The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 184 The God’s Power

A mountain peak... It should be said that a mountain range descended. There was no sound effect, it just flew in so quietly, but it made people feel that it came with a roar.

From a distance, it looks like an island suspended in the air. It is completely natural, with irregular giant rocks carrying the mountain. There are more than ten peaks distributed from bottom to top. The lowest one is three to four thousand meters, and the highest main peak is more than 10,000 meters. The fog Wandering, you can see the snow above.

People often say Taishan weighs down the top, but it is just a description. Most people have no specific concept. This moment is the true portrayal of this idiom.

A big rock hanging above your head will bring a lot of psychological pressure. If it is replaced by a towering mountain that is billions of times bigger, it casts a huge shadow. A person is like a speck of dust in front of it. Normal life will instinctively be afraid. , for people with phobia of giant objects, they may be frightened directly into shock.

Many people in Loklak ran around or flew into the air, all worried. If such a huge mountain range fell, wouldn't it kill a large number of people in Lokklak?

Fortunately, the mountain range only descends slowly, and gradually people can see ancient Greek-style buildings such as temples, arenas, gardens, fountains, statues, steps, etc., which are magnificent and beautifully carved.

People breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that it was probably a force from a certain world, and guessing its origin, there was such a big battle! Scared to death!

What idiot created such a huge mountain? I'm scared!

Pretend! Pretend to be awesome!

Don't look at where this place is. Isn't this mountain awesome?!

Some people yelled and cursed, venting their inner fear and dissatisfaction. Suddenly another thunder exploded in mid-air, scaring those people again.

The gods are coming! Mortals, tremble! Kneel down!

The majestic sound that resounded through the sky seemed to explode in everyone's ears, and the ordinary people who came to Lockark to watch the excitement and do business actually knelt down.

Now people naturally understood the identity of the visitor. The gods of the world of gods were participating in or watching the Holy Grail War. They actually moved a mountain range directly.

“Those gods are coming, what should we do?”

Look! It's Athena!

Athena is out!

There is also a temple in Loklak, in the ancient Greek style, which was built by the Saints for Athena. It is on the huge rock where the Loklak Hunter Guild is located, much higher than other buildings.

Athena was usually in the temple, rarely showing up, and occasionally accepting visits from certain important people. At this time, Athena, holding the staff of the goddess of victory, walked out of the temple and looked up at the mountains in mid-air.

Those who know the most about the situation in the world of gods are of course Athena and the Saints who have been fighting against the world of gods. Someone immediately went to visit and inquire.

Soon after, people learned that the mountain range in mid-air was Mount Olympus. To be more specific, it should be Mount Olympus in the world of The Last Valkyrie.

It turns out to be The Last Valkyrie!

The travelers were shocked. They did not expect that the world of gods included such a world where works evolved, and many people became excited at the same time.

The original story of The Last Valkyrie is that the gods who created the world hold a meeting every 1,000 years to decide whether humans will continue to exist or perish. Most of the gods said that humans destroy the world they created, pollute the environment, and do not know Introspection, even if they do some messy things, some of them are just for fun. In short, the gods are tired of it and let mankind perish quickly.

At this time, the Nordic Valkyrie Brünnhilde appeared, took out the Valhalla Code formulated by the gods, and used provocation to get the gods to agree to hold Twilight of the Gods, also called Ragnarok, which is to hold A final battle between humans and gods that determines the survival of mankind. The specific method is to select 13 people (gods) for a one-on-one life and death battle.

It's just that humans have an inherent disadvantage compared to gods. Human weapons can't hurt gods, nor can they compete with gods' weapons. Therefore, the Valkyrie Brünnhilde turned her sisters into weapons for human warriors. Fight with God.

In order to win, the Valkyrie Brünnhilde selected 13 people from human history and carried out a thrilling, heroic and exciting fight.

