The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 127 Became a fat tiger

Just over two hours after Academy City appeared in Gundam World, representatives of forces from Gundam World arrived.

The first to arrive was of course the recent Japanese government representative, who also serves as the pathfinder for the Union (World Economic Union).

Three or four hours later, representatives from the nearby People's Revolutionary Federation also arrived, but before that, an emergency meeting was held by the Earth Union. Various forces on the Earth requested that the Japanese government and the Union not hinder their personnel from going to school. Garden City, otherwise, everyone will send the battleship directly to Japan.

Japan and the Union had to compromise and let the plane carrying representatives of the People's Revolutionary Union enter their airspace. Subsequently, representatives of the New European Community and other forces also arrived one after another.

The Human Reform League, the full name of the Human Reform League, is an organization centered on a group of Asian countries (from Mobile Suit Gundam 00).

New European Community (Advanced European Union), the member states are mainly the European Community countries and countries in the African region (from Mobile Suit Gundam 00).

Chairman Aleister, does magic or superpower exist in your world?

Naturally, it was Aleister and others who received the representatives from all parties. After the two sides introduced each other and the atmosphere was harmonious, the representative of the new European Community asked a question.

Although the time-travelers can only be cannon fodder on the battlefield, some who have good opportunities still use their understanding of the plot to get to the top. Now, people in the Gundam world have long known about their world, which is different from the time-travelers' original world. The Mobile Suit Gundam series is similar, except that due to the existence of various forces in the Gundam world, except for past historical events, the development trajectory of many things has been different, and gradually no one cares about the so-called plot.

Also because of the existence of time travelers, they also know about Academy City and the world of A Certain Magical Index to which it belongs. There are superpowers, magic, and demons who can reset the world. Although it seems completely unbelievable from their perspective, But if it really existed, it would be very scary.

As a result, various forces had concerns about Academy City. Secret exploration would cause some misunderstandings, so it was better to ask directly.

Superpowers, magic... what are they? Academy City is just a city that integrates scientific research and education. There are no such imaginary things. Aleister looked very surprised, as if hearing this for the first time He talks about magic and superpowers, and swears that Academy City is just an ordinary academy.

Of course, the representatives from all parties would not believe it easily. Aleister allowed them to visit as they pleased, and they also went to various areas of Academy City. They found that the schools in Academy City taught normal courses, and there was nothing strange about them. Weird things, students also said they didn’t know about magic, super powers or anything like that.

People from various forces also quietly sneaked into Academy City and other areas of Tokyo (First Tokyo City), inquiring about information from passers-by, analyzing media TV programs, etc., and finally concluded: This is an ordinary city, just Academy City. It is indeed a bit big for a school, and the world that Academy City is located in is an earth that is at least a hundred years behind them. It is similar to the world of The Magical Index mentioned by the time travellers, and there are many differences.

Various forces convened a group of experts to analyze. By analogy with the difference between the Gundam world and the plot of Mobile Suit Gundam mentioned by the time travellers, the worlds known to the time travelers really exist, and there must be differences. The experts said that this is very reasonable. , people with a little bit of scientific knowledge will know if they think about it carefully, how can things like magic and superpowers exist? Ha ha!

After confirming that there is indeed no magic, superpowers, demons, etc. in the new world, the representatives of various forces breathed a sigh of relief, and then focused on collecting information about the new world.

After watching some TV shows, they knew that the New World was extremely rich in resources, with too many energy sources and minerals waiting to be developed.

They feel as if they have traveled back in time to ancient times. They even know clearly where and what minerals exist, and which emerging industries will definitely rise in the future. They don't even have to spend much effort and thought to buy a piece of land and put it there, so that future generations can enjoy it. There is endless enjoyment, and you can easily make a fortune with just your mouth.

If they were not the representatives of various forces, they would probably lead people into the new world. Fortunately, they are still calm. As representatives of their own forces, if they can strive for greater interests, their benefits will not be less. But if he shows anything inappropriate or says the wrong thing, other forces will definitely label him as having bad intentions towards the New World and damaging relations with the New World.

