The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 219 Athena was captured again

Many worlds merged into the moon world. When the disasters in various places weakened and the situation stabilized, institutions and organizations representing humans in various worlds went to the Tokyo area of ​​Japan to hold an international conference to reorganize the Pan-Human Alliance and hold a formal founding ceremony.

Japan has naturally become the center of the Pan-Human Alliance. Currently, many of the stories of the fragmented worlds that have been integrated into the Moon World are set in Japanese cities. After the worlds merged, they naturally became the political center of institutions in those worlds, such as Noragami, Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Blood Devouring Attack, Magical Girl Nanoha, Re:CREATORS...

Among them, the black balls in the world of Slaughter City are mainly placed in Tokyo, Osaka and other cities in Japan. The third urban fortress in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion, New Tokyo, can be said to be the safest city in the world. In order to fight against other worlds, It is naturally appropriate to place the headquarters of the Pan-Human Alliance here.

In fact, the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion also has fortress cities in Europe. However, the world of gods has now declined and has not merged with the world of Xingyue. A world passage has been left on the European side, forming a giant overlapping zone.

The world of Neon Genesis Evangelion should be a world where the original TV version and the theatrical version merged and evolved. With the changes in the laws of the world, the original Human Completion Plan cannot be carried out. Those apostles who tried to invade the third New Tokyo City, Either they were killed or captured, or they haven't appeared yet. Maybe their form of existence doesn't adapt to the laws of the new world, and they die directly or turn into other life forms.

The Pan-Human Alliance meeting was held. In order to demonstrate fairness and reasonableness, declare the will of mankind to other worlds, truly represent all mankind, and allow all people to unite as one, it was broadcast live globally.

Gentlemen and ladies, in the past week, people all over the world have suffered a lot. I would like to express my special thanks to those warriors who, regardless of their own safety, have traveled around the world to help the suffering people. They killed monsters, demons, and alien creatures that harmed mankind, and successfully saved the lives of many people. They are well-deserved heroes!

It was these brave warriors who demonstrated the strength and perseverance of our species in the scam of the Holy Tree Holy Grail War. In the end, we defeated those conspirators and took back what we humans deserve, our human world, Although our human freedom is only a part, one day we will get back everything that belongs to us!

I would also like to thank those who work behind the scenes. They may be unknown, but they are also heroes of all mankind. It is because of them that we achieved this victory. We gave the conspirators a hard slap and let them know that we Human beings are not something to be played around with.”


Of course, we still face many threats and difficulties, including soul-devouring demons, superior gods, insidious demons, weirdos who try to destroy us humans, and dictators who try to control our world and influence our destiny. We must speak loudly Say 'no' to them! We want them to clearly realize that our human bodies may be weak, our strength may be weak, we can be defeated, killed, and our bodies can be completely destroyed, but our spirits and Will will never be defeated, and mankind will never surrender! Victory will definitely belong to us!


I am deeply honored to be here today. As a spokesperson, I am here to announce the establishment of the Pan-Human Alliance! We have established this alliance before, but we are very powerless, so we can only hide in the shadows. Now We can finally stand upright!


Our Pan-Human Alliance is established for the well-being of all people. Not just humans, anyone who agrees with human ideas and morals can be one of us! We can work together to create a better future!

Here I would like to especially warn those humans who are in the opposing forces of the Pan-Human Alliance. Please do not forget your origins. As long as you still have a little bit of conscience as a human being in your heart, you should not become the minions of the enemies of mankind. Do not be caught in front of you. Blinded by your interests, don’t just think about yourself, think about those who are suffering! As long as you repent, we are willing to give you a chance, and we will also accept you with enthusiasm! We have a request below...

Most people around the world watched this exciting opening speech and founding declaration, which made countless people feel excited, as if they had seen a bright future for mankind, full of expectations and hopes.

Next were speeches by representatives and guests from various worlds, the content of which was very similar. They were nothing more than praising the importance of the establishment of the Pan-Human Alliance. This meeting was a great meeting, and a successful meeting will surely go down in history.

The above are all mere words, and what follows is the key point. That is, each representative will describe the sufferings he and his world have suffered, how he overcame them, and his contributions to the cause of all mankind. Of course, no matter how big the sacrifice is, no matter how big the sacrifice is. I have no regrets and will devote myself wholeheartedly to the great cause of fighting for the freedom of all mankind in the future.

Anyone with a little bit of political common sense can see that this is the time for politicians to put on a show, paving the way for future interests and power.

