Zhang Yunyan visited the villagers to learn the truth, and she hated it even more. Pan Yuguang was a bully of fish people. She was full of evil and could not bear it. Now, this guy is collaborating with the town tiger, endangering the Quartet, and adding more sins.

Yun Yan's heart has been decided, not only to rescue the arrested woman tonight, but also to eliminate the scourge for the people.

During the visit, Zhang Yunyan heard an amazing thing, both angry and doubtful. The villagers mentioned the matter, and they all talked about the tiger's discoloration, and their fear was even worse.

The villagers informed that for a long time, young women have disappeared from time to time in some nearby villages, and even the lady of a large family is unavoidable.

The missing woman is very beautiful in appearance and looks. She has nowhere to look for it. I don't know whether it is death or alive. It has become an unsolvable mystery.

There is also a terrible thing. Some of the children playing outside the village did not know where they went, leaving no trace. People searched everywhere with no results, no panic, neither grief nor anxiety.

Some people say that the women and children were captured by the monsters, and some were robbed by bandits and sold to other places. No matter who they were robbed of, they have so far lost their message and nowhere to search. The consequences are terrible and they dare not imagine.

In order to appease the people and fight against bandits, the government sent people around to search for arrests and offered rewards to those who knew the information, but they found nothing.

People had to take precautions. Some young and beautiful women left their hometowns, and fled to relatives in the distance for shelter, while others took refuge with young children.

Those families with nowhere to go had to hide some young women at home. Children play at home or go out with the care of an adult.

Zhang Yunyan was frowning for the disappearance of Li Xiaoyun, who could not imagine that more women would suffer. She was angry and helpless. She was so weak that she wanted to rescue so many missing women and children. Worried about the missing women and children, she could only sigh helplessly.

Now, Yun Yan is trying her best to rescue Li Xiaoyun. She is exhausted physically and mentally, and anxious. She has no ability to take care of other missing persons, so she can inquire about it by the way. Once you have a trace, you can look for rescue.

Zhang Yunyan thought of those missing children, and couldn't help but think of Yuntian's brother and kept lamenting.

She didn't know if her brother was dead or alive. Where is the Zhang family now? Brother Yuntian is the only man in the Zhang family who may live in the world. She must work hard to find and reunite the siblings as soon as possible.

When Yun Yan thought of the missing children, there was a pain in her heart. The poor children were not as good as their miserable childhood. It was sad.

She has been an orphan since she was a child, wandering around, suffering countless hardships and sufferings, and having countless death threats, she finally survived, and has grown up to have the ability.

Those missing children are likely to have been killed, and it's heartbreaking to think about it.

Zhang Yunyan did not know who was robbed of the missing child and whether he was still alive. What she was most worried about was the actions of the monsters. If they were taken away by the monsters, those young lives would be doomed.

Yunyan could not help thinking of that horrible night. In order to rescue Li Xiaoyun, in the dark woods, not only encountered the tiger demon, but also the black-haired ghost king. The devil took Liu Guangming's son dog

The baby snatched it. Although the child was rescued, the father and son were reunited without any surprise, and suffered great psychological trauma.

Now, there are only nine ghosts and red-haired ghost kings in the group of demons. Is that what they did? Is it true that Jiuyinjun will continue to make elixir by inheriting the wishes of his brother?

It is very likely that the two old devil are brothers of the division, pursuing the same goal and committing the same crime. If those children were arrested, they would be used to make elixir and heal the nine ghosts.

Now, the children may be alive, but have nowhere to look for help, and eventually die.

If those children were taken away by other demons and monsters, they would have no hope at all, and they would have become the food of the demons and monsters.

Zhang Yunyan's heart was resentful and she was unable to find the missing woman and child. She was alone and very helpless. She could only lament and anxiety.

She didn't dare to stop at Baimazhuang. She was an outsider. In order not to attract people's attention, especially not to alert Panfu, she came to rest under the mountain not far from the west of the village and waited until the black people were quiet.

Zhang Yunyan was troubled by the disturbed thoughts, and suddenly was surprised to hear the cry of the child. She immediately got up to look at it, and could not help but shake her body and mind. She was shocked. What is it! This ... this is impossible!

Yunyan was terrified and jumped up, how could it be here, is this true?

Yunyan couldn't believe her eyes, couldn't believe what was happening right now, how ... how could this be, never impossible.

I saw a five- or six-year-old boy caught by the monster, crying while struggling.

