The Clamoring Hydra

Chapter 35: ·Next stop

After taking over the New World, Hydera dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to explore. The reason why Hydera will dispel this idea is that in addition to finding the Uranos that has created the new continent, there is another reason why when promoting the purity of the bloodline, Uranos also combined all the things on this island. The basic information of the species was given to myself.

It must be said that the New World is a treasure trove for Hydera. Not only high concentration of ether energy, but also those plants and wild animals. After systematic cultivation and captivity. It is completely possible to make it a huge farm. In this era of low productivity, the number of people determines all this. In the past, because the laws of the world are not fixed, the seasons are like spring.

And now the four seasons are distinct, and the cultivation of crops will have an unprecedented gap in autumn and winter. It's not just humans, this affects the entire Greek world. Under the four-level replacement cycle, then special creatures born with defects will be extinct at a rapid rate due to shortage of food. It is conservatively estimated that by the time the first winter of this world has passed, there will be at least a third less species in the world.

Especially herbivores. In the cold winter, the grass cannot grow. Without enough food to supplement their energy, they will not be able to reproduce their ethnic groups. Coupled with the hunting of carnivores such as wolves... this may be the price of world progress.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. From now on, this world will no longer be a world of pure competition ability or combat ability. It's a world of survivability...On this point, Hydera believes in humanity.

The etheric energy on this island is three times that of other regions, especially in the core area, and the etheric energy can even connect and respond to the human body just by breathing. In this world full of idealism, Hydera does not think that humans will always be so weak. In Hydera's eyes, it is true that the history of mankind is now weak. But human power is never because of their inherent power. It's their malleability that comes from the day after tomorrow.

If this is the case, you may be able to try to let Radon give Ritz their technique of refining etheric energy... His eyes flashed slightly, and Hydera fell into thought. This is a world with mysterious power. Although until now, it is still in a state where materialism and idealism are mixed with each other. But it cannot be denied that the extensibility of this power.

The only thing that can be regarded as a problem for Hydera is that there is no magic organ in the body of ordinary people to replace ether energy. But one thing is that the humans in Sparta are not ordinary humans, but demigods. Except for the immortal divinity and inherited memory that do not represent eternity, the biggest difference between them and the gods is the fragility of the body.

But even so, there are not many heirs of gods who fell to the hands of mortals in Greek mythology.

If Hyderah remembered correctly, before he left, the total population of Sparta had reached about 400. It's not too much to say that Sparta is the most populous human gathering place in this era. After deliberate training, when you enter the next era, the Olympus era of theocracy, it means that Hydera will have a corps of at least three hundred gods.

But he has destroyed the established destiny of this world. Especially since he entered the island before Zeus. Without the help of Uranos, it wouldn’t be surprising that Zeus’s fate produced a 180-degree reversal of Hydera.

Admittedly, I have received tremendous benefits. But if Zeus could not open up the Olympian era of theocracy, then Hydera’s knowledge of Greek mythology would be of no use... For now, Hydera cannot judge whether this is good or bad. Just like the legendary Pandora's box, no one knows whether it is a blessing or a curse before it is opened.

Only in this matter, you must not take risks.

Hydera thought so, his eyes full of dignity. This ancestor feels good, but as a price, Hydera loses his judgment of the future. Regardless of how faint Zeus was in the Olympus era, Hydera was better than the current Titan god.

Thinking, sighed softly. Looking at the Extermination Dragon beside him, Hydera tried to ask: "I'm going to leave here... how about you? Would you like to leave this island with me?"

Hearing Hydera’s words, the Extinguishing Dragon stunned slightly, his eyes flashing with teasing movements... even eager. But the flames of longing seemed to have been wiped out before they even ignited, leaving only a little unwilling smoke rising with the wind.

"Think... of course... but I can't leave this many islands at all..."

Hearing the frustrated voice of the Extinct Dragon, Hydera shook his head and said with a smile: "I have already spoken with your father. From now on, I will be the master of the new continent."


Hearing Hydera’s words, it didn’t respond at the beginning, but when it did, the Extermination Dragon, who was lying on the ground with some frustration, suddenly climbed up. The purple pupils were full of disbelief, and then they were full of excitement and ecstasy.

"That means..."

"That's right." Looking at the extinct dragon that suppressed the excitement, Hyde nodded and said with a smile: "That is to say, from now on, as long as I want, you can leave this island at any time. "

"Long live!!"

Upon learning that he could leave here, the Dragon Extermination seemed extremely excited. The sturdy body was excited and looking around, as if all the cells had been activated.

"Then where are we going?"

Out of ignorance of the outside world, the Extinguishing Dragon tried to suppress the excitement, and looked at the questioning eyes to Hydera in front of him. Although it has been suppressed as much as possible, but all individuals can see the excitement and activity in the eyes of the extinguishing dragon.

And Hydera did not deliberately sell the key, gazing at the depths of the Aegean Sea.


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