In the New World, people here in Lockark were also watching the live broadcast. While watching, they ate snacks and drank wine, just for fun. They didn't take it seriously at all, let alone get excited.

Even though I was excited, I couldn't help but want to vomit and curse people, such as Morgana.

Fuck your sister, you talk about how great they are! A bunch of despicable people! They actually killed my mother once and caused me such a big loss...

Morgana, who was watching the live broadcast, jumped up and moved a chair to smash the screen. Ever since she was tricked to death, she has been full of resentment towards the Metahuman Alliance.

Previously, Morgana's concept of the value of Command Spells was limited to being able to resurrect, make wishes, etc. But when she went to borrow Source Power and learned the exchange ratio between Command Spells and Source Power, she realized how much wealth she had lost.

Now whenever she mentioned the Pan-Human Alliance, she was like a menopausal woman, full of rage and always wanting to hit something.

Long Ming, Ge Xiaolun and others on the side quickly grabbed Morgana. Long Ming persuaded: Don't be excited, don't be excited! We still want to watch! Why bother with a TV. From a human perspective, those people are indeed great. , The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. After all, we have won. We must admit our defeat and maintain our dignity. History books are written by the successful. You can beautify them however you want. You can't let people announce loudly that we just use despicable means. He must have captured the remaining copies of the Book of the World.

I recognize your sister, Xiao Ming...are you a traitor? Morgana grabbed Long Ming's collar and looked at him carefully.

I...traitor? What do you think? Long Ming said that he was wronged. Others could betray, but he couldn't. He betrayed himself? funny!

Morgana said seriously: I just said in the speech on TV that anyone who agrees with human ideals is one of them, so be honest! You don't want to play the trick of being in Cao's camp and being in Han's heart, are you?

Long Ming replied helplessly: I'm a time traveler, how can I believe these lies? Besides, this kind of routine is too old-fashioned. They are engaged in united front. If they don't agree, they are not human. I have been immune for a long time. If I really believed it, , just wait to be tricked to death by them, do you think I am that stupid?

Yeah...that's right! Morgana nodded.

Besides, we are not considered members of the Apocalypse Legion now.

When Long Ming mentioned this, Morgana took out a contract from the briefcase beside her and showed it proudly: Who said it wasn't? Did you see it?

The contract to borrow Yuanli, what does this mean? You actually borrowed so much?! Long Ming expressed his amazement. In fact, this loan contract was signed by his subject Long Er, and Senju Hashirama gave it to Morgana. , Xiongbinglian introduced the team of Yuanli Lending, and naturally recommended the sick gun group with good reputation and low interest rate.

I want to reorganize my demon army. Of course I need so much, but I think it's still too little. The leader of the sickle and gun group refused to give more quota. I even sacrificed my appearance, and he refused to let go. Another one. Men who don’t understand amorous feelings are full of power and interests. I despise this kind of man the most.” Morgana expressed her contempt for Long Er.

You just exposed your breasts and thighs a little, gave me a wink, and you want 10 times the credit. Do you think I'm a nympho?

Long Ming thought in his heart and continued: Then this contract does not mean that you are a member of the Apocalypse Legion.

Morgana patted Long Ming's shoulder, raised her eyebrows and said: Although you are a little smart, you are still a little worse than me. Think about it, I owe so much source power. Doesn't that mean you are the same as the Apocalypse? Is the legion bound?

Wow! With so much energy, Sister Liang Bing, how are you going to repay it?! Ge Xiaolun started to yell after reading the contract.

Pay it back slowly. When I go to take over all the demon warriors from Super Seminary and form a team to do the mission, my subordinates need to be strengthened and their equipment is indispensable. The armed beasts are very expensive... I feel that the source power is still not enough. Do you want to borrow some from other teams? Or go to Karl. I heard that he has sneaked into the legion's research institute, so he must have research funds. Morgana counted on her fingers.

Sister Liang Bing, you still want to borrow it. This is online. You can only borrow from private loan sharks. It will be miserable if you can't pay back.

Morgana confidently put her hands on her hips and scolded: What do you know? You have to be bold in your career! You can't achieve great things by being timid. Let me see which other teams have good reputations. The big sword team is good, but The only team that didn't get cheated, this time they are going strong, so they should have plenty of energy.

Do you really want to borrow it? What if you can't pay it back? Long Ming also asked. Seeing Morgana's unreliable appearance, he still had to ask clearly for his own little money.

Morgana lowered her voice and said a little sneakily: Let me tell you, Kesha Nabichi might have hooked up with the lord. After all, I am the lord's sister-in-law... I'll go! What are you doing? What look?!

