, and it falls within the scope of the lord's authority.

Even Long Dali's soul was not restored. Long Keduo just read and organized the memory information.

Hey! Long Dali is not the only one who travels from the same origin!

Long Keduo was surprised. There were several time travelers with the same origin as him in the world of God of War, and it seemed that they all died.

It's normal to think about it. After all, Long Er's original origin is from China. The possibility of time travel to a Chinese background work is indeed higher than the chance of entering a Japanese work. It's just that your luck is too bad. They say time travel is risky. This All the fellow travelers beside him were wiped out.

Long Keduo was a little curious about how these time-travelers who had the same origin as himself died. He sorted and checked them one by one. The more he looked at them, the darker his face became. These worlds that made up the world of the God of War were too unfriendly to him!

As a young man born in China, he has been influenced by martial arts TV series and movies since childhood. Who doesn’t have a martial arts dream?

When you travel to the world of martial arts, of course you have to learn martial arts and act chivalrously, but the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

For example, a time traveler from Long Keduo traveled to the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes and became a disciple of the Beggar Clan.

Beggars will be beggars. In Legend of the Condor Heroes, the Beggars Gang is known as the largest gang in the world, and they have no chance of getting ahead.

The actual situation is much more difficult. Let alone martial arts training, the first thing to solve is the problem of survival.

It’s not easy to beg for food. The largest beggar gang in the world is supported by its large number of people. What does it mean if there are a large number of beggars in a society?

It can be said that there are economic problems, land annexation, powerful landlords, corrupt officials, etc. These problems cannot be solved by being a beggar. The most practical problem beggars face is that there are more people begging for food, more people and less rice. Moreover, as a beggar, Gangs and beggars have a strict hierarchical system, and lower-level beggars have to pay tribute to higher-level beggars.

I can’t even eat enough, I can’t walk without a beat, and I’m still practicing shitty martial arts!

Take the technological route and make your own igniter?

Travelers who have traveled through time to become dignitaries have long been doing it. Gunpowder is contraband for ordinary people, and the raw materials are strictly controlled. If you have any signs of it, just wait to be caught. Beggars don't have that much spare money to do that.

It's really hard to be a beggar in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes. I won't go into the specific reasons. I'll just assume it's the original author's setting.

What’s really funny is that a group of people from the Beggar Clan don’t focus on begging. They are busy defending the Song Dynasty all day long. Is that something beggars should care about?

Or are they using this as a gimmick to increase the reputation of the Beggar Clan and make it easier for them to beg for food?

Long Keduo didn't go into the specifics. His homologous time traveler died and died rather hastily. He was a bit embarrassed and wanted to be self-reliant. He went to the wild to catch wild animals, but was bitten by a poisonous snake and died an unexpected death.

The second time traveler from the same origin traveled to the world of Eternal Dragon Sword and became a member of the Five Elements Flag of Mingjiao.

As the combat department directly under the Mingjiao, Five Elements Flag's treatment is still good. There is no problem with having enough food, and they can also learn martial arts, even the more ordinary ones.

But is martial arts so easy to learn?

Not to mention that according to the tradition of the martial arts world, martial arts cannot be learned casually. If you want to learn more advanced martial arts, you must be taught by a master. Moreover, the martial arts world is very patent-conscious. If you steal other people's martial arts, you will be punished. Beaten to death.

You have to start practicing martial arts at a young age. When you get older, you won't be able to achieve much by practicing. At most, you can learn some three-legged cat moves.

Learning martial arts also requires a cultural foundation, a foundation in ancient culture. Martial arts secret books are usually written in ancient Chinese. You must know the meridians, acupuncture points and martial arts terminology. Otherwise, you will not be able to practice even if you are given magical secret books.

In fact, many martial arts in the martial arts world are not that reasonable. The characters in the plot are all step-by-step, and there is no explanation.

Therefore, the advanced martial arts in many works depends on the understanding. Is it specific? The original author said that he can learn it as soon as he can.

Long Keduo's homologous time traveler is unable to learn martial arts, so he will get firearms. With the level of martial arts in the world of Eternal Dragon Sword, firearms will still have no problem against masters.

Then, Long Keduo's homologous time traveler died again. A group of people made gunpowder, and some idiot created a spark and killed a lot of people.

The third time traveler from the same origin became a disciple of a peasant family among hundreds of scholars in the world of Qin Shi Mingyue. Logically speaking, disciples of peasant families would farm the land honestly, but as a result, he was like a gangster.

A group of senior officials from the farm family were so full that they were either thinking about rebellion or fighting for power and profit all day long. The ordinary disciples were just cannon fodder, and they only followed them because they were mentally retarded.

There are many time-travelers with similar ideas, but where can they live if they don’t live with farmers?

Qin Shi Mingyue is a work set in the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty was the first unified dynasty in the history of China. It is a pity that the second generation of Qin Dynasty died. Many time-travelers from China will feel regretful. Therefore, many time-travelers Everyone wanted to join Qin Shihuang to win the government and change the fate of the Qin Dynasty's demise.

The problem is, for a guy who is just like an ordinary citizen, why do you let Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng meet him and look at him with admiration? Besides, there are too many time-travelers doing this, and many of them are originally in the Qin camp, and they don’t want others to take away their benefits and achievements.

Therefore, Long Keduo's homologous time traveler died inexplicably before he could leave the farm. A group of Qin soldiers said that he was encircling and suppressing the rebels, and he probably became a number in the credit book of other time travellers.

Similarly, a time traveler from Long Keduo traveled through time and became a soldier of the Shu Kingdom in the world of Dynasty Warriors. To say that the original Dynasty Warriors is a very enjoyable game, the soldiers are the grass cut by the generals, and the generals One move can sweep away a large area. Use Wushuang to perform a 99-hit combo, creating an artistic scene of human bodies flying all over the sky.

