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Kill you.

It's hard to imagine such a sentence that will appear in the high-end entertainment party of the entertainment circle, especially the person who speaks, or Sayuri Aokawa who mainly plays the role of pure and cold Yan.

But with her slap to fly Liu Bufan's decisive decisiveness, it showed an unprecedented hegemony. Especially the person said by Qingchuan Sayuri, or the young director of Lingyun Entertainment Company, Shi Likai, shocked the audience.

Shi Likai is the young director of Lingyun Company. As one of the media giants in the entertainment industry, Lingyun is so huge. In addition, director Shi Da has a good background in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to support Lingyun Group. Otherwise, so many celebrities, rich people, and young men will not sell him face, come to the reception.

Of course, this cocktail party seems to be luxurious and high-end, star-studded, but it is not really a top party. At least none of China's top 20 families were present, and none of the four giants of Yanjing were present. Those top rich people have already passed the age of star chasing, and most of their sons and grandsons will give Ling Yun face to come to the reception.

But in any case, Shi Likai's status is unquestionable, not to mention killing him, even if he scolds him, he must be the son of the first-line giants of Yanjing to have this qualification.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Not only Shi Likai couldn't believe it, but some people even dared to threaten him with a face-to-face young man, and everyone else was also dumbfounded. Whether it was Xie Yanran, Ding Liangcai, or that General Manager Yang and others, "You TM is teasing me" expression.

Du Wanwan even laughed with a direct "poo", a large white chest trembling on the chest, and then with three points contemptuously said: "Sayuri, I didn't expect you to like to joke so much."

Qingchuan Sayuri was cold-eyed, and the others on the scene didn't know, but she knew what a noble existence her master was. If this group of guys dared to speak out, she would never mind killing them all!

She didn't know that her faction completely angered Shi Likai.

Shi Likai said coldly:

"This gentleman, at my reception, you not only encouraged your woman to beat my friend, but also threatened to kill me. Based on this, I can get you into prison and shut down for 180 years!"

And the well-dressed General Yang next to him sneered directly: "Shao Shi, why should you tell him more, like this ignorant and thick soil turtle, just let the security guard rush out."

"Dare you!"

When President Yang said this, Ding Liangcai was anxious and shouted.

"There is nothing to dare. This is my reception. I have the right to decide who will attend and who should leave." Shi Likai also recovered his calm at this time, proudly saying, "Not only is the reception held by me, even this cruise ship It is also our long-term lease from Lingyun. I still have the right to drive you to the downstream."

"Relax, before I let you swim back to the shore, I will give you a life buoy." Shi Likai shrugged.

Suddenly, there was a lot of laughter in the room. Many rich and small stars covered their stomachs, and the tears of laughter fell.

"Shao Shi, you are so talented."

"Yeah, let them swim back to the river bank."

"Boy, it's time to test your swimming skills, don't drown halfway."


Everyone around you laughed at me one by one. Most of the people who came to the reception this time were Ling Yun's stars and the rich and the young who made good friends with the Shijia. Everyone is undoubtedly standing on the side of Shi Likai and treats Ye Chen and others who want to squeeze into the circle coldly.


Ji Junlan's eyes were red with anger, but Ding Liangcai's eyes were cold.

This is Shi Likai's goal.

At this time the cruise ship has entered the most turbulent place of the Canglan River, even if the weather is already very warm at this time, but want to swim more than ten kilometers in one breath, with a few girls, it is simply too deceiving.

"Get the guests off the boat, is this what you Lingyun and the Shijia did?" Ding Liangcai said coldly, he was no longer the small boss in the past, but a strong enough to compete with Wu Sheng.

"Of course, you can also apologize to my friend, as long as he forgive you, I can also let you stay on the cruise ship for one night." Shi Likai said with raised eyebrows.

"I, I want this slut... kneel down and apologize!" Liu Bufan clutched his face, struggling to get up, looking at Sayuri Aokawa, with an unforgettable hatred in his eyes, trembling.

Qingchuan Sayuri also has the power of the Sanctuary at this time. How powerful is it, even if it only takes one thousandth, but Liu Bufan's half of the cheeks are almost broken by the palm of his hand.

When did Liu Bufan suffer such anger in this life? Even when he was in the Liu family, he had only a few assets with the most points. After he became the servant of Major Shi Likai, he was in a domineering manner. When was he slapped in front of so many celebrities? Liu Bufan hated Qingchuan Sayuri and Ye Chen.

"Kneel and apologize?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, seemingly smiling.

"Yes, as long as you kneel and apologize to my friend, I will not care about this matter." Shi Likai said rightly.

He hugged Du Wanwan at this time, and many celebrities behind him gathered, and he was on the cruise ship rented by his company. Shi Likai never thought that he would lose. With his power, wanting to knead them is just a matter of words.

"Shi Likai, you are dead!"

Qingchuan Sayuri's beautiful eyes screamed.

Shi Likai froze his face and ignored it. Du Wanwan in his arms kissed Shi Likai directly with flaming red lips, and then looked proudly at Sayuri, Qingchuan.

"Bitch, although I repeatedly calculated that I couldn't help you, but after this time, Shi Shao was very disappointed in your estimation. You never have the opportunity to fight with me again."

In Du Wanwan's heart, she was extremely happy, and everyone around her looked like a good show.

Although everyone is a celebrity, a star, a high-quality member of a high society, it is not easy to step on people like some dudes. But Ye Chen took the initiative to step up and trample them, and they did not mind showing what is status and competence.

"Liangcai, what should I do?" Ji Junlan took Ding Liangcai's hand and cried out in a hurry.

Ding Liangcai's face was blue and he didn't say a word. He was forcibly restraining himself and impulsively smashing the **** into a slime.

Xie Yanran also looked extremely ugly. She knew that such a trouble, she was afraid that Ye Chen and Shi Likai could not get along well.

Everyone's eyes were on Ye Chen to see how he chose, but everyone had a sardonic expression on his face. Obviously no one thought that he could stand up to the storm.

But when Ye Chen raised her hand slightly, there was a sudden commotion at the door...

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