Long Ming stared at Morgana in astonishment, wondering what this woman was thinking about all day long. Was she smart or stupid? If he really had such a sister-in-law, he would be mad to death.

The others also stared at Morgana speechlessly, and Xin Zhao seemed to take it seriously and asked: Sister Liang Bing, are you awake? You don't have a good relationship with your sister Kesha, right? You are just guessing, How do you know that the lord is having an affair with your sister?

If I say yes, then yes, otherwise, let the lord come out and clarify. Morgana coughed and said seriously: I think it is necessary to repair the relationship between Kesha and I. Didn't I say that in those worlds in the past? They followed the script, not out of their original intention. There is a saying, smile at each other and let go of grudges, right! Many of their angels have been admitted to the Electronic Angels. That position is directly subordinate to the lord. The benefits are good and they can also Get first-hand information...

Long Ming was astonished. If the lord really came out to refute the rumors, wouldn't it be an explanation equal to a cover-up? Morgana is a woman who really has the qualifications to be a devil. For the sake of benefits and interests, she simply put aside her previous grudges. She is also thick-skinned. Not only does she secretly want to sell Kesha, but she also wants to repair her relationship with Kesha, so as to The only thing is to get benefits from the angels.

Sure enough, these politicians are starting to fight!

While Long Ming and Morgana were chatting, the live broadcast of the Pan-Human Alliance meeting finally entered a critical environment, how to manage the remaining copies of the World Book.

To this end, the forces in various worlds have put forward suggestions. Of course, they all think that they are the most suitable person in charge, and they are red-faced over this.

Some people suggested that each force should keep a copy, but it was despised by most forces. The reason is very simple. The function of a single remaining copy of the World Book is relatively limited, but if merged together, it can control the laws of the world.

Even if the Book of the World can be combined and disassembled, if there is a life-or-death situation and the Book of the World needs to be used, then the remaining copies of the Book of the World will have to be gathered together? Or have a meeting first? If that force had objections, wouldn't it be possible?

It would be best to use the remaining copies of the Book of the World together, but who should be in charge of them?

Some people have proposed taking turns to be in charge, once every five years, which seems good, but the Book of the World cannot be used by just anyone. Those who want to use the remaining copies of the Book of the World must have a strong spirit.

At the same time, the fragments of the Book of the World contain a large amount of source power, the specific amount of which is difficult to estimate. What if someone uses it for personal gain? We can't expect everyone in charge to be a gentleman and serve mankind wholeheartedly.

Various organizational forces argued endlessly until the Holy Church made a suggestion, which was to use the fragments of the Book of the World as the core to create a god representing all mankind and to materialize Alaya, one of the two major inhibitory forces in the moon-shaped world. .

This plan seems feasible. As a collective body of human consciousness, Alaya can fully represent the interests of all mankind. The question is how to do it? Moreover, Alaya's group consciousness itself is scattered, uncertain, and will be affected by human evil thoughts.

At this time, someone else proposed that when it comes to gods representing human interests, there is no need to create another god at all. It exists by itself. That is the goddess Athena of the Saint Seiya world. As the goddess who has always protected mankind, she alone leads the Saint Seiyas and the When the gods fight, is there anyone more suitable than her?

This statement was recognized by most people. Unfortunately, the goddess Athena did not come to the meeting today. Otherwise, everyone would have wanted to hear what she had to say.

Just as all the participants were preparing to vote, news suddenly came that the goddess Athena was attacked by the world of gods!

As soon as the screen turned, people saw a mansion in Tokyo. There was thunder and dark clouds in the sky. Several huge figures could be seen faintly. Several chains flew down, and several long skirts were tied up. Athena dragged her up into the sky, and the Saints were blocked by all the gods, and they could do nothing.

Athena was captured again!

The people in the Apocalypse Army who were watching the live broadcast on Lockakla's side were stunned and couldn't help cheering loudly, feeling quite surprised. Why?

You have to know that she was caught, but Athena's special skills, like the Tang Monk in Journey to the West, can actually witness it with her own eyes, so full of emotions!

Long Er and his clones also stared at the screen, and couldn't help but have some doubts. You must know that once Athena accepted this position, she did not obtain the fragments of the World Book, but only the administrator. The owner of the fragments of the World Book was still Athena. Layer, or all mankind, Athena seems to have become a god who protects mankind, but in essence she has become a god who serves all mankind. Even if she doesn't want to, the beliefs of all mankind will change her.

Athena was caught at this critical moment. Could it be that she was specifically trying to avoid becoming the so-called patron saint of mankind?

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