There are many works in which humans and gods fight, but most of the time the gods are depicted as being a little stupid or extremely arrogant. The Last Valkyrie is different. Gods and humans basically have equal wisdom and fighting skills. It can be said to be the most exciting battle between man and god.

The work The Last Valkyrie is probably not finished yet. The battle is only in the middle, so I don't know the strength of the gods behind it.

Most time-travelers wanted to finish watching this battle between humans and gods. Unfortunately, they time-traveled before the work was finished. It was a pity.

It doesn't matter, because of the integration of the time traveler and the world, the battle in the world of The Last Valkyrie is not over yet.

In this case, let our people continue this battle. The human side suffered too much in the original work.

Those gods just take advantage of the laws of the world. Whose weapons can't hurt gods?! That's nonsense! Under the same conditions, humans are definitely not weaker than gods!

In this Holy Grail War, let's destroy the participants on God's side first, and see if they still show off their power!

That's right, this is obviously an attempt to intimidate us and make them look superior!

With such a huge mountain hanging on top, I can't sleep well at night. I see those gods showing off, but the lord doesn't care!

Of course Lord Long Er knew about this, but as long as those gods didn't really smash Mount Olympus down, he didn't intend to care about it. They could just let them show off if they liked.

If the Holy Grail War wants to attract the attention of people from many worlds, the atmosphere team is indispensable. Long Er originally considered whether to build one himself, but now it is easier. If the gods in the world of gods do this, the atmosphere will be heated up. ! Attention to related live broadcasts and news has skyrocketed.

If Long Er intervenes in this matter, it will prove that the lord values ​​those gods. In fact, from the perspective of the lord, there is no essential difference between gods and humans, unless the lord of the god world can control the life essence or control of all gods. The technological leap has reached a height that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Anyway, Lockrak and everyone who watched the live broadcast were excited at this time, discussing which people or gods the world of gods would send to participate in the war, and who was stronger and who was weaker. The discussion was extremely heated. If you just look at the settings, many gods and humans were They are so awesome that they all have their own preferences, so much so that they become red-faced and the online forum gradually turns into a war of words.

It wasn't until something happened again on Mount Olympus that everyone shifted their attention. A path of light was projected from the mountain, leading directly to the Temple of Athena.

I saw two teams of women wearing armor and carrying bows and arrows lined up on both sides. They were similar to the Saint Cloths, except that their helmets had two rabbit-ear-like parts standing up, which easily reminded people of bunny girls.

Several of the women have higher-coverage and more ornate armor, decorated with shining gems, and some even hold scepters, clearly possessing a higher status.

Women on both sides of the light path knelt down to greet him, and a goddess descended on the light path.

Why do you know she is a goddess?

Of course, it depends on the splendor, coverage, and wings on the back of the holy robe.

This one is undoubtedly the goddess. The holy clothes are so gorgeous and shining that it is difficult to look directly at them, paired with a noble and elegant skirt. The holy clothes are more decorative than practical, and only god-level figures can wear them like this.

From the shape of the scepter she holds, many people have guessed her identity. In the world of Saint Seiyas, Artemis is the moon goddess in charge of hunting and chastity among the twelve gods of Olympus.

Oh...this is the moon goddess, cold! But so beautiful!

She's so beautiful that it's indescribable. Her face seems to be shining. I'm embarrassed to look at her even more after just one look.

How else can he be a god? How can he be a god if he is ugly? makes people feel comfortable just looking at it. I feel satisfied if I can take a look at it every day.

A true goddess, I don't know if she needs male protection.

Get lost! I really need to take your turn!

You want to die, don't you? The mythical Artemis seems to turn men into deer, wild boars, etc., and let her hounds hunt.

So cruel?!

Otherwise, she is one of the three major virgin goddesses in Greek mythology. Even male gods may not be able to handle her sex.

Appearance is justice, and this is what time-travelers like. Just now, most people were angrily cursing the gods on Mount Olympus. When they saw Artemis and her Moon Guards, they immediately thought something else. Thoughts, almost defected.

