The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 388: Playback of the 9th world (end)

When she was sleeping with Gu Zheng again, the queen said a request to Gu Zheng.

He asked him to match up and let her meet her cousin's wife in private by Gu Zheng's pretext.

But Gu Zheng did.

This time, the Queen of Wanyanliang grabbed each other's pigtails, but they let the two women have the same secret because of the same man.

People always say that the friendship between men who have been to the bathroom together is particularly deep, but what if two women have the same man?

That would form a weird and unbreakable alliance.

On this day, the three of them slept together on the same bed, and they planned an earth-shattering plan for the emperor of the Jin Dynasty while chatting.

After leaving this room of enjoyment, a woman hurriedly returned to Prince Ge's Mansion to make suggestions for Wanyan Yong and drew very strong support.

The other woman, however, released the carrier pigeon that was delivering the news, so that the Khitan tribes at the border of the Kingdom of Jin could order them at any time.

When the foreign war reached a fierce period and all the people of the Kingdom of Jin looked to the south, the whole country suddenly changed.

From King Ge's accession to the throne to the stability of the court, this series of procedures came to the end, and it only took a few days.

When the struggle for power within this country gradually quieted down.

The two women who played a vital role in this incident found that the lover they were most satisfied with was gone.

It was the second day after this person disappeared.

At the forefront of the battle between the Song Dynasty and the Kingdom of Jin, a small yellow book called "The Beauty of the Kingdom of Jin" appeared.

It describes the romantic affairs of the Jin Dynasty imperial family in great detail, and records various heinous unruly behaviors in the history of the Wanyan family in a very vernacular language.

And I informed the readers who read this book in detail that he is now attacking the Emperor of the Kingdom of the Song Dynasty, the Marshal of Soldiers and Horses: Wanyanliang... he was wearing a green hat.

Not only that, but now he even lost the throne because of this hat.

So, warriors of the Song Dynasty, don't be afraid. The Emperor of the Kingdom of King who is known as ZTE's ambition on the opposite side is actually an honest man who is not even optimistic about his wife.

At this time, the whole country was in an uproar.

His "Golden Country Beauty", a rough-printed and worrisome little storybook, instantly became the most sought-after book of the year. No one.

During the Song dynasty, from the traffickers to the emperor's power ministers, they were basically one-handed. The content was analyzed word by word, and they did not forget to add some comments of their own.

The major restaurants and teahouses have compiled countless verses and sing reviews, and used a variety of performance methods to interpret the content in between.

It did it, and it's a household name.

And this move has greatly boosted the morale of the Song Dynasty army. When they faced the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin repeatedly, these rough men did not forget to howl and adapted them based on the deeds of the other queen. Xiaolangqu.

Let the opponent's offensive arrogance be extinguished in an instant.

Greatly boosted the morale of one's own side, and by the way, crushed the morale of the other party into the dust.

In several major confrontations, considerable victories have been achieved.

In the end, Wan Yanliang, who replaced the emperor's golden crown with a green hat, was in the midst of a double-sided attack between the Golden Army and the Song Army and headed for final demise.

After this battle, Jin Guo's vitality was greatly injured. Since then, there has been no idea of ​​going south, and the two countries have officially entered a period of calm.

However, after finishing this big case, Gu Zheng, after returning to the Song Dynasty, took the name of romanticism.

Hidden behind the six doors.

Since then, he has received his heart and nourishment, married a wife and had children, and retired bravely, composing a good story about the appropriateness of the monarch and his ministers.

Later, when Gu Zheng was only fifty years old, he handed over all the power in his hands to his eldest son, and completely disappeared before others.

Since then, a legendary life and a legendary experience have finally come to a successful conclusion.

Gu Zheng, a legend of a generation of little people, a ravaged star in the long history, was eventually remembered by historical materials and everyone.


After scrolling slowly, the texts like these characters' histories gradually lost their original brilliance on the screen of Liao Wangshu.

In the end, he fell into the black peace, pulling the fascinated Gu Zheng back to reality.

"This is over?"

"This is over?"

"But laugh and forget the book, don't you think it's weird? This time, I didn't bring back any memorials?"

"No, the host, yes, but this time the souvenir is a bit special, and it is still kept in my space."

"Oh? What is it? Show me?"

