The Creation War of the Black-Hearted Lord

Chapter 123 Songs Belonging to the World

There is probably something wrong with the world that Dio arranged to come here. He may have arranged a trap. Let the team guarding the overlapping zone investigate and solve the fragmented world that I tore off myself first.

After thinking briefly, Long Er made a decision. However, he did not issue an announcement immediately and planned to wait until the end of today's event.

As time went by, the popularity of the Kyoto celebration did not decrease, but became more and more lively, because after people from the rear and other worlds learned about this, they also came to Kyoto to join in the fun.

Just the fact that there is a large amount of free food and drink, where you can eat meat as you like and have unlimited drinks, is enough to attract people to come all the way, such as Attack on Titan, Fist of the North Star, and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Several worlds are almost all apocalyptic worlds. Needless to say, people's lives are difficult. In ancient worlds such as Zatoichi and Rurouni Kenshin, materials are also quite scarce.

In the afternoon, with the roar of engines like a swarm of bombers, a huge motorcycle team from the world of Fist of the North Star arrived. Most of the riders were still dressed in non-mainstream attire, but now they did not dare to cause trouble.

There is also the survey team of Parady Island in the world of Attack on Titan, riding out of the world passage on war horses, guarding the Wang family's motorcade.

cut! Crimson Eyes From the other side of the world, a group of tough and scantily clad northern aliens also came, dressed like Indians.

The whistle roared, and the large steam train-like Iron Fortress in the world of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress drove directly to the edge of Kyoto along the track, and people descended from it like a stream of refugees.

During this period, Second Tokyo City also overcame many difficulties and arrived in a huge convoy. The Holy Emperor of Second Tokyo City and other important officials also arrived, bringing a large amount of supplies to express condolences, although most people did not know that they were Who are they, but they still try hard to show their faces and promote their names and positions.

Although Long Er doesn't like politicians very much, the management of this land in the future does need professionals to do it, and relevant tasks have been issued to them.

This is the first time that the lord has clearly recognized the legal status of the Second Tokyo City Government and will provide corresponding rewards. Therefore, those government personnel are actively establishing contacts with forces in various worlds as if they have been given blood. , to discuss future management issues in each region.

Long Er doesn't have time to do detailed management work anymore. He can only leave it to these politicians. If these people can do well, just keep them. If they don't, just replace them.

At this time, Long Er also left the store and walked around Kyoto with Zhizi Yingyin and Hei Jue. After all, it was rare to come here once, and it was hard to say whether he could come again in the future.

Now as long as they wear the combat uniforms of the Apocalypse Legion, they can travel anywhere in Kyoto without any obstruction, so Long Er and the others are preparing to enter the palace like everyone else.

As soon as I arrived near the entrance of the palace, I heard a few people talking to a group of members of the Apocalypse Legion. Their uniforms were members of the Survey Corps from the world of Attack on Titan.

what's the situation?

It is human nature to be curious and join in the fun, so Long Er also gathered around.

After a little questioning, Ryuuji understood the situation. It turned out that these people from the Survey Corps were canvassing for votes in the Attack on Titan world or Parady Island.

The problems in the world of Attack on Titan have been solved. Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, was addicted to romantic dramas and couldn't help himself. The giants finally disappeared. However, the battle between people will never stop.

Everyone knows that after the celebration, the lord will start to adjust the world map. The specific arrangements are not known to the Holy Emperor of Second Tokyo and they can only wait for the results.

However, people with a discerning eye can still guess that Attack on Titan, Zhan! The world of Crimson Eyes will definitely not be placed next to Kyoto.

The specific layout arrangement involves the future living environment of the people in each world, so we naturally hope that it can be properly arranged. At the same time, like the Parade Island and the Marais Empire in the world of Attack on Titan, in the original work it is a life-and-death battle between the Marais Empire. Wanting to obtain the resources on Parady Island, and even wanting to exterminate the Eldians or sterilize them all, even if the giants disappear now, many people know the original trajectory, Eren Yeager launched Earth Crying Almost destroyed the Marais Empire. Even if that kind of thing will never happen again, the two sides still hate each other. If Parady Island and the Marais Empire are like other worlds, where all the people are concentrated in one area, both sides will definitely There is no way to live in peace.

It doesn't matter about the Marais Empire. Their weapons and equipment are much ahead of the closed Parady Island, so they will never suffer a loss, but the same cannot be said about Parady Island. I really don't want that situation to happen.

It's just that no one knows the true identity of the lord now, can't see him in person, and can't make appeals to him. The only channel is the official members of the Apocalypse Legion, who can put forward opinions to the lord on the forum of the Golden Balance APP.

After learning about this, the members of the Survey Corps from Parady Island spread out to the streets and asked the members of the Apocalypse Legion one by one.

