The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 165 Those People in the Holy Grail War

Fuyuki City is a small seaside town located in the far east of Japan. Its name comes from its supposedly extremely long winter. In fact, the climate here is relatively warm and it is basically not attacked by severe cold. Just dig a spring in the city and surrounding areas and you might be able to get it. Hot springs gushing out.

A river named Weiyuanchuan runs through the city. The entire city is divided into two parts with completely different architectural styles. The two sides of the river are connected by the Weiyuanchuan Bridge, which is a red double-decker steel arch bridge.

The new capital on the east side is basically a modern city, and the west side is called Miyama Town, which is basically an old town with only residential areas. The whole is built against the mountains, and slopes can be seen everywhere. From the bridge to the west, there are Suiqunhara Academy, shopping street, residential area, and Ryudou Temple on Enzang Mountain.

The residential area is roughly divided into two areas, Western style and Japanese style, with the shopping street as the boundary. The homes of the main participants in the Holy Grail War are all in this area, such as the Emiya Residence, Tohsaka Residence, and Matou Residence.

The prototype of Fuyuki City is mainly Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, in the Kansai region of Japan in the real universe. It is the most familiar stage of the Holy Grail War to fans of the moon. In the original work, a total of 5 Holy Grail Wars were fought here, including the fourth and fifth Holy Grail Wars. War is most widely known.

Unfortunately, due to the messiness of the time-travelers, the Holy Grail system constructed by the underground spiritual veins of Fuyuki City malfunctioned, so that the fourth Holy Grail War could not proceed as scheduled, let alone the fifth.

However, some magicians have not given up. They have been trying to activate the Holy Grail system again, even though the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City has been contaminated.

The Holy Grail in Fuyuki City was built by the Einzbern family, the Tohsaka family, and the Machiri family in order to reach the source. Only one family can realize its wish, so the three families have been fighting openly and secretly.

In the Third Holy Grail War, in pursuit of victory, Einzbern cheated and violated the rules and summoned the Zoroastrian evil god Avenger Angora Mainyu. As a result, he was defeated on the fourth day.

Since Avenger's own attribute is all the evil in this world, when his soul was absorbed into the Small Holy Grail, the Small Holy Grail accepted his wishes as the incarnation of evil, causing Avenger to take on a body and use the Great Holy Grail as a womb to wait. Birth. The Great Holy Grail has therefore been contaminated by all the evil in this world. Although its appearance has not changed, its essence has been irreversibly changed.

The original way for the Holy Grail to fulfill wishes was to skip the process and directly achieve the result with huge magic power. The method of the Holy Grail, which can be contaminated, has become an extreme method of destruction and disaster to fulfill the wishes of the wish-maker.

An analogy is that someone makes a wish to become the strongest magician in the world. The original Holy Grail will give him power and knowledge and allow him to realize his wish, but the contaminated Holy Grail will kill all magicians stronger than him. To make him the strongest.

Once all the evil in this world is released, the Great Holy Grail will continue to flow out black mud, causing disasters until all human beings are destroyed.

A magician with an upright outlook will definitely not touch the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City again if he knows this, and will probably try to destroy the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City. However, there are always people who don't care about the life and death of people around the world or other disasters.

For this reason, a group of upright magicians and evil-minded magicians started a battle in Fuyuki City. All parties intervened. As the world's magic power became more and more abundant, the magic power of the magicians increased, and the damage caused by the battle also increased. getting bigger.

In recent days, another group of uninvited guests have arrived in Fuyuki City. They have blatantly occupied Ryudou Temple, explored Fuyuki City's ground veins, and performed various magic tricks in broad daylight.

Naturally, those who came were the magicians from the world of A Certain Magical Index and the accompanying combat team of the Apocalypse Legion. Their mission was to investigate the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City.

Although in the setting, the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City is called the 726th Holy Grail by the Holy Church. It seems that the Holy Grail is everywhere in the moon world, but in fact there are only a few places mentioned in related works. , others want to become a reality, unless the Xingyue world truly evolves into a complete world.