After listening to Gu Zheng's request, Xiao Wangshu shook the pages of his body, feeling like it took a lot of effort to form a small space the size of a fist above his pages.

"Huh, I finally succeeded. With the increase of energy, I can also build an independent space."

"Here, my dear host, I brought this reward back for you from that world."

"What is this?" Gu Zheng saw it very interestingly. He reached out his hand and plunged into the space. It looked like a solid golden barrier. There were no obstacles under Gu Zheng's hand, so he immediately let him I found the floating items inside.

It was only when Gu Zheng dragged it out that he realized that there was a recipe that was time-honored at first glance.

When Gu Zheng opened it carefully, he discovered that there was a clear record of all the delicacies and delicacies he had seen and ate in that era.

The method of various dishes, the seasonings used, and the subtle taste contrasts made according to the tastes of modern people, are simply clear at a glance.

Is this going to let him be a cook?

Gu Zheng flipped through it improperly, only to find that there was a very small kit in the book.

What should be carried with the bulging inside.

When Gu Zheng poured out the contents, he discovered that there was a **** pill inside.

It feels a bit like the Wuji Baifeng Wan from Tongrentang for a lifetime.

Gu Zheng moved his nose over and smelled it. The fragrance of the medicine in the pills actually had a sweet smell, which was really good.

"what is this?"

Medicine can't be taken indiscriminately.

And Xiao Wangshu reported to Gu Zheng like a treasure offering: "Didn't I swallow that plane trading system in that world?"

"This benefit can't be taken up by me alone, I must make the best use of it."

"So I was in the energy cluster of that system and looked for its origin."

"Only discovered that one of the most precious things in this mall has been retained by the system without independent thinking."

"This is probably the most valuable thing that can be given in the mall of that plane system."

"And I discovered through the other party's data comparison that this turned out to be a life-expanding pill."

"This is not the fake life-enhancing pills produced by the Xianxia plane. This is a life-enhancing bill that will only appear in the real main world."

"It just so happens that your lifespan, even if you practice Changsheng Gong all the year round, you can only live up to forty-two years old, and this pill, as long as you eat it, you can immediately increase the maximum life expectancy of 3 years. "

"How about it, host, am I going to work hard this time?"

"Hmm! Great!" Gu Zheng squeezed the pill in his hand and continued to ask, "How much life span have I gained in this world?"

"It's still half a year."

"Huh? Shouldn't the increase in lifespan be incremental?"

"No!" Xiao Wangshu quickly returned: "This world is a relatively safe world. If you want to obtain atmospheric luck and longevity, you have to do extremely dangerous tasks in troubled times."

"It turned out to be so. That's not bad."

After listening to the causes and consequences, Gu Zheng ‘grumped’ and swallowed the pill into his abdomen without hesitation ~ After waiting for a long time for the abnormalities it could produce, he did not wait.

"Huh? Isn't this kind of pill that after swallowing it in the mouth, it forms a warm current that surrounds the body, then removes toxins and washes the meridians?"

After listening to Gu Zheng's question, Xiao Wangshu really wanted to wipe his cold sweat: "They are all made up by the Internet novelists in this world."

"Where does the longevity pill have such an effect. Nothing happens, it is a thorough integration, and this is the best result."

Well, I read too many novels and I've got my brains up again.

Now that everything is understood, Gu Zheng can finally go to the General Administration of Sports to report in a down-to-earth manner.

But this time he is going to no longer the office of the General Administration of Sports in the city.

Gu Zheng is going to report to check-in, in Huairou County, far away from the city.

There, there is the training center of the Municipal Sports Commission.

This is a large comprehensive sports training center.

Not only is there a training venue for track and field events, but also a combination of fencing, shooting and other unpopular or popular training venues.

Moreover, here is the perennial curling training base of the State Sports Commission.

It can be seen how high-end the number of personnel, the abundance of training venues, and the advancement of internal facilities in this base are.

Therefore, Lao Tie really took a lot of effort for Gu Zheng.

No, when the time is almost up, the city sports committee's car that picks up the athletes stopped at the entrance of the alley of Gu Zheng's courtyard.

This is not because Gu Zheng is specializing alone. He originally wanted to rush to Huairou with the bus of the General Administration of Sports Commission.

But his job is too special.

I have never seen an athlete who has to tour the streets conscientiously before training, and then carry a package to report.

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