The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 230 The Magical Use of the Game World

Just now, Long Er received a piece of news that made him make a decision to attack the world of Overlord or another world.

Before, he sent the information here back to the Apocalypse Legion, mobilized the personnel of the Apocalypse Legion to enter the Overlord world, and sent personnel to investigate the other world.

Several teams did come from the Apocalypse Legion, but they were blocked by the Pan-Human Alliance and used the remains of the Book of the World to seal off the entire Overlord world.

Several teams fought with the Tokyo defenders. Although their individual combat power was superior, after all, this was their home field. The opponent had many personnel and a large number of defensive weapons. They tried their best to intercept them. Several teams failed to break through several times and had to retreat temporarily. .

Similarly, the Sickle Group and the others are trapped here. Once they get out, they will most likely be attacked and intercepted.

What does the Pan-Human Alliance want to do after playing such a trick? Explore the new world alone?

Of course it's impossible. If they have the ability, why wait until now?

Then, they most likely want to unite with the other world, or borrow the power of the other world.

Obviously, the conflict between the other world and the world of Apocalypse is inevitable, and the unique laws will also bring a lot of troubles to the Legion. It will be very difficult to conquer the other world through normal means.

There are often some extremely powerful magics in works from other worlds, and there are countless ways to destroy the world. Even if people in the Apocalypse world are resistant to the magic of other worlds, if it is converted into a pure physical attack, the Apocalypse world will be destroyed. Even if the legion is armed with armed beasts, it may not be able to withstand it. There are also various space skills and magical weapons.

The adventurers from the different world are also a factor. When Long Er observed them just now, he noticed that when they killed the skeletons and zombies, they directly obtained the magic, soul energy and even the source power of the skeletons and zombies.

The simplest way to obtain source power is to kill the beings with source power. Among them, there are more people who have traveled through time, and there are far fewer natives.

Obviously, the adventurers or the lords of the other world have carried this method forward and played with it, which looks like a simple way of killing monsters and upgrading.

This means that if the Apocalypse Legion fights against them, once they kill their members, those other world adventurers can snowball and grow.

Use the old method of modifying the world's laws to deal with it... The other world that has been merged into so many worlds is more stable and difficult to deal with than the single Overlord world. It consumes resources, is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and Long Er has a headache just thinking about it.

However, Long Er had thought of a countermeasure to deal with the Overlord world before, but he was still hesitant at first. On the one hand, it was a bit too cruel, and on the other hand, it was not worth exposing such a trick to the single Overlord world so early.

Okay now, since the fragmented worlds that make up the other world are similar to Overlord, this trick can be used.

Long Er now knows very little about the world of other worlds. He doesn't know who the lord is, and he doesn't know which worlds there are specifically. Now that he has an idea to deal with this world, the information is not particularly important, so let's get started!

The specific method is nothing special to say, but in summary it is: use games to fight games.

Among the fragmented worlds that arrived a while ago, there is an online game-themed fragmented world called Sword Art Online.

The name sounds awesome, and at first I thought it was the kind that describes swordsmen or swordsmen fighting and practicing, and their skills reach the realm of gods.

In fact, Sword Art Online is a story about a group of people playing online games and experiencing various situations.

It is said that human technological power has finally been able to actually create a complete online virtual space. Players can completely immerse themselves in the game as if they have entered a real different world.

There are several stories of Sword Art Online, and they correspond to different games. The first game is called SAO·Sword Art Online. The designer of the game, genius scientist Kayaba Akihiko, caused trouble during the testing stage and canceled it. The exit option of the game will lock players who join the test in the game. If they forcefully exit, the high-power microwaves emitted by the game helmet will burn the brain nerves and kill them.

Kayaba Akihiko told the players that he would let them go as long as they could conquer the game, so a group of players began a journey of conquering the game to save themselves.

However, the main part of the story will not be a detailed description of how players work together and overcome many difficulties to complete the strategy.

Still following the routine of high school students saving the world, the awesome protagonist saves everyone, picks up beautiful players by the way, and then has various ambiguities with other female players. After all, only in this way will the audience feel more comfortable.

