The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 190 A team of prosperous yin and waning yang

I said, why don't you, a woman, understand?! This matter is related to the survival of mankind and the world. You are so naive to want to stay out of it! How old are you? You are still so naive! Don't think that the world has changed now. , you don’t have to take gods and demons seriously. You guys have no idea how powerful those guys are and are so self-righteous! If you don’t listen to me, you will definitely suffer a big loss! Don’t cry and beg me when the time comes! HI! Are you listening to me? If you want to win the Holy Grail War, you must, definitely, definitely listen to me, you know!

On one side of Lockrack's martial arts arena, a woman was shouting hysterically, with a sarcastic face, so that her facial expression was a little distorted. Otherwise, paired with her beautiful and decent dress, she would be a noble and elegant person. , heroic tall beauty.

The eldest sister of the thirteen Valkyries in the world of The Last Valkyrie-Brünnhilde, a half-god and half-human, contributed to the war between gods and humans. According to the plot of the original work, she did achieve victory. Quite successfully, the selected human champions defeated several gods.

The work The Last Valkyrie is not finished before the travelers travel to the fragmented world, and the process is less than half, but the ending is completely guessable. Of course, the human side will win, and it will most likely be a tragic victory. After all, the person who created this work is a human being, and the people who read it are also human beings. If the author imagines that human beings are defeated, the gods are destroyed, and 7 million years of history are erased, it doesn’t matter whether the readers can accept it or not. So many fierce battles in the front are just showing that The human spirit of struggle?

Brünnhilde came down from the world of gods. To be precise, she escaped. It is said that other worlds controlled by gods invaded the world of The Last Valkyrie. Youshen couldn't stand this battle very much. Here are a few tricks. All the fighters in the human camp and those watching the game were wiped out, even the assisting Valkyrie was not spared.

Seeing that something was wrong, Brünnhilde took her surviving sisters and ran away early. After that, they lurked and quietly collected information, trying to figure out what was going on?

As for revenge, they don't dare to think about it. They can't deal with the gods of one world, let alone the gods of multiple worlds, and the kind of gods that are ridiculously powerful?

As she learned more and more information, Brunhilde felt that she and her sisters had no hope and had to live secretly for thousands of years, living in a world completely controlled by the gods, until the Holy Tree and Holy Grail War was held.

It turns out that not all the world is controlled by God! There are many other worlds out there whose powers are supposed to rival the gods!

Brünnhilde was so excited when she saw the hope and opportunity that she took her sisters and quietly slipped to the world of Xingyue. What surprised them even more was that the Holy Tree Holy Grail War began, and the originally dead sisters were resurrected as heroic spirits. .

Brünnhilde realizes that she understands the power of the gods very well, and that humans and other worlds may not necessarily win. In order to stop and defeat the gods, she must once again pull together a team and lead humans to victory.

This time, Brünnhilde herself came to the rescue and summoned a heroic spirit to join the battle, and her heroic spirit was none other than the Valkyrie Brünnhilde from the moon-shaped world.

Like the Valkyrie in the world of The Last Valkyrie, the prototype of the Valkyrie in the Moon World is also the daughter or maid of the great god Odin in Norse mythology. Brunhilde is the most famous one in the Valkyrie story. They are called Valkyries and are called Valkyries. Their job is not to fight, but to guide heroic spirits.

Brünnhilde spoke with bared teeth, but the main person she spoke to had a calm face, and she was stuck with just one sentence.

Then do you know that this Holy Tree Holy Grail War was initiated by the lord of our Apocalypse world?

The one who was talking to Brynhildr was none other than Kushida Miun, the Female of the Demon Fist in The Strongest Disciple Kenichi in History in the World Dark Martial Arts Group Cadre Group Karate Group Ikage Nine Fist, now in A representative figure of strong women in the Legion of Apocalypse.

The reason why Kushida Miun is here is not because her heroic spirit is one of the Valkyrie sisters, but because she is here with the people who formed a team with her.

The Armored Martial Emperor in the dark group's weapons group - Mamajuk Bravan, like Rin Tachibana, also wears Western-style knight armor all day long, holding a long-handled giant ax and a large shield. He should look like A strong man is actually a woman with a height of two meters (199cm).

For a female warrior like Mamajuk Bravan, it is quite normal for her to summon the Valkyrie. She summoned the third daughter of the Valkyrie - Thrud, who is the tallest and strongest among the thirteen Valkyrie girls. The tall one is basically a muscular woman.

Besides, the heroic spirit of Miun Kushitanada is a cute and soft-looking girl, wearing a luxurious yet elegant Hanfu.

His surname is Luo, his first name is Cuilian, and his courtesy name is Hao. He is a god-slayer in the world of God-Slayer. He is the pinnacle of martial arts. Among all the god-slayers, he is the only one who has achieved the great cause of killing gods with his own martial arts. He is the Holy Cult of the Five Hells The leader of the martial arts king of Jiangnan, apart from his power as a god-slayer, he is best at Qing Kung Fu and The Twelve Divine Palms of the Flying Phoenix.