This time the contact between the two sides was carried out in a very friendly atmosphere, but at the end, some representatives expressed in their personal capacity that they cherished and longed for their country's past history and hoped to have the opportunity to visit their motherland in the new world.

In this regard, Aleister only said that he would contact them for them, but actually wanted to ask the lord for instructions.

Aleister quickly received a response, allowing people from the Gundam world to enter the Apocalypse world. The more the better, there is no need to worry too much.

The reply was of course Long Er. He was really not afraid of people from the Gundam world entering the Apocalypse world. As the number of annexed worlds increased, while Long Er was integrating the worlds, he had also been perfecting the Earth of the Apocalypse world. Now it is a A complete planet, even more complete than the original earth, and a little larger in size. The main reason is that Long Er's processing of various resources does not superimpose them like a territory. As long as they exist reasonably, they can be retained naturally, so , the earth in the Apocalypse world now contains various resources from many worlds.

The only shortcoming of the world of Apocalypse is that there are few people. Most countries are still in a state of background, and the residents there are also shadows without much self-awareness.

Obtaining population is also one of the ways to obtain source power. Of course, Long Er welcomes people from the Gundam world to immigrate to the Apocalypse world.

When representatives of various forces visited Academy City, many people also gathered outside Academy City. They were mainly refugees from all over the world who fled to Japan, especially those who traveled through it. They learned that there was a journey to the new world. Passages, people came to ask for refuge in the new world. Even though it was behind the Gundam World, as long as it was safe and they didn't have to be crowded into a small space with others, it would be fine.

After receiving the instructions, Aleister did not agree immediately. He deliberately pretended to hesitate and waited for a day before agreeing to help the refugees who were living in poverty.

On the surface, Academy City did not accept many refugees. However, the world passage was so large that Academy City could not completely block it. Once this opening was opened, many refugees rushed into the Apocalypse world under the cover of darkness.

Academy City's police force pretended to block it, but actually turned a blind eye, not mentioning the landmass of other countries in the Apocalypse world, but only the newly merged Fist of the North Star and Kotetsu. In the world of Kabaneri City, there is a vast land waiting to be developed.

The refugees who escaped into the Apocalypse world also mingled with spies from various forces. After a brief exploration, they used the communication equipment they carried to send back information, describing the new world's superior natural environment, and the rural areas retaining their original features. The vast undeveloped uninhabited area is also surprisingly rich in various resources. After some spies returned the information, they directly expressed their unwillingness to return to the Gundam World and wanted to start a new life in the new world.

Based on the information and pictures sent back by numerous spies, various forces in the Gundam world have a preliminary understanding of the new world. After looking at the technological level of Academy City, they originally thought that the opposite side was already a modern industrial society from a century ago. Unexpectedly, Academy City is an exception, and other areas are almost equivalent to virgin lands that have not been developed much.

The top leaders of each force were so excited that they could hardly sleep. They spent the whole day discussing how to obtain the greatest benefits in the new world and safeguard their own interests in the new world.

However, this matter cannot be decided by one family. Various forces are eyeing the new world and restraining each other, making it difficult for anyone to take action.

Soon, the Earth United Nations held a general meeting of member states. The theme of the meeting was to discuss the impact of the new world and how to deal with it. Specifically, how to deal with the new world. As a result, the meeting changed as the discussion continued. , became how to carve up the new world.

Of course, representatives from various countries would not speak so bluntly. They would use diplomatic rhetoric and talk about the difficulties faced by their countries, such as lack of resources and overcrowding. Many people are living in hardship and hope to obtain a regional resettlement in the new world. such as.

This piece of fat in the New World is enough to satisfy all the forces. However, the hearts of the people are not enough, and all the forces want to get the biggest piece of cake for themselves, so they start to argue fiercely.

