The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 250 The human world takes back the organization Chaldea

Type Moon World Tokyo Chaldea Tokyo Branch

Chaldea was originally the abbreviation of Phoenix Chaldea, the Human Survival Guarantee Agency of the Moon World. After being reorganized and expanded based on the original team and resources, it now has brand-new functions. Perhaps It can be called the Human World Restoration Agency Chaldea.

The purpose of New Chaldea is very obvious, which is to take back the world that belongs to humans, so that the oppression and dictatorship of human lords can truly become the masters of the world and the universe.

According to the current mainstream concept of the Pan-Human Alliance, all the worlds in the current universe evolved from the works conceived by humans in the real universe. In other words, humans are the real creators of all these worlds. Of course, the new universe should belong to Human beings should be controlled by humans.

The reorganization of Chaldea is the Pan-Human Alliance's response to the Main God Space of the Different World, the War Temple of the God World, and the Apocalypse Legion of the Apocalypse World. It is said that similar institutions exist in the Infinite World and even the Demon World, but I don’t know what it’s called yet.

Chaldea has concentrated all the elite combat forces of the Pan-Human Alliance for unified management and task distribution.

Previously, the organizations within the Pan-Human Alliance were complex. Organizations originally belonged to different worlds and had different interests. They all wanted to maintain their independence and did not want to be controlled by people from other worlds. In this way, Saint Seiya, Combat forces such as Death, Kamen Rider, Hero, and Black Ball Warrior belong to different departments. Just coordinating the arrangement of tasks is very troublesome.

Originally, the Pan-Human Alliance had no lords, and the Book of the World was only a fragment. Whenever a new world came, other forces would immediately send people to investigate. They were still worrying about where to send people. After all, The moon world is not peaceful now, and manpower is needed everywhere.

Especially in today's Tokyo, there is a huge overlap with other worlds. From time to time, visitors from other worlds appear, many of them very dangerous, which makes the department responsible for Tokyo's security management very worried.

When the alien world first arrived, the top leaders of the Metahuman Alliance wanted to establish friendly relations with the alien world lords and use them to deal with other lords.

It's a pity that the world lords of other worlds are not good people who are willing to contribute to the cause of mankind. They also like to hide in the dark and stand aloof. They disdain to talk and communicate with them, and they have not signed an Overlap Zone Management Measures with them at all. The idea of ​​a treaty.

Judging from the recent performance of the world lord of other worlds, he is a very cold and willful character. The lords of other worlds take their time in grabbing new worlds one by one. He is good at grabbing a few at a time and keeping the ones he likes. , if you don’t like it, throw it down.

In view of these factors, the Pan-Human Alliance lagged far behind in acquiring the resources of the New World. It was the same situation several times. When they found people to send to the New World, the newly arrived worlds were also surrounded by the lords of several worlds. Torn apart, divided, the remains merged into the Xingyue world.

In order to prevent similar worlds from continuing to happen, the Pan-Human Alliance Council had to abolish many useless institutions, bring the main combatants under the Chaldean banner, and refer to the main god space and the war temple, and give Chaldea the use of the world The permissions of the remaining copies of the book are given to various resources and conveniences.

Since then, Chaldea's performance in the new world has indeed lived up to expectations. Once the new world arrives, it can send an elite team to enter in time. Its performance is not worse than the teams in the Main God Space, the Temple of War, and the Apocalypse Legion.

Therefore, the Pan-Human Alliance Council agreed to further expand Chaldea, collect talents from humans in various worlds, give full play to their talents, and accumulate strength for the future of mankind.

However, with the financial resources of the Pan-Human Alliance, it is impossible to provide combatants with benefits as high as those of the Apocalypse Legion. To fill the gap, currently, it mainly relies on personal awareness and willingness to contribute to mankind. Fortunately, such people are among many There are not many in the world.

Today, hundreds of staff from the Chaldea Tokyo Branch are busy in the command hall as usual.

This place is not as glamorous as most people imagine. You can see many computers and electronic components, exposed dense circuits, various unknown machinery, and hundreds of large and small screens. It looks a bit like an electronic waste dump.

Even so, the equipment here is still the crystallization of the highest technology of the Pan-Human Alliance, combining many technologies in electronic technology and magic. Since it has just been established, it is not perfect yet, so naturally it is not that good-looking.

All this does not affect the work here, or in other words, they have become accustomed to it and are doing their own things.

Since emergencies may occur at any time, there are naturally people on duty here 24 hours a day. Not only ordinary staff, but also officials responsible for decision-making and commanding also implement a shift system to ensure seamless connection.