Sister Artemis!

Artemis came to the top of the temple, and Athena bowed, confirming her identity.

Athena, our sister, you still insist on siding with humans and not hesitate to offend the gods? You must know that this time, you are no longer facing the gods of just one world! You cannot be as eternal as before. . Artemis looked at Athena expressionlessly and asked in a cold voice.

Athena took a step forward and said without hesitation: Sister, you should know that no matter what, I will never change my original intention! I am Athena, and it is my duty to protect mankind and the peace on earth, and I will never give up.

Artemis looked at Athena steadily for a while and then said: The Council of Gods has made a decision to strangle the human participants in the Holy Grail War. Some gods once again proposed to destroy the current world and reshape the world that belongs to the gods. World, take care of yourself.

After saying this, Artemis turned around and the light path led her and her subordinates back to Olympus.

Goddess Athena, we support you!

We humans will definitely win!

The world now is not the world before!

Thank you Athena for doing so much for us!

As soon as Artemis left, people who understood the situation immediately expressed their support for Athena.

I believe that victory will definitely belong to us!

Athena said an inspiring word, which aroused the excitement of the crowd, and the cheers of Long live Athena! resounded in the sky.

Athena and the Saints returned to the temple, and then, representatives of human forces from various worlds came to pay homage, such as the Temple Church of the Moon World, the Magic Association, the Heroes Association of the One Punch Man world, and Magical Girl Nanoha The Time and Space Administration in the world, the Lion King Organization in the Blood Raid world, officials of various forces in the Gundam world, the three artifact families in the King of Fighters world, representatives of the Ultraman clan, etc.

The most special visitors are the human representatives from the world of Slaughter City. As representatives of a world, the power in their hands is much stronger than the forces in other worlds.

Because they control the operation of the black ball system and send black ball warriors to various worlds to eliminate Radam beasts and other things that endanger human survival. Now the black ball warriors in their hands include characters from many worlds and are equipped with weapons and equipment. It is also constantly being upgraded.

So many forces gathered together for a meeting to discuss how to win the Holy Grail War and how to fight against those gods, demons, etc.

What made everyone a little dissatisfied was that the Apocalypse World did not send anyone. It was not that no one came, but that the Lord of the Apocalypse World did not send anyone. Those who worship Athena and want to protect humanity in the Legion of Apocalypse join as individuals or as a team, what use is that?

This made some people dissatisfied. They attacked the members of the Apocalypse Legion on the spot, pointing at their noses and asking: Is your lord of the Apocalypse world not a human being? Doesn't care about the survival of human beings at all? He is just an ambition to control the world. Home!

In fact, many of those forces believe that the world of the Apocalypse has brought disaster to their world. Some people are dissatisfied with the lord's superiority and arbitrary control of the world. Other forces have jumped out to criticize the Apocalypse with righteous words. The legion and its lords do not care about the life and death of the people in those worlds, do nothing to save them, allow Radam beasts and other alien creatures to wreak havoc, are selfish, unfair to people in other worlds, and so on.

The participants of the Legion of Apocalypse did not expect this to be the case. There is no way to refute, and there is no point in arguing, because what they said is the truth. From the perspective of the victims, the Legion of Apocalypse is a tragedy. The culprit cannot be overstated.

But it's useless for the members of the Apocalypse Legion to apologize. They can only represent themselves. Will the lord care about these things? Do you want to fight for humanity?

No one can be sure. So far, the Apocalypse Legion’s understanding of the lord can only be guessed from the way he does things and the orders he issues. No one knows what kind of person he is, and it is unclear whether he is a human being. .

With the idea of ​​​​trying, the participating members of the Apocalypse Legion left a message on the page of the Golden Scale APP to give suggestions to the lord.

The content is about what happened at the Temple of Athena and what has been criticized by all parties. It is recommended that the lord authorize them to participate in this meeting on behalf of the Apocalypse World. It is best to reach understanding and cooperation with all parties and ease relations.

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