The Collection of The End

Chapter 1330: Heart of the Swarm (29)


Tarsonis, shaded area.

After the strange humanoid object fell from the sky, the conversation of EFF soldiers who were closer to Arcturus also came.

"Is that... a person?"

"Don't be stupid, how is it possible."

"Shut up, stay vigilant, if it shows hostility towards us..."

"Just fire?"

"Retreat immediately! It is strictly forbidden to open fire to anger the opponent!"

Obviously, judging from the reactions of the Union soldiers, their superiors were quite clear about what was happening in the blockade, and had no intention of attracting the hatred of the two groups of monsters who were pinching each other.

It's just that they don't have any reliable spiritual abilities, and don't know that this is tantamount to chronic death.

If the "powerful spiritual energy head" Amir was referring to was the "person" in front of him, he might have discovered himself.

Even if Amir's "Force" is stronger, in the "Psionic Radar", there is a problem with how to think of a sudden blank.

Arcturus speculated with his own half-hearted psionic knowledge.

At this time, the focus on the field, the "man" who fell from the sky helped his hood and walked towards the bridgehead defense line. This action made the soldiers subconsciously start to retreat.

Wait... Hood? Arcturus began to observe the "person" carefully.

From the outside, "he" is a thin young man, wearing a white sports shirt and brown canvas pants, covering a black sweater with a hood, and the face exposed under the hood is slightly gloomy.

On the whole, there is no "inhuman" characteristic, but the act of killing the giant beast just in one blow has proved that he is by no means an ordinary person.

"[It’s meaningless to kill you,]" The hooded man’s voice was hoarse and dry, but he could roughly understand: "[But, if you draw the Thunder Beast to attack the Node, I don’t mind giving it to you. An impressive lesson for people.]"

"Of course, sir, as you wish." A federal non-commissioned officer who was behind the cordon replied quickly.

"[Huh...]" The strange man snorted noncommittal, and was about to turn around to leave. His footsteps suddenly paused, then he tilted his head slightly and cast his gaze straight at Arcturus.

"...He found us." Arcturus glanced at the suitcase Siwan was carrying.

"No, yes, yes." Emil wrinkled his little nose: "If he finds us, I will chop him off."

There seems to be a problem with this causal relationship, but it’s good if my sister is happy.

Arcturus shook his head and pushed the wheelchair away from the hooded man's sight, but he did not follow him.

"[I feel--]" The hooded man muttered to himself and took a step forward, scaring the Union soldiers on the defense line back again and again.

Collapse-collapse collapse-

At this moment, a group of remote bugs that spit out bone spurs that Arcturus had seen in Marsala suddenly emerged from the "silt" behind the hooded man. They almost appeared in the mouth at the same time. The bone spurs sprayed out to the hooded man.


The hooded man didn't turn his head back either, only a dark shadow danced behind him, and all the bone spurs that would hit him were shot down or flying.

When the shadows stopped, Arcturus could clearly see that there were three dancing vines on one side, a total of six dancing vines. Although I don’t know how they appeared, the situation behind the hooded man is probably Not very beautiful.

"[Hmph, it seems that these bugs haven't learned their lesson yet.]" The hooded man glanced at the direction he was looking at before, and directly came a high and far dumped and fell into the middle of the swarm that attacked him. It was a dark shadow passing by, and the worms that attacked them fell to the ground before they could make any movements.

Due to the distance, Arcturus could not see the shape and expression of the man with the hood at this time, and vaguely distinguished that he had paused, he jumped high, alternately stepping on the surrounding abandoned buildings with the help of the blockade. Go to the center of the district.

"Which idiot raised a gun at him just now?"

"not me!"

"With the strength of that monster, how can we care about our little water guns?"

"Shut up, now withdraw the line of defense, you, come to write a report of this contact!"

"Isn't it—"

Ignoring the mess of Federal soldiers over there, Arcturus and his party walked a distance in the direction where the hooded man was watching, and soon found his target, Sarah Kerrigan, who was invisible. Pulled her into Amir's "Force Illusion".

"Ms. Kerrigan, if you want to act with us, you can bring it up. Obviously, the Federation's stealth technology is not very good." It was confirmed that Kerrigan was actually discovered by the Hooded Man, and Arcturus was relieved. By the way, I despised the federal technology.

"I've arrived when you are shopping leisurely, and the plan for the Federation is generally clear." Kerrigan ignored the words: "Do you think about how to solve this matter?"

"Hmm... smash all the heads of the two monsters?" Arcturus glanced at Emil.

I was discussing countermeasures before, but was interrupted because the man with the hood fell from the sky.

"Okay~" Amir raised his hand in agreement.

"That is the ultimate goal, although it is also the easiest," Angela said: "Before that, we have to find evidence that these two monsters are produced by federal research and find a way to make it public."

"The evidence must be in the'Biochemical Factory' that exploded. The Federation had no chance to clean them, but there should be the deepest part of this'battlefield'. Are we going to kill it all the way?" Arcturus frowned slightly.

"The reserve of weapons should be enough, as long as the enemy doesn't include the mammoth and the guy in the hood." Si Wang patted the box in his hands.

"You go and deal with bugs," Kerrigan said. "Leave it to me over the plants."

"You really know that person." Arcturus said in a positive tone: "And he also found you before."

"I don't think he is the person I know anymore. If he is really him, it will be impossible to react like this after discovering me." Kerrigan shook his head, "But I still have to talk to him."

"Oh~" Si Wang exclaimed in a very understanding tone.

"Although I don't think it is necessary, I still explain it." Kerrigan looked at Emil, who was staring at her. "That was my instructor when I was in the ghost training base. After I left the Federation ghost sequence, I thought he was dead or went to be a "ghost", but now it seems that he has mostly become a test product for the "psionic jump"."

"I think his attitude of almost merging with vines should not retain any memory," Arcturus said: "However, if you call his original name, it might be useful. What is his name?"

"Rim," Kerrigan paused, "Alex Rim."

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