But when it evolves into a real world, and many time-travelers join in, the story will naturally not follow the original route.

Not to mention the time-travelers competing for scenes and wives with the male protagonists, Kayaba Akihiko himself was among the players and was exposed by the time-travelers early on. He didn’t know what those guys did, which caused Kayaba Akihiko to become angry and directly committed evil acts. , causing all players, including the male and female protagonists, to become vegetative, with only consciousness existing in the game.

The new fragmented world is such a world that naturally all the forces in the Xingyue World have little interest. The world of Sword Art Online is really worthless in their eyes, so why can't they also go in and play the game?

Those players in the world of Sword Art Online are a burden to all camps, even the Pan-Human Alliance. No matter how powerful the players are in the game, they are still weak in reality. Even if they have some talents, training others is not the same. Besides, they all After becoming a vegetative state, do they still have to spend manpower and material resources to save people? Nowadays, the Pan-Human Alliance is busy saving the world and fighting for the future of mankind. It has no time to care about the life and death of a group of players.

The world of Sword Art Online has always been in the hands of the Apocalypse world. The world hangs above the sacred tree of the New World. The other camps have no objections and do not find it strange.

The world of Apocalypse itself has built a huge virtual game world, which is also very real. Even people from other camps can enter it as long as they are willing to pay, experience a different life, obtain various enjoyments, and can also use it for research Or practice.

The only flaw is that it is too expensive, and the fee only charges source power. Various forces think that this is a commercial method to search for source power in the world of the Apocalypse, and of course they will not let it succeed. If it is not for some special needs, such as exploring the Apocalypse through the game World intelligence, improved combat experience, etc. In addition, members of your own camp are prohibited from playing privately.

Of course, those camp forces thought that the purpose of studying the world of Sword Art Online in the world of Apocalypse was to improve virtual game technology, but for Long Er, the value of this fragmented world was far more than that.

Not to mention the specific benefits that Ryuji gained from the world of Sword Art Online, this time, he will use the world of Sword Art Online to deal with the other world.

Expansion? I don't think it's necessary. Now we'd better...

Of course, Suzuki Satoru couldn't understand the meaning of Long Er's words, but he didn't have much interest. He just wanted to run away now.

Long Er interrupted him, leaned closer and whispered mysteriously: The thing is like this, I just received a mission, those adventurers will not give up, and will definitely come again, in order to deal with them and the world behind them...

Oh oh oh……

Suzuki Satoru didn't take it seriously at first, but as he listened, he became interested. This matter was completely beneficial to him, and he also started to express some of his opinions.

While Ryuuji and Suzuki Satoru were whispering, the electronic angels from the New World also received the mission.

After the Divine Tree Holy Grail War, the Divine Tree in the New World is still the workbench of the electronic angels, with electronic angels busy on it 24 hours a day.

The team of electronic angels has expanded a lot. In addition to the angels from the Super Seminary world, the new members also have goddesses from the My Goddess world.

But the work seemed endless. In order to facilitate shifts, the electronic angels simply built some beautiful houses on the branches and branches of the sacred tree.

It should be said that the salary of Electronic Angels is still very good. They only need to ensure 8 hours of working time every day, and overtime is paid for overtime. Even if they don't have to rush around to complete tasks like those teams, they still belong to the high-income group.

They have proper arrangements and abundant choices for food, clothing, housing and transportation. Due to the authority they have at their disposal, they can travel to the virtual world and spiritual space of the Apocalypse world without spending any resources. Like Misaka, an electronic angel who was born as a sister, in addition to work every day, Having all kinds of fun, having a great time.

However, there are also electronic angels who are not satisfied with the status quo, such as Kesha, the angel queen in Super Seminary.

A platform was set up between the branches near the top of the sacred tree, and an exquisite small table was placed on it. Several angels from the world of Super Seminary were sitting together to drink tea.

Kesha, do you really want to give up your position as Electronic Angel?

A silver-haired female angel who is as beautiful as Kesha is looking at Kesha. Her temperament is a little gentler than Kesha. He Xi, one of the three angel kings, is now also a member of the electronic angels. She also goes to the Legion Research Institute. She is inclined to engage in research and is very satisfied with her current life.

