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A dazzling sword light, like the back flow of Tianhe, pounced from the bottom to the sky. The vastness of the sword's awn is like the flood of the dike.

The net of thorns, the connection of cards, and the claws of tens of meters were cut over it, all submerged by the sword. Even the sky and clouds were split by this sword into a two or three hundred meters long passage.


Rose flowers shattered one after another, Naiyali's figure retreated, and she withdrew from her seventeen or eight steps in a row, leaving a rose trail in the air before she barely stabilized her figure.

Immediately afterwards, the flush of the red hearts burst into burst, and Esby shook his body, stepping back a few steps, showing a heartache in his eyes.

Only Fenrir, one claw slammed into Jianhong, and his claw was ten meters inward. But just like pressing a spring, the harder it is to move inwards, and finally the claws of the magnificent True Elemental are shattered, and the whole person's mouth is blood flowing, and a large mouth of blood is sprayed out.

The power of a sword is as good as this!

Everyone's face changed in color, but not only that, over there, Oriana was also charged with a sword by Ye Chen, swaying her figure, almost falling from the void.

Even the pendant on her neck wailed, and a crack appeared, and it was even split by Ye Chen.


The seven black cardinals all took a breath.

With one enemy and four opponents, Ye Chen still prevailed. You know, Oriana, Fenrir, Esby, etc., all of them are far better than Ito Musashi, but the weakest Nayari is also in the middle of the realm, not at all a self-satisfied Ito Musashi who has just set foot in the realm. Can be compared, these four people join hands, at least equivalent to seven or eight ordinary gods.

But at this time, Ye Chen was defeated by a sword. How did he feel that he was more like a sword **** than Xiao Yi?

"All of you, let's go together, this is indeed an unprecedented enemy." Joyce said in a deep voice.

The monsters Jiete and Lucifer both nodded slightly. In an instant, seven violent murderous intentions descended from the sky and overwhelmed the entire inn. They began to be overwhelmed and creaked.

Ye Chen still carried his hands on his back, but in his eyes, the fighting intensified.

This terrifying battle is on the verge of...

At this time, Bai Yuhan was standing beside Ye Chen with a trembling body, aside from her talents. At this time, she was just an ordinary girl, and she was muddled. She lived as a stupid girl for more than ten years. Where have you seen such a horror? The scene?

Oliana thundered with her left hand and flames with her right hand.

Nayali held the rose vine whip, the queen's aura burst.

Isby was surrounded by cards on his side, covering the sky like a black-pressed group of bats.

Fenrir has completely changed to look like a werewolf. Under the eyes of the green green, the claws bloomed with the cold steel luster...

However, this is only four shots, there are three over there. Looking at their posture, these three talents are real masters.

In fact, it's almost the same. Joyce and monster Jet, sitting firmly in the first and second places in the black cardinal, can imagine the strength. Although Lucifer was rebelled in the middle, the ranking is not high. In fact, in the Holy See, it is an angel level. How honorable is his status?


The giant monster Jet took the lead, and he stepped out and pressed a palm out.

I saw a huge gray palm, which was released from the giant monster Jet, and the overwhelming wind was like an ancient giant elephant with a thousand feet tall, lifting the giant foot, and crushing the world.

Among the dark creatures, trolls are not a powerful existence. The only thing commendable is their incomparable physique, their recovery speed is similar to that of werewolves, and their physical strength is even more terrifying than that of werewolves, even if they are positive. You can survive the baptism of the curse.

The giant monster, Jeter, exerted his advantage to the extreme. Among the blood alliances, besides the blood demon, it was his strongest anti-strike ability, and he also sat firmly in the second place among the black cardinals.

"Click here."

Before the palm wind arrived, the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees were all bent and bent. Even the true energy around Ye Chen's body was faintly shaking, seeming to be under unimaginable pressure.

"I didn't expect that there would be a strong body refiner on Earth." Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

This monster, Jeter, doesn't have any inner energy in his body. It is purely relying on the power of the flesh to fight the heavens and the earth, and to be sanctified by the flesh, so there is such a terrifying power in one palm, even Ye Chen was a little surprised when he saw it.

But he was only surprised, and not afraid, but when he was happy, he laughed and said: "You take a punch!"

In this way, Ye Chen doesn't use real yuan, let alone moves, just purely relying on the flesh to punch away.


An invisible air fist print appeared in the void, whistling away with a faint green mango.

The fist strength of a few meters is condensed like substance, and the surrounding clouds are tumbling. The fierce punching wind, with a violent scream in the air. It was as if the fighter had crossed the low altitude.

Ye Chen, the Emperor's glazed body, had the power of a punch, enough to shake the rocks of hundreds of meters. And without a trace of the true element, refining the body to a very high level, raising your hand and throwing your feet can arouse the vitality of the world, how can it be comparable to a giant monster?


In an instant, the palm wind and the fist seal communicated with each other, and the monster Jiete shuddered, only to see an invisible wave emerge from his palm.


In the crowd's exclamation, the monster Grey's dead gray skin burst like bursts of firecrackers. In the end, the skin of half of the body exploded into pieces. While others flew tens of meters, they barely stopped.

"you you……"

The giant monster Jet looked at Ye Chen in horror. He punched and punched with unmatched brutal brutal force, that is, a Tyrannosaurus rex was here, and he could die with a palm. But Ye Chen's power was several times greater than him, unmatched. With the exception of Gorefiend, the giant monster Jet has never seen anyone so powerful.

"Jate, don't fight with him, don't forget that Xiao Yijue's body of Xuanxian is all given by him. This kid's own body must be more powerful, I am afraid it will not be inferior to Lord Blood Demon!"

Joyce screamed, his sleeve robe waved, and a black air volleyed down. This black gas is the devil gas of Joyce. In the blood alliance, all are dark creatures, and Joyce itself is a demon!

"Xuanxian body?"

The giant monster Jiete's eyes suddenly burst into a bloodthirsty light: "If I swallow your flesh, I can go further, maybe I can also become a mysterious body!"

Another great feature of the monster is that it can gain some of the opponent’s abilities by devouring the corpse. As soon as I heard that Ye Chen had a mysterious body, Jeter was suddenly mad with big hair and a pair of small eyes, blooming scarlet The light comes.

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