Union representative: The gateway to the new world appears in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Japan is our Union’s special economic zone. There is no doubt that Japan has priority in development rights. We at Union resolutely defend Japan’s national sovereignty.

New European Community: It is true that the passage to the New World is in Japan. However, the New World is not just Japan. There are also countries with the same origin as us. There is our history and our culture. We will never allow others to infringe. .

Federation of People's Revolutionaries: The territory of Asia is the inherent territory of our member countries of the Federation of People's Revolutionaries. Our compatriots in the New World live with the same culture and race as us. We are natural allies. Now that country is very backward, we have the obligation to promote common development there. .

Some other small groups are relatively backward and weak, and their words are softer: The new world belongs to all mankind, and no one can eat it alone. We think it can be developed jointly.

While the various forces of the Earth Alliance were arguing endlessly, the door of the conference hall was opened, and a group of people came in. They were representatives of the space colonies located at the Lagrange Point of the Earth, including the Principality of Zeon, P.L.A.N.T., etc., and now they formed They formed an extraterrestrial space alliance to fight against the Earth's enemies.

There are spies among all the forces. If such a big thing happens in the new world, it is not difficult for the forces located in the space colonies to know about it.

The Earth United did not invite their spokesperson on Earth to attend the conference because the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance was not on Earth. However, the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance didn't think so and barged into the conference regardless of the obstruction.

The representatives of the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance did not talk nonsense to the various forces, and directly made a request. As long as the people of their Extraterrestrial Space Alliance can move to the new world, they will live in harmony with the forces of the Earth in the future. Hello, I am hello, everyone, no Territory that demands too much, just enough for them to survive.

You must know that many people in extraterrestrial colonies were forced to immigrate in order to reduce the pressure on the earth. Although the gap between the space colonies and the earth is very small, if they can keep their feet on the ground, who would be willing to float in the universe? Especially during wars, colonies are easy targets for attacks. In the past, countless people died of suffocation due to explosions of colonial satellites, and became corpses floating in the universe.

The new world has vast land and rich resources, and the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance wants a share of the pie at any cost.

In short, the forces of the United Earth must not leave the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance to carve up the new world, otherwise they will drop nuclear bombs from space to the ground and smash colonial satellites, and no one will have an easy time!

Faced with the threat of mutual destruction like the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance, the various forces in the United Earth were helpless, but they did not immediately agree to let representatives of the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance sit down and talk.

Regardless of the method used, this time, the Extraterrestrial Space Alliance gained the right to participate in the meeting, and the parties continued to bicker. Anyway, they completely ignored Academy City. They were hundreds of years more advanced than the New World and did not put Academy City at all. In my eyes, I don’t really care about the opinions of the government over there.

Those forces thought they kept Academy City in the dark, but in fact Academy City was fully aware of their actions. Nagato Yuki, Asakura Ryoko and others invaded the networks and communication systems of various forces and obtained various secrets.

What these people want to do is obviously the same as the early colonists, but they want to pretend to be civilized. It's so interesting that they are bickering and arguing like this! I can't wait, I really want to see their expressions when they know the truth, haha !”

In the Information Processing Center of Academy City, the wicked Ryoko Asakura was happy to see it, and everyone else who was an android of the Information Integrated Thought Body was very interested. Even Nagato Yuki was holding a lunch box and eating while watching. , his eyes never left the surveillance screen. Unlike ordinary girls who like all kinds of gossip, idols, etc., Nagato Yuki, Asakura Ryoko and others not only like to browse the Internet, but also like information-rich and profound conversations. The speeches of various forces in the Earth Alliance are very popular in the eyes of ordinary people. It's boring, and I can't understand all kinds of diplomatic vocabulary, but it's very interesting and entertaining to Nagato Yuki, Asakura Ryoko, etc.

The Earth United meeting continued until night with no results. At this time, the information center's system monitoring the surroundings of Academy City issued an alarm.

Report! A submarine or aquatic battleship has entered Tokyo Bay. Their destination should be Academy City.

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