The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 206 Neon Genesis Evangelion

How did you find them and get them to agree to join?

Don't underestimate my intelligence capabilities. I have been looking for candidates for a long time. Brünnhilde was quite proud, her eyebrows raised. She had finally done one thing well since the war started.

The reason why everyone is curious is that the origins of the three people brought back by Brunhilde are not simple. Two of them are the universe overlords Boros and Hungry Wolf in the world of One Punch Man.

You know, Boros and Hungry Wolf are quite famous in individual battles. They participated in the Sacred Tree and Holy Grail War just to fight. They dared to fight anyone they met and did not pick their opponents at all. If no one came to them, they would take the initiative to challenge them, especially I like challenging characters who perform well.

The two of them are basically troublemakers. In order to fight against the masters they like, they will spend command spells and change their camps and modes, which makes those who want to avoid powerful characters through mode selection very distressed.

Nowadays, the personnel of individual battles are reorganized. They either give up, join the team, or are harvested and eliminated by the masters sent by several major camps.

Logically speaking, in terms of race and identity, Boros would be more suitable to join the Monsters or the Spacemen, but he doesn't get along well with either team.

Hungry Wolf is a preparatory member of the Apocalypse Legion and likes to hang out with martial artists and boxers. The reason why he did not join the legion's team is that he lost in the internal selection battle of the Apocalypse Legion. Individual battles are relatively free.

Naturally, it was not easy for Hungry Wolf to join a team from another camp. In fact, the Pan-Human Alliance sent people to contact him and Boros, but neither of them was interested.

Both of them are not afraid of other camps sending experts to eliminate them. Rather, it suits their wishes and powerful opponents will come to their door without any effort.

At this time Brünnhilde came to them, and it was not difficult to convince them. If they want to fight against more powerful people in the next Holy Grail War, joining the team is inevitable.

The Valkyrie team itself also has several well-known strong men. Senju Hashirama and others are members of the Apocalypse Legion, but they don't have to think about fighting for victory for their own camp. The internal atmosphere is free and relaxed.

The third person left was a young man with white hair and red eyes who looked like a student. He was dressed in cheap weapons and armor, and had a guitar on his back. He had a gentle smile on his face. Brynhildr didn't recognize her either, but she, the Heroic Spirit know.

Adam, the human fighter who fought against Zeus on the god's side in the battle between humans and gods in The Last Valkyrie, is the father of all mankind in the world of The Last Valkyrie.

It is Adam who stole the fruit of wisdom with Eve in Western mythology. He died heroically in the battle with Zeus, but he also forced Zeus, the Father of the Gods, to use all his strength. If he turned into a heroic spirit, his original ability should be reserve.

Since Adam can be summoned, the identity of this white-haired young man will definitely not be simple. But, can he really fight with his thin body?

Hello everyone! I am Nagisa Kaoru, please take care of me! The young man introduced himself politely.

You'll know after you try it. Let me do it. I don't believe I can't beat a young boy. Morgana stepped forward, still unwilling to be a substitute and wanted to compete for the main combat position.

Can you use the AT force field? Long Ming asked curiously.

Nagisa Kaoru stretched out a finger, and a regular octagon emitting colored light appeared, like a glass plate.

Long Ming confirmed the authenticity of the young man's identity and said to Morgana: Forget it, you probably can't beat him.

Do you know his identity? Morgana knew that Long Ming would not be innocent, and she obviously knew the young man's identity from his name.

The container of Adam's soul in Neon Genesis Evangelion. No wonder it can summon Adam from The Last Valkyrie. I'm not very clear about the details. The setting of this work is a bit of a stream of consciousness, and there are also TV versions and There are two versions of the theatrical version.”

Morgana and others quickly checked their phones and found Neon Genesis Evangelion. With Morgana's data processing speed, they could read all the information in a few minutes, but they frowned.

Long Ming is not surprised. The setting of Neon Genesis Evangelion is indeed quite brain-burning, and many people still look confused after watching it several times.

The TV version of the warriors of Neon Genesis Evangelion is based on the Western creation myth. It is actually a mecha-war animation work with many technological elements added. The routine of a boy driving a giant robot to save the world is different. , the giant robot here is actually a huge living body, just covered with armor on the outside, and the protagonist's opponent is an apostle, that is, an angel, the kind that can release various light cannons.

