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However, Shi Likai was looking at her lightly, and several big directors and rich people around him were all smiling and saying nothing at this time. Without the enthusiasm of the previous moment, she seemed to be waiting for her decision.

"I wanted to catch him for two days, get some benefits before handing over myself, but is this too fast for him?"

Thinking of this, Xie Yanran looked at Liu Bufan with help.

At this time, the young man Lu Yan, who is known as the famous young master of Yanjing, was shrinking his head, a look that had nothing to do with me. How can Xie Yanran not understand that Liu Bufan is not a Liu family major, but a little broker who pimps for others.

"Sorry, Shao Shi, I came to the reception with friends today, and I will return with them at night..." Xie Yanran smiled apologetically.

She did not refuse to associate with Shi Likai. After all, Shi Likai was the young director of Lingyun Company and a famous youngster in the entertainment industry. But that should be Shi Likai's official girlfriend, log into the entertainment industry. Rather than being pimped as if it were the current model, this is too cheap.

Xie Yanran knew from an early age that the more things she can't get, the more people cherish. If Shi Likai could easily get it, I am afraid she would throw her away.

"Little girl, you have to know, Shi Shaoqing, how rare is the opportunity?" A middle-aged man next to him interrupted.

He is known as President Yang by everyone. He seems to be the chairman of a medium-sized company in the entertainment industry. He has also won several quasi-first-line stars. Although it is far inferior to Lingyun Entertainment, he is also a big player in the entertainment industry.

"Yes, little sister Yan Ran, if you have a chance, you should seize it." Du Wanwan, who was in a fiery red dress and glamorous, also advised.

Du Wanwan didn't understand the temper of her young man. In order to please Shi Likai, not only did she not stop, but she often took the initiative to help Shi Likai hunt for beauty, and even played double flying.

Because of this, she was so pleased with Shi Likai that she climbed to where she is today.

"Huh, art school students like you, there are a lot of people in China, I don’t know how many people are waiting to sleep with Shi Shao. The circle is like this, if you don’t want to pay anything, just climb up? Where is it so good? Thing?"

Another well-known director sneered. Although he was straightforward, everyone around him was accustomed to it.

The surface of the entertainment circle looks glamorous, and all the female stars are as pure as water, but as a circle of handsome men and beautiful women and capital. All kinds of transactions that are dirtier than ordinary society must be born. Hollywood's famous sofa auditions are no longer called unspoken rules, they are straightforward.

Persuaded by everyone, Xie Yanran was immediately shaken. She knows that this opportunity is very good. If you miss the present, I am afraid it will be difficult for her to make friends with Shi Likai.

But wanting to do this, letting out his biggest bargaining chip, Xie Yanran was always unwilling.

Seeing Xie Yanran looked entangled and hesitant. Shi Likai sneered in his heart: "It really is a young bird, thinking that with a little temperament, he wants to tie me?"

Shi Likai decided to add a fire, heat the iron, and take down the fat. He smiled faintly: "You said you came with friends, what about them?"

Xie Yanran was stunned for a while, but Liu Bufan was already rushing to please: "Shi Shao, Yan Ran's friends are over there."

As Liu Bufan pointed, everyone looked over and saw Ye Chen and others. But to everyone's surprise, Sayuri Aokawa was there, chatting fiercely with several people, and seemed to be very close to one of the youths. That kind of intimacy, Shi Shao has never seen in Qingchuan Sayuri.

"Do they know Qingchuan Sayuri?" Shi Shao suddenly shrank his pupils.

Qingchuan Sayuri, but the island country became a popular idol, just do not know why it appeared in China, his father invited from Yanjingli.

Shi Likai salivated the arrogant and glamorous beauty, but his father warned himself severely that he must never beat her. He tempted the opportunity privately, and received an extremely cold response, so he had no choice but to give up.

As a result, he now saw that Sayuri Aokawa was very affectionate with a young man, and Shi Shaoxin's fire was rising when he was neutral.

"Who is that kid?" Shi Likai lowered his glass and looked coldly.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, no one knew.

Ye Chen is very famous, mentioning his name is enough to scare the top young men like Kong Jiaming, but this group of people is not at all the people of the Yanjing circle. With the distance between the entertainment circle and the martial arts circle, they simply don’t touch To the top, Ye Xianshi overlooking all beings.

But everyone didn't need to know Ye Chen, their eyes were directly on Xie Yanran.

"They are my high school principals..."

Xie Yanran said with difficulty, the same in my heart, Ye Chen actually knew Qingchuan Sayuri? And it looks like the relationship is very intimate.

If she knew the news, she would not follow Liu Bufan. Although Qingli Sakai is not as good as Shi Likai, it is also a popular figure in the entertainment industry, and it is easy to bring a newcomer.

She can fully enter the entertainment circle through the springboard of Sayuri Aokawa, and then try to make friends with Shi Shao and others. At that time, her status and status were different, and she was also a famous little star. Instead of being a pure newcomer like this, she was slain.

Thinking of this, Xie Yanran felt a bit regretful.

"Ordinary graduation student?" Shi Likai snorted.

How are the students in the area? Not to mention this kind of thing, it is a graduate student of Huaqing University, and his company can pull out a dozen at any time.

Du Wanwan fanned the flames next to him: "Shi Shao, see how Sayuri is very close to the man, and I don't know when Sayuri knew this kind of thing. The long ones are not even as good as the male models of our company."

She has always been jealous of Sayuri Aokawa. She was originally a genuine No. 1 female, and the drama was full. However, after Sayuri Aokawa was about to play No. 2, the director temporarily changed the show, giving the No. 2 a lot of dramas, and even a little suppressed. Own situation.

She and Shi Likai were coquettish and pleased. She went out to please each other, but found that Shi Likai was more interested in Qingchuan Sayuri.

This made Du Wanwan even more jealous. She tried her best to please the company's young director. As a result, Sayuri, Qingchuan, had a tendency to replace herself!


Shi Likai couldn't bear it anymore, pushed away the crowd and strode toward Ye Chen and others.

Du Wanwan followed behind with a smile of triumph in his eyes.

Liu Bufan even jumped and said: "Look at the good deeds of your classmates and angered Shi Shao, I think how you end!"

Xie Yanran's face was so blue that he couldn't say a word...

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