Among the members of the Survey Corps here in the palace, there is a beautiful blond girl named Christa Lance, whose real name is Historia Reis. She is of Eldian royal blood and is an illegitimate daughter. In the original work, she eventually became the Queen of the Kingdom of Eldia on Parade Island. She had a gentle and kind personality, and was one of the few likable characters in the shitty movie Attack on Titan.

Most of the members of the Apocalypse Legion readily agreed to Hrista's request and even asked for a group photo. There were also some guys who came up with bad ideas and asked Hrista to do a live broadcast on the Apocalypse Legion platform, which was more efficient than asking for help on the street. A lot, which made Christa quite emotional. What made it difficult for her was that the live broadcast needed to show talents, and she didn't seem to know anything.

Talent... simple! Just let the person behind you be a mukbang!

The guy with a bad taste is eyeing a girl behind Christa who keeps eating. She is also a lovable character in Attack on Titan. The reason why she is famous is not because she is beautiful or is particularly good at killing giants. Mainly because she is very good at eating.

Sasha Burrows, because of the lack of supplies where she lived, often didn't have enough to eat. She naturally became a foodie and never missed any opportunity to eat. Even when she was inspected as a training soldier, she actually She ate sweet potatoes in front of the instructor, so she was nicknamed Sweet Potato Girl. Another reason may be that her final ending was rather tragic. She did not die in the battle with the giant, but died under the gun of the villain.

After learning the identity of Sasha Braus and seeing her hamster-like eating appearance, the travelers from the Apocalypse Legion not only took photos, but also couldn't help but feed her, even spending their energy to exchange for food. Long Er himself couldn't help it. He took out the fried pork chops, fried dumplings and other food packed from the small shop in his backpack and gave them to her.

Thank you... you... people here... are so nice! Sasha Burrows expressed her gratitude inarticulately.

If Sasha Burroughs really made a mukbang show, her popularity would probably be really high. It’s so delicious to watch her eat!

It's just that if she eats like this, she will become a fat woman even if she doesn't stretch to death. Uh... well, as long as you have the energy, staying in shape is very simple.

As usual, he expressed his willingness to help, and then Ryuuji left and continued to visit Kyoto.

This time, Christa and others found the right person by mistake. Since he didn’t really like the world of “Attack on Titan” and had too many things to deal with, Ryuuji didn’t think too much about “Attack on Titan”. The world of Attack on Titan originally planned to directly bring the territory of the Attack on Titan world together, and the internal fighting between those people is their own business.

Now Long Er thought about it seriously and realized that it was indeed not appropriate. He decided to make arrangements after careful consideration.

During the rest of the journey, Ryuuji saw various famous and unknown scenery in Kyoto, and met various people from various worlds.

The world's boxing masters from Fist of the North Star gathered together to have a drink, the swordsmen drank and admired the cherry blossoms, the tailed beasts in human form held a sorority party, the ninjas showed off their talents in the street, and there were also gatherings with loved ones, strolling in the streets, Enjoy the rare world of two people, and of course there will be conflicts such as love triangles and love quadrilaterals.

Before you know it, the sky is getting dark, lights are lit all over Kyoto, and the atmosphere of the celebration has begun to reach its climax.

A stage was set up on Kyoto's Central Avenue, and the travelers of the Apocalypse Legion held a concert, and countless people gathered.

Today's opening song, Blue Bird, the theme song of Naruto, is dedicated to all the ninjas in the audience!

Only My Railgun, from A Certain Scientific Railgun, the war song of gun sister Misaka Mikoto! Let's come together!

Red Lotus Flower, from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, dedicated to the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps! Thank you for your hard work!

爱をとりもど(Take the love back), from Fist of the North Star, this song seems to be Mr. Kenjiro's personal single. I wish you happiness. In addition, the Apocalypse Legion welcomes all boxing masters to join!

The Red Lotus Bow and Arrow comes from Attack on Titan. No matter what the ending is, the Survey Corps is worthy of the name Wings of Freedom! The spirit will always be there!

The performances performed by the time-travelers were clearly classic songs from various animation, film and television works, and they specially selected songs from the world where the plot characters present now belong. Fortunately, they could remember these songs and restore them to the maximum extent possible.

Pop, rock, heavy metal, classical...repertoire of different styles are performed in turn, impacting the eardrums and nerves of the audience, and the host will also specifically report the source of these songs.

The time travelers were naturally very excited, singing and cheering along with the songs, shouting like they were brainwashed, hey... hey... hey...

The plot characters from those worlds are also present. I wonder what they would think when they hear the music that belongs to their own world and their own music?

Now in this public place, except for some very nervous guys like Uzumaki Naruto and Kirabi who showed their excitement and ran to the stage to dance, most of the characters in the plot did not show much emotion. Most of them pretended not to care and acted quietly and calmly. Of course, it’s impossible to be emotionless when listening to a song. Look at Kenjiro, when he sings Ai をとりもど, his poker face is about to become a steel plate. Yulia on the side is laughing so hard, mainly because of the singing in this song. The roar was a bit strange and broken, as if shouting broke the throat.