In Neon Genesis Evangelion, Adam and Lilith, the ancestors of mankind, are both giant humanoids, similar to Ultraman's Giant of Light, because the supervisor of the work is said to be a die-hard fan of Ultraman.

The difference between this work and conventional machine combat works is that there is no so-called final BOSS, and everything is for the human completion plan.

The general content of this plan is to unite all human beings into one body, sublime them into gods, turn their bodies into something like orange juice, and return their souls to Lilith.

The theatrical version is even more ridiculous. The overall plot remains the same, but the background setting is completely subverted. It is said that Adam and Lilith are alien super beings who have descended on the earth. They are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom respectively. They are looking for suitable ones in the universe. The planet spreads the seeds of life, allowing them to multiply and evolve, and wait until a suitable time to harvest all life and turn it into the fruit of life.

In this context, the Human Completion Plan carried out by mankind is to integrate all mankind with Adam or Lilith and become a god level life form.

Originally, there was no problem following this setting and plot. However, at the end of the theatrical version, the world was reset. What the hell?

Long Ming doesn’t bother with stream-of-consciousness works anymore. Let’s just leave it that way. There are many worlds with incomplete or contradictory settings. Don’t talk about logic and just accept the established facts.

Now Nagisa Kaoru, the Adam, has become a member of the Valkyrie team. Maybe his hand-to-hand combat ability is not good, but the AT force field can completely make up for it.

The full name of the AT force field set in the original work is Absolute Territory Field, which is literally translated as Absolute Territory Field. It is essentially a phase transfer space. When the Absolute Territory is affected by the outside world (attacked), the soul matter in it will change. A certain movement causes the overall phase of the Absolute Domain to change, and this characteristic is used as a means of defense.

The so-called soul material is a bit nonsense in the real universe, but it is very reasonable in the new universe. Soul power.

The simplest way to deal with the defense achieved by deflecting space is to use AT force field to neutralize the AT force field, or use anti-world treasure phantoms or space-breaking skills. Spiritual and soul-type skills should also be able to achieve good results. The effect of other types of attacks is little or useless, and if the AT field is strong enough, it can be used for attacks.

Morgana's female demon beast can use mental attacks, dark energy with negative mental power. Considering the characteristics of the digital itself that can travel through space, it may be able to destroy the AT force field with full force, but Nagisa Kaoru can definitely do it. Lay out another layer or even ten layers of AT force fields.

Of course, the AT force field does not come for free, it requires a lot of energy, but Kaoru Nagisa can be said to be a humanoid apostle.

The apostles in Neon Genesis Evangelion all have the Fruit of Life, which can provide unlimited energy. The explanation of the technological point is that electromagnetic coils the size of DNA obtain energy in the form of positive and negative electron collisions.

It is not known whether this is true under the current laws of the world. However, judging from the AT force field used by Nagisa Kaoru just now, his own energy must be stronger than Morgana, not to mention that his heroic spirit Adam is also very awesome. With Morgana now The strength is basically impossible to fight.

At this point, the Valkyrie team has been reorganized and is waiting for challenges from other teams. There is no other way. They are still in team battle single player mode and are too lazy to change.

Teams from all camps are also lined up on the big screen of the Sacred Tree. There are a total of thirty teams, waiting for the decisive battle to begin. They are:

Metahuman Alliance: Hero Team, Kamen Rider Team, Space Knight Team, Templar Church Team, Spirit World Team, Fighter Team

In addition, there are the Gold Saints, Silver Saints, Bronze Saints, and Foreign Saints under Athena (composed of the Taoist Priests who protect the continent and fairyland, and fighters under some gods who have taken refuge in Athena, etc.)

Apocalypse World: Martial Artist Team, Swordsman Team, Knight Team, Ninja Team, Great Sword Team, Myth Team, Uruk Team

God’s camp: Underworld Fighters, Sky Fighters, Mad Fighters, God Fighters

Heavenly World: Knights of the Rose Cross, Order of the Eagle

Infinite World: Beast God General Team, Awakened Team

Independent camp teams: Valkyrie Team, Ultraman Team, Spaceman Team, Monster Team, Demon World Team

Taking a closer look at the division of the camps, it is not difficult to guess that the first choice for those teams in the free mode is of course the weaker or no-background teams, specifically the Cosmos Team, the Monster Team, and the Demon World Team.