The above is the setting of Luo Cuilian in the original work of God Killer. As a harem-oriented work, the beautiful and lovely Luo Cuilian is naturally a candidate for the protagonist's harem.

It's definitely not going to work now. Not only Luo Cuilian herself has died, the protagonist of the world of God Killer, the high school student Kusanagi Godou who accidentally killed a god and became a God Killer, also died without knowing where his soul is.

Sure enough, as Long Ming had thought before, if the gods in the world of God Killer can be liberated from myths, they will no longer need God Killers to advertise for them. With the addition of gods from other worlds, God Killers will be able to Even with the title of god-killer, there is only one way to die. The power of the god-killer is to usurp the power of the gods. Once the gods take it back or make it invalid, they will be at their mercy.

Luo Cuilian can be summoned as a heroic spirit and fit in with Miun Kushitanada, which shows that her strength is recognized by the Holy Tree Holy Grail system. However, due to the urinary nature of the harem works, Luo Cuilian's figure looks a bit softer. Looking at Kushitanami Miun's toned and hot figure, Ryuji almost exclaimed Wow! when he saw her for the first time.

The power that Luo Cuilian has mastered should be transformed into a Noble Phantasm, and she does not rely entirely on martial arts. Moreover, the purpose of summoning heroic spirits for the warriors participating in the Holy Grail War in the Apocalypse Legion is not to find a powerful combat force, but mainly to By meeting the requirements of the Holy Grail War and using heroic spirits as sacrifices, they can escape unscathed.

This is also the reason why most members of the Apocalypse Legion did not participate. Even if the Holy Tree Holy Grail War is large-scale and high-level, and is very important to many worlds, it cannot change that it is essentially a large-scale sacrificial ceremony. It's hard to say whether the soul can be resurrected once it's sucked into the Holy Grail.

Therefore, the participants in the Apocalypse Legion are mainly those who are warriors, warlike, or those who want to prove themselves. In addition, internal competitions were held in advance, and a few truly powerful people were sent to participate, so that others could rest assured and watch. play.

The tasks assigned by the lord are only to try their best to win. There are no other rigid requirements. The personnel of the Apocalypse Legion participating in the Holy Grail War also know that they represent the Apocalypse world and will not specifically classify themselves into the human camp. , even if they are not winning for the legion, legion members are basically very self-centered people, and will not sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the group, to help others, regardless of the world or all mankind.

There must be more people in the legion summoning heroic spirits than those participating in the Holy Grail War. In order to obtain information about the world of gods and demons, some people specially made some special summons.

If the summoned guy cooperates, he will be given some benefits. If he doesn't cooperate, then I'm sorry. Not to mention the power of the legion members, the command spell alone can make them suffer.

If you are a useless and weak guy, you can directly send it to the Pure Land of Paradise in the Apocalypse world to exchange for points, but sometimes you will summon some strange things.

You care so much about the world and humanity, why don't you go to Athena?

Miun Kushida couldn't help but ask, from Brünnhilde's point of view, wouldn't it be more appropriate to go there? Do you have an ulterior motive for coming here to recruit people to fight for humanity?

Brünnhilde curled her lips and almost spat. She had actually been there, but there were so many people there, and there were so many suggestions. It was impossible for the goddess Athena to listen to her every word, so she It’s time to start anew.

Brünnhilde did not answer. Her youngest sister Gray was an honest person without any scheming, and explained exactly what happened to them before.

Hey... Brünnhilde sighed secretly. She thought her name could still be of some use, but she didn't expect that the people she encountered were not kind. Everyone had their own ideas and refused to listen to her. The conductor, distrusting her intelligence.

Suddenly, Brünnhilde caught a glimpse of a man sitting there who was lost in thought. He was the master of Lu Bu and Randy Grace. This guy didn't look very smart.

What's your name over there? Forget it, what do you think?

Brünnhilde wanted to put on a pleasant face, but she was unhappy at the moment. Seeing the guy wandering around, she was very angry, so she was ready to talk first.

Call me? I... have no idea, just hit me wherever you go.

It was Long Ming who was greeted by Brünnhilde. He didn't watch Valkyrie's performance or speech at all. He thought it would be a constructive meeting, but instead he listened to a slightly neurotic woman chattering. Nao, however, the team's combat strength is pretty good. Kushitanami Miun and Mamajuk are both very powerful. The only shortcoming is that the yin is a bit strong and the yang is weak.

Because this meeting was boring, Tengao Lubu had left on his own. He should have gone back to continue practicing the use of magic power. In addition to increasing the power of his moves, that is, turning them into armor and weapons. Although Tengao Lubu looked handsome and domineering with his bare feet and body, But when you encounter a well-equipped opponent, you are looking for abuse.