Kesha did not answer directly but said: Morgana's demon group in Bichi is fighting guerrillas against demons in North America. She will show off the results to me every day. When her demon army is established, we may still be electronic angels. I I don’t want to see that Bichi’s proud face.”

As the former King of Angels, Kesha is certainly not satisfied with the status quo, especially in today's era, when many worlds mean opportunities, how can she not make a difference? Keisha hopes that angels can occupy a place in the Legion of Apocalypse, not just electronic angels, otherwise, they will always be vassals in the future.

But not many sisters are willing to continue fighting... He Xi understood, but he just had doubts.

Yes, an overly comfortable life makes people addicted. Kesha was also a little helpless.

What are you going to do? He Xi asked. She knew that Kesha was not a person who gave up when encountering difficulties. Even nine cows could not pull back what she had decided.

Our own people should be mobilized first. Among the electronic angels who were born as information androids, the radical Asakura Ryoko and others can be roped in. I will then go talk to those battle goddesses...

Kesha calculated that if things went well, she could easily pull up an angel team or even an angel army. The electronic angels are also very powerful in combat. They can obtain all the equipment that formal members of the Apocalypse Legion should have, but they have never had the opportunity to participate in the battle.

Kesha was thinking when an angel flew up from below and reported hurriedly: Queen, the lord has given us electronic angels a new mission.

What's the matter again? Dealing with bugs or upgrading the database? Kesha asked, not thinking it would be a big deal.

No, this is a very special mission. It gives us electronic angels a lot of authority and a lot of power!

Kesha and Hexi looked at each other and checked quickly. They were shocked when they saw it. The 0 behind the source power value almost dazzled their eyes.

The Lord is really generous this time... Using the game world to fight against another world is really an interesting plan! It seems that we can also participate in the battle while playing games at the same time.

Kesha stood up suddenly, raised her brows, and said excitedly: This is our chance! Let all the sisters prepare for battle. This is the only way to quickly gather the capital to establish the Angel Legion.

The angel girls of Super Seminary mobilized. The ones who are really responsible for the core work of this matter are electronic angels such as Asakura Ryoko and Nagato Yuki, who were born as information androids. For them, this mission is also very interesting. Even the usually expressionless Nagato Yuki's eyes were shining, with several data cables connected to his head, seven or eight virtual keyboards around his body, his hands moving like flying, and dense codes scrolling on more than a dozen screens.

Many people in Lockark City have been paying attention to the movements of the Electronic Angels. Seeing the Electronic Angels gathered and busy, they thought that the Apocalypse Legion might have another big move, so they inquired one after another, especially the spies from other camps.

As a result, they got the news that the Electronic Angels had developed a new virtual world game to test.

Most of the spies immediately lost interest. Only a few wanted to see what the new game of Legion of Apocalypse was like. Then, they learned that this time the virtual world game requires the purchase of special connection equipment and entry qualifications. The cost is It is not cheap for the people of the Apocalypse Legion. Suddenly, a large number of people hesitated and thought in unison: I am afraid that the electronic angels of the Apocalypse Legion want to encircle the source of power in this way, just like those unscrupulous people. It's like a game company, I won't be fooled!

As a result, when the world of Sword Art Online declined and merged, most people didn't pay much attention to it. They thought that the research institute of the Apocalypse Legion and the Electronic Angel had completed the research on this world, and naturally they would no longer hold it in their hands.

The world of Sword Art Online has naturally merged into the Japan of the Moon World. The Pan-Human Alliance is still very cautious and specially sends people to conduct routine inspections and levels of the newly integrated areas to prevent spies from the Apocalypse world from taking advantage of the world fusion. The opportunity to mix in, but naturally nothing was found. It was just that the relatives and friends of the players of SAO·Sword Art Online started making trouble with the staff again, asking the Pan-Human Alliance to help save people. The media also followed up and reported. The content, of course, was about the Apocalypse. The world refused to save them, and directly threw the players who turned into vegetative states into the Metahuman Alliance, with sinister intentions.

What they don't know is that those players have already begun a new journey of self-rescue.

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