The Valkyrie Team and Ultraman Team can only be considered half of them. They either have members of the Apocalypse Legion inside, or they are working for the Apocalypse Legion.

Due to the arrogant remarks of the weirdos in the media, the weirdos naturally became the first target of the Pan-Human Alliance.

The first battle: Monster Team VS Fighter Team

Mode: Team battle and single player battle

Venue: Arena

The reason why the Fighters Team was sent was mainly due to their own choice, because according to their investigation, they were convinced that the Monster Team was the team of the Orochi and his subordinates who were the will of the earth in the King of Fighters world.

The Fighters team's guess was correct, but they misjudged the strength of the Monster team and hit the wall. The members of the Fighters team were defeated and died one after another, and were beaten to the point where they were completely unable to stand up.

There are two main reasons why the Fighters team lost so miserably. Firstly, the Fighters' fighting skills are great. After all, their bodies are still human. The bodies of the members of the Monster Team have been alienated to varying degrees, and they have certain abilities that are many times higher than those of ordinary people. Senses and abilities.

The weirdos in many works are usually things that are easily killed by human heroes. Whether they are insects or reptiles, those monsters do not have some superhuman abilities that these creatures should have. They seem to be just ugly in appearance. , but if these abilities are really developed, such as a locust, crab, or flea the size of a person, it will be difficult for humans to be its opponent.

Even if the skills of the fighters and the power of the universe can close this gap, the Weird Team actually has a background.

Judging from the fact that Orochi and his men in the King of Fighters world are in the Monster Team, it is not difficult to know that the background of the Monster Team is the will of the earth.

Even though there are several planetary consciousnesses inside the earth now, most of them seem to be unfriendly to humans. They either want to destroy humans or harvest their souls.

Although they are fighting on their own, they do not prevent them from supporting some weirdos to deal with humans. Therefore, the members of the weird team generally receive a steady stream of support from stronger heroic spirits, especially the planet's energy.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that three of the five major elves from the world of Shaman King appear in the Weird Team: Soul Flame, Soul Thunder, and Soul Wind.

As long as the weirdos themselves are not stupid, the possibility of failure is really low. And these weirdos who survived the fierce elimination may be abnormal, but they are definitely not fools.

The Pan-Human Alliance made a bad start. Although the Fighters team had obvious shortcomings, losing so ugly was really a blow to their morale.

The decision-makers of the Pan-Human Alliance decided to choose the next battle carefully and look at the fighting situation of other camps.

By this time, many camps were eyeing the Cosmonauts, and the Cosmonauts also realized this and immediately challenged the Cosmo Knights in a very high-profile manner.

This is a battle that the Pan-Human Alliance doesn't want to take on. Both teams are using Radam's power or technology. The outcome is unpredictable, but there are so many spectators watching. If they back down, it will not only be embarrassing but also demoralizing.

The Pan-Human Alliance only hopes that the members of the Space Knights can sweep away the hostile Tejaman like in the original Space Knights.

Space Knights VS Spacemen

Battle mode: Team battle battlefield mode

Battlefield: Space

In this battle, the Space Knights were still defeated. They performed as well as they should have, but their congenital defects led to their defeat.

The Tejaman of the Space Knights is originally an incomplete Tejaman. Using this power will cause certain damage to the body, although not a lot each time. Now many methods can alleviate it and allow them to maintain their combat effectiveness.

This time their opponent was the complete Tegaman transformed from the best of the best from the universe. Radam adjusted this technology to adapt to the moon world.

The members of the Space Knights engaged in high-intensity battles with them, and this congenital flaw was quickly exposed. Their physical condition, even slight pain and slowness, could be fatal.

The Space Knight in the original work can overcome many difficulties and create miracles. That is the need of the plot. If it falls into reality, the possibility is not high.

In this battle, the Space Knights failed. It can be said that they were misled by the original work, thinking that the incomplete Tejaman could be stronger than the complete one.

On the other hand, the heroic spirits held by people in the universe are also quite powerful. Various monsters or people from the universe also have the help of planetary consciousness.

After the Weird Team and the Spaceman Team won, in this round, other teams were unable to challenge them, and the only scattered team left was the Demon World Team.

Several teams challenged the Demon World Team, and as a result, the Demon World Team chose the martial artist team from the Apocalypse World.

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