Chaldea has gathered the best commanders in the Pan-Human Alliance, such as the captains of the Ultraman World Victory Team, Super Victory Team, Kurt Team, etc., and the leaders of the Evangelion World EVA. Commander Misato Katsuragi and others, and behind them there is a think tank and advisory group composed of elites from all walks of life in the Pan-Human Alliance.

Even though everything is business as usual in the command hall, there are no urgent matters. In fact, they are currently dealing with several new world affairs.

The arrival of new worlds is no longer a rare thing. Most new worlds are still relatively ordinary single worlds. A large-scale war is a complete waste of resources. Therefore, the first choice of all parties is still to send out elite teams.

When it comes to obtaining resources such as information and power in the new world, it is not enough to have more people. What is needed more is brains and experience. Only when necessary will more troops be dispatched.

The current strength of the Pan-Human Alliance cannot withstand the loss. We know from the battle between the Alien World and the Apocalypse Legion. Although the main force is the human force legion in the Alien World, it also shows that there is a large-scale battle with the Apocalypse Legion. War is not smart.

According to the latest information obtained by the dispatched team, the new world coming to the other world should be the world of Beast Hunter...

Following the staff's report, the communication systems of several commanders on duty also received detailed information, including the intelligence of the dispatched team and the original information.

Beast Hunting Divine Weapon, also known as To the Beasts Who Were Gods, tells the story of a war that broke out on an imaginary continent. In order to quickly end the war, one of the parties created a weapon called Nemesis Divine Weapon.

In fact, it is to modify the human body so that it can transform into various mythical monsters, with powers and special abilities that far exceed those of humans.

The pseudo-god soldiers did show great power on the battlefield, quickly ended the war, brought peace, and became heroes respected by people. However, it also brought a problem. The transformation of the pseudo-god soldiers is irreversible, and their instincts and habits They will become closer and closer to beasts, doing things that harm ordinary people, and heroes will become disasters.

The protagonist of Beast Hunter is a man named Hank, who was originally the captain of the pseudo-human soldiers. In order to prevent his former teammates from doing evil, he embarked on a journey to hunt the pseudo-human soldiers alone.

In the original plot, Hank hunted down the pseudo-human soldiers one by one, but after the time-travelers intervened, the world became very different.

Many of the time-travelers will do whatever it takes to gain power, regardless of human nature or animal nature. As a result, the world of Beast Hunting Divine Weapons has now become a war between the two camps of the pseudo-human warriors and humans.

To be precise, it is still a war between the pseudo-god soldiers. Humans are definitely unable to compete with the pseudo-god soldiers. Therefore, the ones fighting for humans are a group of pseudo-god soldiers headed by Hank.

The value of this world is limited. Let the team play freely. Don't let those pseudo-god soldiers be recruited by other forces. The male protagonist Hank is a warrior with a human heart. Send someone to contact him and win over him and his men.

It was Katsuragi Misato and others who were on duty today. After a little discussion, they came up with a response plan. The basic principle is to gain as much benefit as possible, including recruiting talents, and try to prevent other forces from getting other people or things that are useless to our side. .

The second new world is confirmed to be Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion...

Not long after dealing with the world of Beast Hunter, Misato Katsuragi and others received a report on the new world. When they picked it up and took a look, they found that this was a world that made the Japanese very unhappy.

In the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion, Japan was conquered by the Holy Empire of Britannia. It was deprived of freedom, rights and even the name of the country, and was given the code name Area 11.

The story is also the general routine of a prince's revenge. The eleventh prince of the Holy Britannia Empire, Lelouch Lamperuki, whose mother was killed, took his sister to live incognito in District 11 until one day, he changed his name from C·C received a power called GEASS from the woman who could make people obey his orders absolutely through the eyes, and then began the road of revenge.

It is obviously a world of machine warfare, but super powers have been added... Misato Katsuragi and others are not interested in seeing it. This kind of super power is impossible to be useful in the type moon world, it has no value.

In addition, there are humanoid weapons, also known as humanoid free combat armored cavalry. It is commonly known as Knightmare in the play, with a total height of about 4.5 meters, and uses cherry stone as its energy source... Needless to say, other properties, the old-fashioned mobile weapons in the Gundam world can crush this toy.

Katsuragi Misato and others discussed it, and the result was: Collect some cherry stone samples and come back to find out the strength of the Holy Britannia Empire. If nothing else happens, this world will be integrated into the Shape Moon World. Then send a team Go deal with it...