As for letting Randy Grace become Lu Bu's weapon, it is actually completely unnecessary. Under the current world rules, there is no problem that human weapons cannot fight against God's artifacts.

Even if the Valkyrie transformed into a weapon, it is basically a cold weapon made of hard material, which is equivalent to an A-level Noble Phantasm at most. They cannot fire light cannons like the Sword of Oath to Victory.

Anyway, Long Ming thinks it's a bit weird to use a girl as a weapon. Will he touch some places that he shouldn't touch?

Randy Grace is more suitable to be a maid, just let her handle the groceries, and Long Ming doesn't have to worry about meals, laundry and other chores.

Then what is your wish? Brunhilde asked again.

Long Ming pretended to think about it carefully: I don't have any special wish, I just want to earn some energy or something, so that I can live comfortably.

Don't you think if the gods win the Holy Grail War, how many worlds will suffer? How many people will die? Don't you want to do something? Brünnhilde followed suit.

That's none of my business. I didn't do it. You can go to whoever did it. Long Ming said matter-of-factly.

Brünnhilde said loudly and arrogantly: Of course it's none of your business! If all humans are dead, or survival is difficult, do you think you can live well?

Are you bluffing me? How can human beings be destroyed so easily?! I am a time traveler. I have seen stories of human destruction ranging from a thousand to eight hundred. In the end, I can survive. I have to believe in the strength and greatness of life and it will create miracles. . Gods and demons, under the same conditions, cannot have much advantage. Their numbers are small and they will be piled to death by humans. The biggest enemy of humans is humans themselves. Everything else is not a problem. Even if we encounter any disaster, we will die. That’s almost it. When the time comes, I’ll make some sacrifices, find a few more beauties to marry, and have a lot of children, and humanity will be revived in a few years.”

Long Ming made some nonsensical nonsense. Brynhildr was stunned, as if she had become weathered, and stared blankly at Long Ming. The other Valkyries were also dumbfounded.

The next moment, Brünnhilde suddenly pounced on Long Ming, grabbed his neck with both hands and kept shaking him, roaring: Fuck your strength in life, screw your miracles, you still want to sacrifice yourself to find a beautiful woman, so beautiful You... there are shameless bastards and hooligans like you in the world. Believe it or not, I will strangle you to death now. No, I have to castrate you. I can't let your despicable seed pass on! Give me a pair of scissors quickly...

Sister, don't be like this! Don't be angry! Let go... you will really strangle people! Randy Grace and Gray quickly stepped forward to grab Brynhild, pulling and pulling, and they became a mess.

Kushida Miun, Mamajuke and others didn't think it was a big deal, because most time travelers would have this seemingly absurd but actually very practical idea, and they had long been accustomed to it.

Brünnhilde calmed down at this time and felt that Long Ming could not communicate and talking to him was a waste of time. She stopped talking and changed her target.

Who are you? You brought a cute black cat, a crocodile, and a stuffed animal?

This time, the person Brunhilde asked was Morgana. She also followed Long Ming. There was no other way. Morgana wanted to raise a team of her own, but her name was completely unworthy here. She needs people but no one, she needs resources but no resources, she is just a subordinate or a fool with a crocodile head, and her capital is just being pretty and having big breasts, except for guys with ulterior motives, who would mess with her? ! It was impossible for her to follow the Xiongbing Company. After learning the news from Randy Grace, she also came to see the situation.

The black cat Brynhild was talking about was of course Heidilumon. In fact, it can evolve into Demonmon at any time. However, Morgana read the Digimon training guide on the Internet and evolved into the same form. The data and information she obtained The difference in combat power after evolution will be very large, so she suppressed Heidilumon to prevent it from evolving. She supplemented data online and participated in virtual battles all the time.

The puppet is actually a small ancient king, a fat dinosaur that is as tall as a person. It looks a bit like a person wearing an inflatable leather suit, and it is actually a bit cute.

Me? Haha, I am Demon Queen Morgana!

Since someone asked, Morgana revealed her identity with dignity, but unfortunately, people didn't buy it.

Demon Queen? Are you bluffing? How do you look like a demon? Chuunibyou? Brynhildr didn't believe it at all.

You are the chuunibyou! How dare I, the mighty Demon Queen, lie to you?!

You said you are not a chuunibyou, then prove it to me!

Proof is proof... Thornton, tell her who I am?!

Do you think I'm an idiot and believe a stupid crocodile?

After a while, Morgana and Brünnhilde were fighting each other, and several Valkyrie girls stepped forward to start a fight.

Long Ming originally thought that this temporary team was going to break up, and several women started to fight each other. As a result, Brünnhilde went to find someone else, but it seemed that there was no satisfactory teammate candidate, and there was another person in the team who she knew well. The members just made do with each other and started this trip to the Holy Tree and Holy Grail War.

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