If a magician is born and raised in the Xingyue World and wants to participate in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, he will always be wary of some of the rules of the Magic Association. Even if the stance is hostile, they will test and communicate with each other.

However, the Magic Advisory Group and others who are outside visitors are just like wild boars entering the crop fields and running rampant. Of course, there is no shortage of cultivated, educated and polite magicians in the world of A Certain Magical Index. I don't understand the rules when it comes to other people's territory, but I just need to get this matter done as soon as possible, so I don't have the time to chat with the natives.

Other forces sent people to inquire, test, warn, etc., but the Magic Advisory Group didn't pay attention. They sent people to casually send a few words and turned a deaf ear.

Such an outrageous and unreasonable approach naturally angered all parties, so the indigenous magicians made a plan and prepared to put aside their conflicts and work together to expel these unruly guys.

I'm not dazzled...are there really two moons?!

At the foot of Enzo Mountain, the magicians who gathered looked at each other in confusion. They planned to attack Liudong Temple under the cover of darkness. They deliberately chose a not-so-clear night, and went out one by one under the cover of darkness. Each of them was still wrapped in a Cloaks and the like.

Everyone had assembled and was about to take action. Unexpectedly, two moons emerged from the clouds, illuminating Fuyuki City.

Yesterday, an upside-down world appeared in the sky. It doesn't look like a mirage. It should be related, right?

In order to appease the soldiers, the leading magician put forward a reasonable explanation. He was a middle-aged man with a handsome face. Even under the darker light at this time, he had a kind of calmness and elegance. He was that kind of generation. A temperament that can only be cultivated by noble families.

Tokiomi Tosaka, the fifth generation head of the Tosaka family, manager of Fuyuki City's ley lines, and the biological father of popular female characters Tosaka Rin and Matou Sakura in the Holy Grail War.

If the Fourth Holy Grail War proceeds smoothly, Tokiomi Tosaka will be one of the participants. As a rare orthodox magician, his goal is to fulfill the Tosaka family's wish and reach the root through the Holy Grail.

It's just that the fate of Tokiomi Tosaka in the original trajectory was not very good. The heroic spirit he summoned was Gilgamesh who came as an Archer. No matter how respectful he was, Gilgamesh didn't like him as his master and instigated him. His disciple Father Mapo Kotomine Kirei stabbed him in the back and died with hatred, leaving behind a beautiful wife and daughter.

Therefore, Tosaka Tokiomi was lucky and escaped that tragic fate.

Tokiomi Tosaka himself also felt lucky that being alive was certainly better than being dead! He might have felt better if a time traveler hadn't come from time to time to taunt him and take advantage of his wife and daughter.

Today, Tokiomi Tohsaka is committed to the disintegration of the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City to avoid bringing disaster to this land and even the world. Originally, this matter would be completed by his daughter Rin Tohsaka in the future. Since he already knows, he should take it as a matter of course. Taking over this important task, however, was much more difficult than he expected. There were many people trying to restart the Holy Grail War, and even the Magic Association was planning to revive the Great Holy Grail.

Seeing that all the magicians were a little surprised and confused, Tokiomi Tosaka couldn't create such a state, so he said: How about... we don't take action tonight until we find out the ins and outs of this matter?

When the other magicians heard this, they got what they wanted. Just as they were about to nod in agreement, a thorn came out: Tokiomi, are you afraid? Fortunately, you are the manager of Fuyuki City. You are so forward-looking and hesitant. When can this matter be solved? ?!”

The speaker was Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald from the Magic Association, the Clock Tower of the Magic Association's headquarters, one of the twelve monarchs, and the monarch of the El-Melloi faction.

Kenneth was also the Master who was supposed to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. The outcome was also death, but the process was much more painful than Tohsaka Tokiomi.

