The Collection of The End

Chapter 1254: The fourth natural disaster (twenty-seven)

"[What kind of organization do you call the'Galactic Alliance'? What are the requirements to join?]"

"[Excuse me, what are the laws in the'Galactic Alliance' regarding our races that have not yet entered the cosmic civilization?]"

"[Excuse me, what kind of identity is'Ghost'? Does it have law enforcement power?]"

"[You mentioned several galaxy navigation methods, which one do you use yourself? Is it to monitor us specifically?]"

After I threw out the information about "Mass Effect", there were a lot fewer problems related to science and technology, and there were more political and military problems.

Obviously, the researchers are doing things, and the research directors of the various research institutes are beginning to try to fight for the benefits of their own ethnic groups.

So, now is the time to fool.

"The'Galactic Alliance' is a non-physical organization composed of more than 400 formal alliance members and more than two thousand space civilizations under investigation. The main decisions are made by the'Alliance Council' composed of three major civilizations."

"In theory, any civilization that enters space is eligible to become a member of it. The basic conditions are: successfully enter the universe, establish a permanent space station on the orbit of the parent star, and establish colonies on other planets in its own galaxy, and then You can become a full member after inspection."

These research directors are all old fried dough sticks. They will definitely be able to hear it. Those who only meet the basic requirements must be the one-thousandth. Only when they are strong will they become one-fourth.

"Regarding civilizations that have not yet entered space, the Galactic Alliance certainly has relevant regulations, specifically: no colonization on any planet or galaxy where intelligent life appears, no guidance or promotion of the development of this civilization, investigation and research activities should avoid being discovered by this civilization."

"However, these regulations also contain exceptions. If a civilization is affected by battles between other interstellar civilizations, or is affected by a large-scale disaster, the Galactic Alliance can provide relief."

"In addition, if the civilization develops dangerous technologies that are expressly prohibited, the nearest civilization or ‘ghost’ is also allowed to stop it."

To put it simply, it is stocking. If it can develop to the space stage by itself, it will be inspected and accepted; if it cannot, it will be allowed to perish.

[This is completely different from what you did, right? 】

‘Nonsense, where are the four hundred members now? Even four is already very good, and still dare to be picky? ’

"The Galactic Alliance does not have a standing army. There is only a ‘Alliance Fleet’ composed of ships provided by each member’s civilization in proportion to their strength. They can only act after discussion by the Alliance Council, with the exception of the ‘Ghost’.”

"The'Ghost' is recommended and selected by each member's civilization, but the agents directly belonging to the Galactic Alliance generally deal with trivial matters that will not be able to dispatch the combined fleet, and they have the right to act cheaply,'cut first and play later'."

Although I don't know how to translate this "cut first and play later", anyway, Watams can understand it.

"In addition, I did not deliberately monitor you. I was just passing by. Your attempt to activate the particle collider triggered an alarm. It should be sent to nearby organizations or individuals who have the authority to handle the matter."

"As for the navigation method, I use the ‘warp engine’ that cannot move without a star system. No technical details can be provided."

"You should feel lucky, because it was me, not another grumpy race nearby. It was once held accountable by the Alliance for bringing two civilizations that developed dangerous technologies back to the Stone Age."

This time, the Watams remained silent for a longer period of time. It took a while before someone asked weakly: "[So, how do we develop technology in the future? We cannot guarantee that dangerous technology will not be involved every time.]"

"I spent a planetary rotation cycle to check all of your technologies. Most of them were okay. The projects that may have dangerous technologies have been blocked by me. When you study dangerous technologies again, all the experimental results of the project will be Completely confused and showing my warning, just stop the research or change direction by then." Marefiya continued to perform.

"[May I think so, you directly stipulated the scope of our research, and all our scientific research goals have been achieved in the'Galactic Alliance', we can no longer innovate anyway?]" This question comes from The Phoenix: "[As a scientist pursuing the truth, I cannot accept it!]"

"As I said before, when the strength and vision do not match, the sudden acquisition of advanced technology by lower civilizations is the beginning of self-destruction," Marefia turned her head and glanced at the direction of the guy: "According to As far as I know, the questioner did not have any application expectations for the study of'time travel'. The purpose of studying it was only to be ridiculed by colleagues, without considering the possibility of [time paradox] and related solutions. ."

"Although the research results of this questioner are still far away from the'dangerous technology', I still set a blockade for it, and it will be activated when it does reach that point."

"Of course, in order to make up for your investment in scientific research, after each new'blockade' is triggered, corresponding compensation will also appear. I can guarantee that they match or even exceed the blocked technology, just like I used the zero element. It’s the same as changing your particle collider," Marefear paused: "It’s a pity, because the action was a bit hasty at the time, resulting in uneven distribution of these compensations among different countries. I will pay attention to the blockade compensation later this point."

"Do you have any questions?"

The Watum clan gradually became quiet, and occasionally some strange problems were directly filtered out by the Laplace demon.

"[Hello, Lady'Ghost',]" said a wasting Wattam wearing some kind of vision compensation device: "[I want to know the proof that'any integer greater than two can be written as the sum of three prime numbers' Process, this is a mathematical problem, shouldn’t involve dangerous technology?]"

You are everywhere, Goldbach!

"[I want to know how the first life on the planet was born, and how the mass extinctions and explosions of creatures before and after the Ubonian period happened.]"

"[The results we deduced through mathematical models are seriously inconsistent with the facts. May I ask if this is related to the wormholes, star gates, jumps, and warp sailing in your mouth?]"

"[I want to know the cause of this peculiar landform of our home planet. Geology is not related to dangerous technology, right?]"

Affected by that guy's problem, a group of researchers got stuck in the bottleneck, and researchers from different disciplines asked questions.

This is an alien! Not a search engine!

"[Please explain the'observer effect' in the double-slit interference experiment.]"

This one was not conveyed by the Laplace demon because it would cause Wattam to destroy himself, but it was highlighted in bold. The question was not the "Phoenix", but he was dumbfounded before. Yan's researcher.


Marefiya stuck out the double light blade directly from the back of her hand and crossed it in front of her.

"They do not belong to'dangerous technology', but they belong to'advanced knowledge'. You can study it yourself slowly, or-I will answer the questioner alone, but in order not to violate the relevant laws of the Galaxy Alliance, the questioner will be killed. Drop, is this okay?"

These scholars who are engaged in research, just frighten...

"[A word is a deal!]"


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