What Katsuragi Misato and others did not expect was that not long after they issued the order, a communication came from the Pan-Human Alliance Council: The world of Lelouch of the Rebellion is very important to us, even if other worlds have little interest in it. We also need to ensure that we can integrate into the Xingyue world without fail...

Why? Misato Katsuragi and others expressed confusion.

There is a world of C in the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion. It is a collection of human hearts and memories, that is, the space formed by human collective subconscious. It should be helpful to our human god plan.

Needless to say, Katsuragi Misato and others all understood that the biggest flaw of the Pan-Human Alliance now is that without the existence of lords, it is difficult to fully utilize the functions of the remaining copies of the World Book.

It is impossible to leave the control of the remaining copies of the Book of the World in the hands of a certain person, so we have been working hard to create a god that belongs to humans and a system that represents the collective body of human consciousness.

However, the existence of Alaya, one of the two major restraining forces in the Shape Moon World, has no entity. The first problem faced is how to reach Alaya. Now that the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion has sent a ready-made one, naturally it is another one. Well, what needs to be done is to combine the Alaya of the moon world and the world of C.

Next, Chaldea immediately mobilized personnel to go to the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion to protect key people and areas. However, it was done very secretly to avoid being spotted by other worlds.

It turns out that other worlds are indeed not interested in the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion and are allowed to blend naturally into the world of Type Moon.

Afterwards, the Pan-Human Alliance Council couldn't wait to ask the guardian elders of the remaining World Book to use the remaining World Book to synchronize the human consciousness in the Xingyue world with the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion.

Isn't the world of C... equivalent to my spiritual space? Combining with Alaya is a good idea, but in this way, all humans can be controlled through the world of C? The GEASS ability setting is a way to interact with people. The ability generated by fusion can easily backfire. In the original work, the consequences of possessing this ability are not very good. Forget it, the backlash doesn’t backfire on me anyway. It’s just a group consciousness experiment. I’d better not do any damage. Let’s see. How far can they go?

Long Er, who was still stranded in the different world, noticed this. After all, the fragments of the Book of the World came from his hands, and the modification of the Xingyue World actually had to go through his procedure.

Not paying attention to this matter anymore, Long Er checked the information on the new world that had recently arrived, hoping to find something valuable. Now the ordinary World Apocalypse Legion can handle it, without him having to take action personally.

On the surface, the situation of the Apocalypse Legion is not good. It is blocked in conquering the demon world and other worlds. In the affairs of the new world, it is often jointly targeted by other forces.

In fact, it was just Long Er deliberately keeping a low profile. In the different world, he was just a piglet. He would eat it after fattening it up. He would definitely not say anything about it.

It is natural that the North American continent's attack on the demon world is progressing slowly. It was initially a test and rescue operation. Although a group of masters were sent, the number was only so small, and they were also engaged in guerrilla warfare.

However, due to the absolute superiority in force, especially on the material level, the masters sent have beaten the devil to the point of losing his temper, forcing the lord of the demon world to completely integrate the demon world into the Xingyue world.

The result of this is that the world previously controlled by the demon lord is integrated into the Xingyue world. The areas and demons controlled by the demon lord are scattered all over the world. Demons can also appear in every corner of the Xingyue world. In the demon world on the North American continent, The portal has lost its meaning.

However, the demon lord deliberately left an entrance to hell or burning hell, which is a semi-material and semi-spiritual space, and is stationed by a large number of semi-material and semi-spiritual demons, humans in material state or spiritual state. If you enter it, your power will be suppressed.

There was no need to fight in the demon world anymore. Long Er's clone, Long Ming, was still guarding there, just to see if he could seduce the lord of the demon world. But it turned out that the guy was very ghostly and just didn't show up.

But it doesn't matter. The demon world, like the infinite world, is no longer a separate world. It is protected by the Xingyue world, and loses its independence and is affected by the Xingyue world.

As long as the Shape Moon World is dealt with, the Infinite World and the Demon World will not be a problem. They can be dealt with in one go. Therefore, the only real tough opponent left is the World of Gods.

The development of the world of gods is relatively slow, but it is stable... I am most afraid of this. Take your time, anyway, the advantage is on my side. While thinking, Long Er saw a world that interested him: Three Eyes (3×3 EYES) The world is in a semi-integrated state, and the light of will in that world seems a bit interesting. It just so happens that Long Keduo is over there in China, let him go and have a look.

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