The heroic spirit that Kenneth summoned in the Fourth Holy Grail War was Diarmuid Odina who came as a Lancer. This was a male heroic spirit known for his beauty. He was loyal and his only wish was to serve his master well. .

Unfortunately, Kenneth cannot understand this wish, and the relationship with Diarmuid is not harmonious. The key is that Kenneth's beloved fiancée has fallen in love with Diarmuid, and there is a green light above his head. Kenneth's love for his servant Of course, his attitude will not be good, he will be suspicious and jealous, and let him do something that goes against the spirit of chivalry.

Kenneth has never suffered any setbacks since he was a child. He has developed an arrogant character and has a powerful magic ritual. At the beginning of the Fourth Holy Grail War, he was in trouble. However, he was attacked by Emiya Kiritsugu and saved. He lost his life, but lost all the magic circuits in his body.

Then, Kenneth's nightmare began. First, his fiancée took away the Command Seal and replaced him as the master of Diarmuid. Later, his fiancée was kidnapped by Emiya Kiritsugu and used as a threat to order Diarmuid to commit suicide using a Command Seal.

In the end, Kenneth's fiancée was killed by Emiya Kiritsugu's assistant. Kenneth himself was beaten into a hornet's nest but did not die directly. He endured both mental and physical pain and asked Emiya Kiritsugu to kill him. The other party refused. At that time, as a Saber's Arturia looked on, and then beheaded him.

After Kenneth knew his original fate, unlike Tosaka Tokiomi who was lucky to be alive, he seemed to have been greatly stimulated. It was said that he was very unhappy with his fiancée, so that he came across as a bit neurotic and had a bad personality. He has become dark and cruel, and has been trying to seek revenge against Emiya Kiritsugu. Even if those things haven't happened yet, it seems unlikely to happen again.

Kenneth couldn't deal with anyone now, and he didn't like anyone. He originally thought Tokiomi Tokiomi was in the way, and there was a strange squeeze. Tokiomi Tokiomi was also concerned with saving face, so the magicians continued to act as planned.

After casting some magic to hide their whereabouts, disperse idlers, and conduct reconnaissance, a group of magicians quietly approached Liudong Temple. To their surprise, the other party did not arrange guards or sentries, nor did they build magic positions, magic barriers, or other defenses. There are only some little magic tricks used as warnings, which they can easily resolve.

Tokiomi Tosaka hesitated, suspecting that this might be a trap, but Kenneth didn't think so and continued to encourage: This group of people are unfamiliar with magic skills. Their previous performances, I think they are just pretentious, I guess. Let us be cautious. Those time-travelers like to play this trick. They obviously have no ability, but they pretend to be powerful and use the information they have to deceive. I suspect that these people are all time-travelers.'s possible.

Mentioning the time-traveler Tokiomi Tosaka, he became very angry. After thinking about the behavior of the time-travelers he had encountered before, he suddenly realized that it might make sense. The actions of those at Ryudou Temple looked more and more like an empty city plan.

So, the group of magicians continued to move forward, and when they arrived at the gate of Liudong Temple, they saw that the door was not closed at all, the lights were on inside, and some people could be heard chatting.

The city gate was wide open. Isn't this the iconic method of the empty city strategy? Tokiomi Tosaka felt that he had been deceived, and he was angry in his heart. His face turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and said: This group of people is really brave, daring to tease the magician like this. Let’s go in! Wait, send a few people to guard the way down the mountain, we can’t let them escape.”

Led by Tokiomi Tokiomi and Kenneth, a group of magicians prepared their special magic tricks and rushed into Ryudōji Temple.

Tokiomi Tosaka originally thought that they suddenly rushed into Ryudōji Temple, and those people inside would definitely be in panic, but he saw that there were some tables and chairs in the courtyard of Ryudōji Temple, and it was full of people, drinking tea and playing cards. , some were playing with their mobile phones, and some were busy at a big table piled with many books, unaware of their arrival. No, most people only glanced at them, didn't care much, and continued to do what they were doing.

