The Collection of The End

Chapter 1295: The fourth natural disaster (forty-four)

"[Feedback: The host refuses to communicate.]"

After a while, the planetary host Alpha slowly typed such a line on the communication interface, and the confusion and loss contained in it were already overflowing.

[Does your civilization mean to refuse to join the Galactic Alliance? ] The stupid system still responds in seconds.

"[Negative: We are sure that the host is willing to join, but the host did not respond to our contact.]"

[Your master is not on this planet? ] Stupid system pretends to be stupid.

"[Negative: They did not leave this planet.]"

[My scanning system has not found any brain wave activity on this planet. Your master is a machine like you? 】

"[Negative: They are organisms.]"

This host can be used by stupid systems, and IQ is basically that way.

[This is actually a game.] The stupid system said to me alone: ​​[The other party should have basically inferred Marefia's intelligence, such as being on this planet, being an organism, and having brain waves appearing when it is active, etc. 】

‘Don’t tease it, just ask to connect to their network and try. ’

[It's still too direct, wait for me to detour two more rounds. ] After the stupid system finished speaking, type on that panel again: [We detected that you have stored many organic creatures. Is that your master? Sleeping? 】

"[Affirmative: Negative: The owner is not in a dormant state.]" The planetary host seems to have a logic problem, and the language is a bit confused.

[Then they are existing in the form of data. Regarding digital life, the Galactic Alliance has long recorded. ] The stupid system continues to talk nonsense.

Hmm...wait, if you count me, it's not nonsense.

[In this case, the planet that still exists on the parent planet of the civilization will be the ruler to accept the review. 】

"[Negative: GROX cannot accept the inspection and make decisions on behalf of the owner,]" The planetary host responded quickly: "[You can directly enter the data space to communicate with the owner.]"

[Then, please open up your data interface. 】The stupid system went around a lot, and finally said its original purpose.

"[Confirm: The data interface has been opened.]"

[Okay, we can enter the cyberlux data space and turn around,] The stupid system closed the interactive interface: [This time is the avatar of the avatar... the avatar? 】

‘Stop the doll, are you sure I can go in now? ’

[Always able to get in, but if you don't get the permission of the planetary host, it will probably treat you as a virus and clean it up after it finds it, otherwise it will be finished. 】

‘It’s like I can’t examine the mind of a creature? ’

[Almost, it's all a matter of personality. 】

‘Okay, ready to connect, let me see what their online world looks like. Marefiya sank and got into the huge octopus head of Terasoedo.

[Need to pinch a new image? Or directly use the image of Marefia? 】

‘Then use Ilia, that magical girl, you happen to be a ruby. ’

【Magical girl……】

‘What do you want to say? I am listening. ’

[Nothing! Link is dead! 】


"[Surprise: Your appearance really looks like your master.]"

After a series of colorful lights that are worth talking about, I found myself under a giant tree with radiance, and that tree was talking to me. The sound it made was like gears turning and metal rubbing. Mixing.

Come in directly?

It didn't blow up?

After a little confirmation of the situation, I found that I was not "coming in", but an extra avatar in the virtual space of the planetary host, who could act from her first-person perspective.

At the same time, the overall perspective and Marefia's third-person perspective still exist, but this trouble is not a problem at all for me who is used to more openness.

In addition, these three different levels of perspective sound a bit like the "trinity", that is, the "indigenous self, ego, and superego", but if you look closely at it, none of them seem right.

Regardless of these philosophical issues, the current highest priority is...

"No, I'm sure I don't look like your master at all." I tried to imitate the attitude of the previous stupid system when it contacted it.

The image of sloths does not need to be outlined. Even if they wear the same clothes, they are a bit far away from humans.

Look at my virtual avatar, but the black version of the magical girl Ilia is used.

She has long hair in a bright silver shawl, bright red eyes, a small black wing on her forehead, and a small black dress with layers of purple gauze, extending from the waist to a bright red hem like tulip petals. Paired with black long gloves with purple trim and knee-high boots of the same style, a pair of six slightly deformed diamond-shaped purple light wings stretched out behind them.

【anything else? 】

He also carried a short black cane inlaid with a silly-looking five-pointed star.

[Yes! It's under! 】

...Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether a stupid system is acting stupid or really stupid.

"[Confusion: It may be true.]" At this time, the planetary host was able to respond to my opinion on the image.

It seems that GROX, as a machine, is really not able to distinguish the differences in appearance of creatures that also have heads and limbs.

"So, this is your network?" I looked up at the giant tree that seemed to have no top.

Well, this "tree" does not seem to have a top. When I "look" to the top, it will "extend" upwards again.

"[Proud: This is the owner's cyberspace "world tree".]"

The sloth's network is a tree, and it is completely fine.

"So, where are your masters, or masters?"

"[Lyrics: communicate in the branches and veins, communicate in the leaves, play in the fruits, and the World Tree continues to grow.]"

If it doesn't include words that indicate attitude at the beginning, it's really lyrical.

Think about it carefully. On the eve of uploading consciousness, these "slots" may not even bother to express their own attitudes when communicating. This is how they teach by example to create such a weird mechanical servant.

"In other words, the branches are networks, the leaves are forums or groups, and the fruits are games?" I tried to explain the lyricism of the machine.

"[Agree: Indeed, it seems that the Galaxy Alliance can understand each other with the owners.]"

So... I should go to a well-known group or forum to express my alien envoys. Are you here to investigate them?

[I don’t recommend this.] The magic wand in your hand, or the stupid system said: [Think about it, if you usually wander the forum and see a post claiming to be an alien, what’s your reaction? 】

‘Open it and finish it now? ’

[80% may be ignored or flooded, and 20% are directly deleted by the administrator. When Grox contacted them, it was estimated that this was the end. 】

‘Can’t directly establish contact with individuals? ’

[I guess Gorx has done this before, but... Do you think a guy with the ID of ‘An Unrestricted Paradise’ wants to add you as a friend, would you agree? 】

‘It’s so what’s your suggestion? ’

[Go directly to their most popular games to make trouble, cause topics, and make people actively follow you. 】

‘...Makes sense. ’

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