There are also people who are extremely shy, such as Misaka Mikoto, who was surrounded by a group of excited Misaka sisters and almost put her on the stage to dance with her. However, Shirai Kuroko's protection and her life-and-death refusal made her give up.

Ah! The protagonist is so good. He has his own exclusive song. It would be great if I could have one too. Many plot characters also expressed envy.

The plot characters in different worlds will also argue about which world's songs are the best and most consistent with the temperament of that world. Of course, the best songs are always the exclusive songs of their own world.

Long Er was also watching in the audience, but his mind was not on the concert at this time. If it weren't for the fact, he wouldn't believe it. Just because a concert was held, the source of the apocalypse world It has increased a lot. What is the specific reason? Did the song or the various things that happened today have a good impact on the plot characters and the world?

The next moment, Long Er's attention was attracted by the concert again, because the host announced the curtain after taking the stage: Please enjoy next, Judgment of Flowers, from Big Sword, paying tribute to the beauties of Big Sword who fight for mankind. ! Congratulations on escaping from the shackles of fate! would be better if there wasn't some scumbag, God damn you, bastard!

I just wanted to call you a bastard! Do you know that you are spreading wrong information and the consequences will be very serious! Long Er cursed in his heart and covered his forehead. He could no longer imagine what would happen to Long Ke in the future. What will happen if you come back more often?

You don't seem very happy? Why, do you have any objection to what the host said?

When the song came to an end, a gentle female voice came to his ears. Long Er was vaguely familiar with it. He turned around and saw a beauty with slightly curly blond hair. Even without other accessories, her beautiful facial features and temperament gave people the same feeling. She is a princess, but her height of 1.8 meters will make most men feel more and more unattainable.

Flora, one of the best swordsmen among high-level swordsmen, is good at cutting wind swords, and is nicknamed Flora of the Wind Cutting Sword. She can be said to be the most temperamental girl with a broadsword. She is also one of the few with a gentler temperament and a delicate mind. Kodo's most popular sword.

Hi!... Long Er waved hello. It was a habit brought by Long Keduo's memory. When Long Er realized something was wrong, he had already shouted out. He could only bite the bullet and continue with a smile: Hello, beauty. , what’s your surname?”

Do you brothers always greet girls like this when they see them? We just met in the morning and now we don't know each other? Flora smiled playfully.

Long Er laughed dryly and secretly increased his vigilance, trying hard to avoid the influence of Long Keduo's memory, for fear that Flora would see the flaw.

Ah... you have changed your clothes. I really don't recognize you anymore. Hmm! You are very beautiful! Long Er praised sincerely. Except for Flora, the other girls with big swords also took off their armors and big swords. Sword, their facial features are a combination of Chinese and Western, with a bit of elf-like delicacy. Their facial features and height are not suitable for wearing kimonos. They are all wearing Western-style dresses, which really makes Ryuuji dizzy and beautiful.

The Da Jian girls have shed the burden of their tragic fate, and they are also cheerful and generous beauties who are in their prime. Seeing them happy, Long Er is quite pleased from Long Keduo's point of view.

It must be the first time for the Da Jian girls to wear such clothes. Long Er was a little shy when he praised them like this.

Long Er thought that it would be over, but he didn't expect Flora to be easy to fool, so he continued to ask: Why were you unhappy after hearing what the host said just now?

At that moment, Long Er had already thought of an excuse and made a troubled expression: Hey... I'm worried. This rumor is getting more and more outrageous. If my brother is resurrected one day, will he be attacked by a group of people? Beat to death.

Don't worry! We will chop him down before he is beaten to death! A girl with a big sword took over and vowed.

No! We can't let him be so easy. I want to tie him up, just like he did to us.

Yes, yes! Take off your clothes and tie them up, and then...

The girls with the big sword discussed how to torture Long Keduo, and there were no particularly cruel tricks. Most of them were tricks that were not very harmful and very insulting. They didn't hate Long Keduo very much, they just wanted to hurt Long Keduo. Tease him.

Long Er listened to his ears and saw in his mind the scene of the naked Long Kedo being tied to a wooden horse and calling Ya Zhudie. Fortunately, he had been happy for them before. Sure enough, the psychology of people who have suffered tragic experiences will be somewhat distorted.

Not wanting to hear them discuss those vicious tricks that are not suitable for children anymore, Long Er issued a mission notice for the new world. In order to give everyone in the Apocalypse Legion a reminder and increase the pressure, he also released a video that can only be seen by the official members of the Apocalypse Legion. Shot through Longkodo's perspective, the scene of the battle between monsters in the vampire world and the cannibal world.

The passage to the new fragmented world will be opened tomorrow morning, located to the east of First Tokyo City.

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