Chu Yue of course knows it in her heart, and she would never recognize it in the Chu Mansion, regardless of whether her stepmother was instructed by Chu Xiang or not to spread the matter outside.

But what is her status now, as long as she doesn't nod her head, who would dare to press her to recognize it?

"However, the emperor still has to check what is going on, and it's a good thing. I don't think it is that simple." Chu Yue said.

Although she didn't understand the temperament of Chu Xiang's cheap father, she had somehow noticed after so many years that Chu Xiang was not such an impulsive and reckless person.

Otherwise, something should have been done long ago, instead of having been calm for so many years, but it does not rule out the possibility that Chu Xiang has acted too hastily now that his son has returned.

Because now she is the imperial concubine, and the queen’s phoenix body is always known to be bad. If there is an accident in the future, she, the imperial concubine, will definitely take a step forward, because she is not alone, she is still the emperor. Having given birth to a pair of children, it is also very hard work, fully qualified to sit in that position.

In this case, the mother clan is the descendant.

If Chu Xiang did not fight, then the descendants would fall into the Yonglehou Mansion, and the Yonglehou Mansion would prosper in the next three generations!

This benefit is reasonable if Chu Xiang can't sit still, but Chu Yue will never forgive it.

It’s not bad to be in peace for these years. The other Chu Yue did not think about giving more. As for Chu Yu's half-brother and his wife, they are indeed good, so " (Chu Yue) "I know that Qin Heng also takes care of it.

But there are only some, and the Chu Mansion is still going downhill over the years.

Therefore, I really do not rule out that Chu Xiang is getting old, and there is a difference in thinking.

Qin Heng snorted coldly and said, "I will send someone to investigate, but Chu Mansion is also the culprit!"

"The emperor seems to be very upset?" Chu Yue watched him with a smile.

"Now this time there is such a thing, it is for your reputation, they are not worried that because of their own self-interest, ruining your future?" Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue moved in his heart, this is the first time he has said the word "prospect" to her so bluntly.

She is already an imperial concubine. What is her future as the same queen? That's aspiration for the second position.

"It doesn't really matter. The emperor can treat me like this in this life, I have nothing to extravagantly expect." Chu Yue is also rare to soften down, leaning in his arms and said.

Maybe women are like this, or maybe just like herself. She used to have a lot of picky and dissatisfaction with him, and even broke with him several times to break with him.

But in the final analysis, it was because he had completely different ideas from her.

For him, as an emperor, he has actually done what he can give her, and he has always cared about her for so many years.

Of course, in the early years, she was very angry because he went to other palaces to make flowers and grass, but now that she is now, she really doesn't have that thought.

The most important thing is to have a mutual love, he gave her.

So Chu Yue is sometimes very tangled. Do you love this man or not? Or is it accustomed to his existence?

Chu Yue came out of his arms after a while and said: "The emperor doesn't care about this, I can handle it."

"Yeah." Qin Heng nodded.

This incident is actually not a big deal, but Qin Heng doesn't want to be extravagant and affect her reputation, so he is so angry.

This meeting can be regarded as calming down, and ordered people to go out for a thorough investigation.

Seeing that he went back to deal with government affairs, Chu Yue only narrowed his eyes.

"Little chestnut, send a message to Mr. Jiang and let Mr. Jiang enter the palace." Chu Yue ordered.

"Yes." Xiao Lizi promised.

I knew it in the palace, and it was spread all over the world.

When Jiang Xia heard the call to enter the palace, Jiang Mian hurried over to the house to find her mother.

Mrs. Jiang is in the hall now, listening to her master swearing.

Of course, Mrs. Jiang is going to curse, because his twin daughters are so good, how could they become nieces?

"This is simply impossible. What kind of temper is the imperial concubine? How powerful is she? Which one in the palace is her opponent? Yue'er's temperament is like her mother. She is weak and soft, and she is completely the same as the imperial concubine. , Why does his Chu Mansion want to pretend to be my daughter!" Old lady Jiang said angrily.

Jiang Mian came over and heard these words, but he was greatly relieved.

"Yes, what kind of temper is my cousin Yue? It's almost the same as the dough, but what is the temper of my elder sister? I didn't even dare to breathe a breath in front of her. I ordered the women to worship a while ago. Whose majesty People dare to underestimate it? Is my cousin Yueyue comparable? The Chu Mansion is now out of skill. This is because he wants to rely on us cheeky!" Jiang Mian stepped in and said.

When he heard this, Jiang Mian's first reaction was impossible!

How could this be possible, a good eldest sister is going to become a cousin? That is about to be separated by a layer. More importantly, in the future, she will be a descendant in Yongle Houfu. If the eldest sister becomes a cousin, then the title of descendant will fly!

The descendants, what kind of glory? For example, the Xiao Mansion at the moment was actually not what it used to be, but now it seems to be a giant.

Even if the queen is declining, the family power is not to be underestimated.

The benefits of being a queen mother are obvious.

How could Jiang Mian want to believe that his eldest sister is not the eldest sister but the cousin?

Old Mrs. Jiang nodded when he heard his daughter's words: "That's exactly the way it is. This is because he wants to rely on us. It is said that for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, he always ignored us in the past. Our Yongle Hou Mansion is something his Chu Mansion can't afford!"

As he talked, it began to dimly fell: "It would be fine if the younger sister and Xiao Yue'er were still there. Now who dares to bully their mother and daughter?"

This is also the uselessness of his eldest brother and uncle. At the beginning, the Yongle Hou Mansion had been ruined. Where was the opponent of Chu Xiang Mansion in its heyday?

After his sister passed away after giving birth, he also hoped that Chu Xiangfu would treat his niece well, and he did not ask his mother to give his niece more money.

But in the end, she lost to the second daughter of Chu Xiangfu's beloved mansion, and she was married into the palace of Qin.

But if you want to say that this family relationship is not good, that's not the case, because it's the Royal Mansion, so many people can't climb it.

In the end, the niece was unable to survive.

"It's all a few years ago, so don't talk about it, let's go out for a walk." Mrs. Jiang said to him.

Mrs. Jiang is going to go for a walk, to see who would dare to spread rumors that the eldest daughter is not his daughter!

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