The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 767: Hulao Cao Gu 2 Ending Righteousness

Cao Cao, who was left alone, was at a loss. He looked at the back of Gu Zheng away, and was too lazy to scratch his head. He had a wrong step, and hurried back in the direction of his own camp.

While they were making arrangements for the later marching leisurely, the front of Hulao Pass was now in chaos.

Lu Bu, who was wounded and embarrassed, returned to his camp. He never received a greeting from his adoptive father. Instead, he was given a cool look by the moody general with unclear eyes.

It was this look that made Lu Fengxian's heart stunned, and anger, dissatisfaction, as well as deep hatred and fear came to his heart.

However, he did not dare to show his face at all. With the comfort of several Dong Zhuo confidants, he first withdrew from the camp that was about to discuss the future of the army, and healed the wound in the army.

It wasn't until the real whole body left the camp that Lu Bu's face drooped in an instant.

With lingering fears, he looked at the back in the camp, which gave him a great sense of oppression, and hobbled away quickly.

He couldn't guarantee what the consequences would be after staying here for a long time.

But during the period when the two armies were facing each other, the words that Gu Zheng once said to him were deeply imprinted in his heart.

Sooner or later, one day it will ferment and become a bomb that is on the verge of exploding, rounding up the people around Lu Fengxian.

It's just that now Dong Zhuo has no time to deal with the matter of Lu Bu hooking up with his own maidservant behind his back.

Because the current Hulao Pass is already a critical moment when the army is under pressure and embarrassed on all sides.

The people in their camp are discussing the follow-up while preparing to evacuate.

At this time, if Gu Zheng is allowed to lead the army, it must be taking advantage of Dong Zhuojun’s military spirit to be frustrated, and the army retreats or sticks to a pass that has not been issued, and finds the opponent’s flaws. The effect of the rout.

But now, it is not Gu Zheng who can be the master of the house.

It was a coalition of allied forces that had nearly 200,000 troops, but could not break the deadlock with Dong Zhuo's defenders.

What's more, the nominal leader of this coalition is Yuan Shao. Even if Gu Zheng is the fierce general who frustrated Lu Bu, he has no right to instruct and mobilize any soldiers under the princes along the way.

Therefore, the princes who can't be the lord of others, at this moment, they don't plan to transfer orders from Yuan Benchu ​​at all.

Each of them had an idea, and the quarrel was at the end, so they went back to the camp and acted according to their own instincts.

If you think of one thing, just form an alliance, if no one responds, then you can go up and do it yourself.

For a time, Hulao closed down like a chaos in a vegetable market.

It was your cavalry that stepped on our infantry's ankle, and then our swordsman stabbed your shield soldier in the waist.

Before this Hulao Pass had been conquered, the anger of the friendly forces from several parties came up first.

Just when the coalition forces themselves were about to fight, it was this classmate Cao Cao who came here to see the excitement and gave everyone a wake-up call.

"Dong Zhuo, this old boy is going to run away!"

While the people in front were fighting to death, Dong Zhuojun seized this opportunity and escaped without hesitation.

Only the dead with enough troops left, and at this level, contributed the last force to the main force's retreat.

The allies who heard this news suddenly stared in the chaos with big eyes and small eyes. I don't know who said first: "Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up and break through this last barrier and take advantage of the victory. Pursue it." After that, these talents seemed to have recovered, and they gathered their forces in a panic and stormed Hulao Pass.

When these people were all gone, Gu Zheng leisurely ordered the soldiers and horses together, pointed to another location beside Hulaoguan, and made his own army's march plan.

"Walking around the county, working day and night, must be the first to reach Luoyang City, which defends the emptiness, when the defeated Dong Zhuojun retracts into Luoyang City."

"Unprepared, won the defense of Luoyang."

"When Dong Zhuo flees to Luoyang City in a hurry, we will give him another fatal blow."

"Completely seal its back road."

"When these unusable allied forces chase them, they will form a two-sided attack, and will eventually wipe out Dong Zhuo under the horrible Luoyang city that he has ruined."

"It's just that we must act fast, especially when we win Luoyang City."

"Otherwise, once a protracted battle is formed with the defenders under Luoyang City, then our army will be blocked by the retreating Dong Zhuojun in the center, forming a tendency of flanking and encircling."

"At that time, we don't need to count on those crappy alliances. I'm afraid that many people inside are watching our excitement, and there are people who want our army to be destroyed, but there are many people."

"So, this is a dangerous move. Brother Cao is still willing to help me after hearing it?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng's original explanation was finished, the opposite Cao Cao showed a very firm smile.

"Fortunately, the brother of Xian Meng is so trusting and elder, how can I abandon my brother for my own safety in such a crisis."

"I don't have the one next to Cao Mengde, the relationship in Luoyang City is still somewhat related."

"If the brothers don't dislike the sordid elder brother, I would like to follow the example of the sages with Gu Xian, kowtow to exchange posts, confess to blood as an alliance, and form brothers of the opposite sex."

"Since then, we will live and die together, breaking new ground for the Han Dynasty."

"I don't know Gu Yuansu, but are you willing?"

Yes, people Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan made three ties, and we Gu Cao Houtang were embarrassed, absolutely okay.

Excited for a while, Gu Zheng slapped the hands that Cao Cao had handed over, shaking it up and down like a small soldier.

When he released his hand again, he hugged Cao Cao's shoulders, pointed to the messy backcourt left after the withdrawal of the Allied forces, and said with great pride: "Meeting is fate, and the time to worship is early. Not late."

"Look at the lakes and mountains here, is it particularly beautiful?"

"Why don't we just be here to prepare. After we kowtow to the handle, let's get on the road as soon as we planned."

After listening to Gu Zheng's remarks, and then looking at the mud pond in front of which countless horses stepped out, Cao Cao just wanted to say that this is not good, and Gu Zheng over there has already started bleeding.

He is a skilled trade in this matter, and his bloodletting frequency is almost equal to the amount of blood drawn for a pregnancy check-up of a pregnant woman in July.

And Cao Cao watched Gu Zheng stingly release a drop of blood from the belly of his finger in this way, as if it was something extraordinary and instructed Gu Quan who was greeted by him: "Quickly, get the wine." "

"Don't waste this precious drop of my heart, as the old saying goes, a drop of blood and ten drops of essence, he always makes sense."

Gu Quan, who was deeply convinced, really held up a huge sea bowl, and carefully took the drop of Gu Zheng's blood into a bowl full of wine like a pilgrimage.

Turning his head, he stood in front of Cao Mengde very diligently, and respectfully raised the bowl to his chest.

"Brother Cao, please!"

What can i say? I have nothing to say.

There is such a record in the biography of Cao Mengde about his worship process.

This is a point pointed out by Cao before his death: "The thief ship is not so This inexplicable sentence makes future generations dream about flying, because it is well known that the army in the Kuangfu Han room Among them, the family of the Gu family and the Cao family can be said to be the closest alliance.

So what happened at that time?

Why did the power minister Cao Cao suddenly say such a sentence before he died?

We who are born in later generations can't lift the true veil of this incident even if we are scratching our hearts.

Perhaps this is history.

Let's leave the comments of future generations aside.

Gu and Cao were really in such a bad situation. They merged each other's blood together and drank this big bowl of wine together.

These two people are in good spirits, and after you finish drinking one by one, there is still time to complain.

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