The actual evolved world of Dynasty Warriors is not that exaggerated. Are you specific? I have no real experience with Long Keduo's homologous time traveler. The main reason is that he died on the first battlefield, and he died from his own archers. In my hands, how many time-travelers are really good at archery? The first time I went to the battlefield, I also shot indiscriminately. The enemy didn't kill many, but my own family members were hit a lot.

In short, Long Keduo's cognate traveler in the world of God of War is all kinds of death. On the one hand, it is due to the environment, and on the other hand, it is also related to his character.

The only surviving dragon, Long Dali, could only be considered lucky. He traveled through time and became an unemployed refugee in the world of The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty. He didn't expect to be involved in the disputes of the world. He didn't expect that he accidentally got involved when he ran to find a job. Among the two sects of the Demon Sect, the Tianlian Sect.

The demon in the world of The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty does not have the meaning of monsters, but means deviant. The origin is that after Dong Zhongshu of the Western Han Dynasty deposed all schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, the schools of thought never turned around. A combination of sects, which is a culture that deviates from the traditional Chinese culture of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

The people of the Demon Sect call themselves the Holy Sect. Even if they are called the Demon Sect, they sound high-ranking, but the things they do are not worthy of recognition, and they are not considered demon.

There are two sects of the Demon Sect, six paths: Xieji Sect, Mieqing Dao, Butian Pavilion, Tianlian Sect, Moxiang Sect, and Zhenzhuandao, and two sects: Yingui Sect and Huajian Sect.

Among them, the Xie Ji Sect sounds deceptive by its name, and at first glance, they thought it was engaged in activities such as using people to sacrifice evil gods, but it turned out to be a group of tomb robbers; the Mie Qing Dao was considered to be engaged in the male sex industry, that is, Xianggong , Lord Rabbit, Lord Long Yang: Butian Pavilion specializes in assassinations, that is, a group of assassins; True Preachers are a group of fundamentalist Taoist priests who specialize in Fangzhongshu and also engage in some feudal superstitious activities; Moxiang Sect is a group of people who rely on words Those who eat, tell stories, tell fortunes, and sing operas; Tianlian Sect, it sounds like it has something to do with Buddhism and Taoism. The lotus has symbolic meaning in both sects, and the result is a group of business people.

There are two remaining factions. The Huajian faction is engaged in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. It is an artistic faction that specializes in making money from women. It is commonly known as white faces.

The Yingui sect is a women's group engaged in the traditional service industry. Their purpose is to conquer the world by conquering men. As a result, their professional skills are really not good, not as good as their rival Cihang Jingzhai, even though Cihang Jingzhai is a nun. An, she takes the pure and high-end route, knows the temperament of men well, the best is what you can't get, and it has fascinated the masters in the martial arts world and the top officials of the family.

Look at what people in the Demon Sect do and what kind of characters they are. There is no future at first glance. If possible, Long Dali would not want to mix with them. However, he has no other options. Although he has some talent in business and technology, but if you don’t have enough background and force, do you want to do business in the ancient martial arts world? Believe it or not, if you set up a small stall, the gangsters will ruin your family.

Long Dali just hangs out in the Tianlian Sect, practicing martial arts and doing some research. Since it is difficult for time travelers to learn the martial arts in the martial arts world, he should create his own.

Long Dali started with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but he didn't expect that it would actually work, and he got the Heavenly Book. Then he thought that his plug-in had paid off, especially when it integrated the soul consciousness of the dead homologous traveler. out of hand.

However, Long Dali has been practicing quietly in a low-key manner, deciphering the information and functions of the Book of Heaven, and later opening the door to other worlds of martial arts fragments.

Long Dali was not the only one who wanted to study the world of martial arts and martial arts in depth. His unintentional improvement of the world of martial arts allowed them all to obtain the Book of Heaven.

Later, the holders of the Book of Heaven became aware of each other's existence, and used the connections between the Book of Heaven to establish a chat group to communicate with each other.

As the number of integrated worlds increases, the number of people in the Book of Heaven communication group also increases. With the improvement of the world and martial arts, the functions of the Book of Heaven increase, and their martial arts value also rises to a level that is difficult to reach for the characters in the original plot.

Inevitably, some people were unsatisfied with the status quo and began to participate in the disputes in the court, either doing chivalrous acts, competing for power, or founding sects. Specifically, they were just old tricks of pretending and slapping people in the face.

Conflicts also broke out between the holders of the Book of Heaven. If they only communicated in the chat group, there was no conflict of interest between them, and they were both time travellers, so they could still maintain a relatively friendly state. However, as each became famous, some After knowing the conflict and the identity of the other party, the battle began. The most important thing is the fight for the Book of Heaven, everyone wants to get more.

Long Dali was actually the same, but he didn't have much power and felt that he couldn't defeat others, so he pretended to have no desires and ran to the Western Regions. He wanted to jump out of the chessboard first, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and prepare to develop some power in a low-key manner. , once the opportunity arises, reap the benefits.

Unfortunately, he was still not strict enough and was discovered by others. As the least powerful one, he was brutally surrounded and killed. It can be said that he died before he left the army.

I can't say who is right or wrong in this matter. It's all about interests. Even though we were once considered good friends, we even went to fight the BOSS together.

Let’s not mention those grievances. As a lord, Long Er, even if he doesn’t avenge Long Dali, he should know the existence of homologous time travellers. After knowing that with the “Book of Heaven”, homologous time travellers can establish Contact, you can clone easily without fear of betrayal by the clone, you still have to deal with them all!

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