Everyone came a little slower than we expected. Yes, the best magicians in Fuyuki City are gathered here.

The speaker was a man with a neutral face, long silver hair, an amiable smile, and a magnetic voice. He was sitting there leisurely drinking coffee.

Excuse me, who are you? Cold sweat oozed from his forehead. Looking at the silver-haired man's condition, Tokiomi Tosaka knew that he might have made a very wrong judgment. He saluted respectfully, just in case, and he still had the A gem that can be used to activate the gem magic he is good at.

I still want to show off! Kenneth still insisted on his opinion, waving his hand to activate his magic gift Moon Spirit Essence Liquid, a ball of magic mercury that can be used for defense, attack, and enemy detection. Its shape can be changed as desired. At this time It turned into sharp thorns and shot towards the silver-haired man, each one as powerful as a sniper rifle bullet.


Suddenly there was a slightly anxious shout from outside. I don't know who asked him to stop, but it was too late. Those silver spikes were about to hit the silver-haired man. As soon as he spread his hands, the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid returned to its nest. Generally, everything fell into his hands, instantly seizing control of Kenneth.

... Tokiomi Tohsaka and others were a little dazed. Although Kenneth had some mental problems, his strength and magic ceremony were among the best among them. Someone simply took away the magic ceremony. They didn't notice each other at all. What kind of magic was used?

Tokiomi Tosaka felt that tonight was going to be bad. At this time, several people came in at the door. The leader was an old man with a majestic face. He had a pair of conspicuous red eyes and a thick beard. He was somewhat dusty and had a dirty look. Wearing a black cane, a classic black dress, and a small cape, he gave the impression of a handsome and handsome elderly gentleman.

Grandmaster, why are you here? I...we...

After seeing the old man's appearance clearly, Tokiomi Tosaka suddenly had a backbone and trotted forward to greet him.

The old man's name is Kishua Zelrich Shobain'ogu. He is one of only five magicians in the moon world. He can roam freely in multiple parallel worlds by using the second magic. , the highest magician today, known as the Magic Marshal, Gem Master, Wanhua Mirror, The Master of Time, etc. He is also one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles. He is not a vampire, but The properties of immortality and immortality are the same.

Gem Onzelrich ignored Tokiomi, just glared at him, asked him to step aside, stepped forward to salute, and asked politely: May I ask your name?

Aleister Crowley. The silver-haired man answered, and it turned out to be Aleister, the chairman of Academy City.

Zelrich showed a wry smile and asked helplessly: Your Excellency Aleister, with your strength and background, why do you need to embarrass these magicians with narrow vision?

We were ordered to investigate the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. We are not familiar with magic in this world, so we want to find some helpers. Aleister replied with a smile. If Zelrich hadn't come, Tokiomi Tokiomi and Ken Nice and others can only be prisoners and be squeezed severely.

Since the gem man has arrived in person, you are a witness to the establishment of the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. You must have a better understanding of the structure of the Great Holy Grail. I wonder if you are willing to help? Aleister asked again.

That would be my honor. Zelrich quickly expressed his willingness.

In this case, let's start now. Time is running out.

Aleister directly asked Zelrich to join their research team, leaving Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kenneth and others aside.

They all looked confused and didn't know what to do. Tokiomi Tokiomi and Kenneth didn't understand why the famous jewel man could be so low-profile to a person of unknown origin.

It wasn't until the next day that Tosaka Tokiomi and the others knew the reason. They were so frightened that the background of the group that occupied Ryudou Temple was incredibly large. They turned out to be a super power from outside the world that controlled many worlds. And this power is trying to annex them and many surrounding worlds.

Tokiomi Tosaka, Kenneth and others worried about themselves and the future of the Xingyue world for two days, and then became excited again. According to the information revealed by Gemstone, the super power seems to be preparing to launch a Holy Grail War, which will be an unprecedented one. opportunities.

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