Although the monster's body is humanoid, its head has the characteristics of a beast, needless to say, it is an elf who has not completely modified his face.

The guy was flaming and shiny, his body was not big, his eyes were bright, and he was turning slowly. The beast-shaped face showed a sinister and cunning expression, and it seemed to smile and smile, and there was no lack of viciousness and cruelty.

It's the Red Wind God! Zhang Yunyan recognized it at a glance, this guy is the fire fox spirit red wind god.

She suddenly saw this monster, which was too unexpected, unbelievable and unbelievable. This guy was obviously killed and stuffed into the smelting furnace. At this time, he had been reduced to ashes. How could he come back to life and run here intact? It was never possible.

Zhang Yunyan couldn't believe her eyes, and couldn't believe the facts in front of her. However, the fact is that this monster is indeed a fox spirit and red wind god, which cannot be denied.

This matter is like a dream, it's extremely strange, it's incredible, how can a dead monster come back to life? She couldn't believe it to be true, and it wouldn't happen despite the sheer size of the world.

However, this is not a dream. The terrible reality is so real. It is right in front of us and we must face it.

Is it true that after the death of Chifeng God, the evil soul will not disperse, and the sinful soul will come to revenge and resentment?

Zhang Yunyan looked at the fiery sun and cloudless blue sky, and then denied that the yang was so strong that ghosts would not exist, let alone move around.

This guy is not a ghost, but an elf of the sun, a real monster, sure.

The fact that the Red Wind God has died in a different place is an indisputable fact and cannot be denied; the death of the monster has been melted in the furnace, it is true and no doubt.

When he was thrown into the Dark Haired Ghost King, Yun Yan could see clearly that the guy had melted away. That is the fact. It cannot be denied. How can it be resurrected?

But this guy appeared alive again, right here, is it really dead?

This monster is too scary and amazing. Its life and death are extremely strange and incredible.

It seems that it has been cultivated to such a degree that it is incomprehensible, like no one is like illusion. This guy's soul is here forever, ** is no longer important, can be regenerated at any time, and cannot be removed by any means.

The reality is so scary, so amazing, so weird, so shocking, so incredible ...

Zhang Yunyan was shocked and terrified, her nerves were tense, and she stared blankly at the raging monster.

Facts are facts. Chifeng God is Chifeng God, no matter how shocked Yun Yun is, how unbelievable, how incredible, the cruel reality is in front of him, unable to deny, unable to avoid it.

Shocked by the moment, Zhang Yunyan woke up, thinking eagerly, what should I do in the face of the fierce red wind god?

This guy's ability is unfathomable. She has no ability to fight. If she stepped forward to prevent atrocities, she would undoubtedly die. In the face of the terrible monster, she can only escape, this is the only way to save her life.

However, Zhang Yunyan is not a coward who is greedy for life and is afraid of death. He is not a person who cannot help but see the death. He cannot let the evil forces run rampant and ignore it.

By this time, she had no choice but to set aside her heart and set aside life and death. In any case, she must stop the monster's atrocities.

The Chifeng God caught the poor child, and the treacherous expression on his cheeky face looked around him before leaving.

Once the monster departs, he will regret it. Zhang Yunyan can no longer hesitate and shouts to jump over.

The monster was taken aback and looked at the young woman who suddenly appeared, and then revealed a complex expression, both suspicious and fascinated, and the colored eyes stared at Zhang Yunyan.

He snorted and drank: "Girl, who are you, dare to spread wild in front of Grandpa, do you want to die?" It has a majestic word, and its obsessed eyes still stare at the beauty.

Zhang Yunyan heard the words stunned, and today, he also fought a battle with Chifeng God in Xuanling Cave. It was a fierce battle between life and death. How could this guy not know himself and forget it?

When she was in doubt, Firefox said, "Girl, you seem to be in charge of Grandpa's good deeds. It's your own death. However, you are too beautiful, charming everywhere, and beautifully intoxicating. I I ca n’t bear to kill you, so I ’d rather take you back and enjoy yourself. I do n’t know who your first name is. Let ’s report it first.

Its eyes are still moving slowly, the sly face has an arrogant look, the evil heart is more prosperous, and it is about to move.

Zhang Yunyan stared at the monster with a tense expression, very alert. She was still puzzled, did Red Wind Nerve lose its memory by melting in the smelting furnace and forgetting what happened today?

Maybe it is. For Red Wind God, it has been reborn, everything has to start from scratch, the previous memories have vanished, so don't remember it. 2k novel reading network

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