The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 372: Entertainment Party

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Liu Bufan was talking at the same time, looking at Xie Yanran intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, seeing Xie Yanran's beautiful eyes, Liu Bufan knew. Know that this cold beauty is not an ordinary girl. As long as there is a chance to be in front of her, she will definitely grab it without hesitation.

"The look and temperament of this chick is much higher than that of a supermodel. Hey, Ben Shao will not miss the opportunity."

Liu Bufan had already thought about it. As for the boyfriend by her side, Liu Bufan was too lazy to take another look, and did not threaten him at all.

Soon, Ding Liangcai and others also came out, but before Liu Bufan's extensive knowledge, he was quickly calmed down. After all, Ding Liangcai has been retreating to practice martial arts. He doesn't understand the affairs of the giants, and he knows nothing about the entertainment industry. He can take the position of vice president, which depends on Ye Chen's relationship and his own strength.

This Liu Bufan thought he was high, but he did not know that Ye Chen had seen him through.

Although he has some family background, most of them are estimated to be blown out, and even if he knows little about stone, it may not be reliable. But Ding Liangcai and others couldn't tell. After all, Liu Bufan raised his hand and acted like a big brother.

In the end, they went together...

After boarding Fugui Maru, everyone was suddenly taken by this luxury cruise ship known as the Pearl of Hong Kong Island. Even if Ding Liangcai and Xie Yanran had a good family history, they had never seen such a luxurious cruise ship. The cost of this cruise ship alone is less than a billion.

"Come with me, I will take you to the banquet hall." Liu Bufan's eyes flashed with pride, and led the crowd to the hall.

Along the way, even if it was dark, the night breeze was a bit cold, but there were still many beautiful women on the deck wearing bikinis and splashing in the swimming pool. All appearances are pretty, with slim waists and long legs, and a slender figure. When they saw everyone passing by, they all put on a charming posture.

"These groups are all the tender models who come to the reception. If you are interested. You can go chat, as long as they can bring it into the reception, they will happily throw their arms around." Liu Bufan is accustomed to the usual way. no problem."

Like the reception hosted by the famous director Shi Da, many rich people and celebrities on Hong Kong Island and the mainland were invited. The ordinary small models are obviously not qualified to enter, so they bought the tickets in advance and waited on the deck to see if there were single rich and young to go to the reception and took them with them. At the cost of selling their bodies, they took the lead. opportunity.

Xie Yanran looked at this scene, and there was a trance in her eyes. Obviously, she had done such a thing.

Liu Bufan looked at Ye Chen, but he saw Ye Chen's calm attitude, as if this kind of paper fan was so commonplace, he could not help being slightly surprised. But he didn't care too. How could Ye Chen, who doesn't know where it came from, be as good as his Yanjing Liu Da?

Sure enough, there was another entrance guard in the banquet hall, which was guarded by someone. Liu Bufan could go straight in, but Ye Chen and others were stopped.

"Why? I can't enter this ticket?" Ding Liang was not convinced.

"I'm sorry, sir. Your ticket is just a cruise ship ticket, and you need a special invitation to enter the reception." Standing in front of the door, wearing a suit and a tall suit, welcomed him.

Ding Liangcai's face flushed for a while. When he took the invitation letter from the Ji family, he didn't ask carefully. As a result, he only took the ticket but forgot to bring the invitation, and he made such a big oolong.

Liu Bufan was on the side, a slight contempt flashed in his eyes: "I thought it was a big deal, and I could get the reception invitation. The feeling was that I bought a ticket and thought that I could do whatever I want."

The celebrities who came around to attend the reception, then looked at them with a strange look, so that Ding Liang was not ashamed, and an old face turned red.

At this time Liu Bufan felt almost the same, so he clapped his hands and said: "They are all my friends. I brought them, can I go in?"

"Of course." The strong man's attendant bowed slightly and gave way to the side respectfully.

This time, Ding Liangcai and others watched Liu Bufan's eyes completely different. Even if he had some doubts before, they are now vanishing.

This is indeed a big brother.

Xie Yanran's eyes had begun to turn, but Ji Junlan's eyes were shining. Compared with the mature and steady Liu Bufan, Ding Liangcai and Ye Chen and others looked too much like little hairy children.

After entering the reception, I immediately felt that the surrounding grades were very different from the ordinary passengers outside the door.

All dresses were well-dressed, wearing formal dresses, and the ladies painted exquisite makeup with shiny jewelry. Although the appearance may not be glamorous, but the extraordinary temperament all shows their status. Many even look familiar and seem to have played roles in a certain TV series or movie.

"You play first, I'll see Shi Shao." Liu Bufan arrived at the reception, and he left after saying hello.

Ding Liangcai and others are more cautious. After all, they are unfamiliar with life and very strange to this circle. However, Ye Chen seemed calmer. He took the double champagne from the passing attendant and drank it on his own.

This kind of reception is mainly for people who are familiar with each other to communicate with each other. If no stranger introduces them, they will not be able to enter the circle, and others will not take care of you at all.

"It's okay, let's play our own." Ye Chen said indifferently.

Then there was another sound of exclamation, and everyone looked up and saw a man and a woman stepping into the hall.

The man was dressed in a white suit, and he was handsome and tall. Although his face was paler, he still showed his spirit. The female, in a bold flaming red dress, shows her figure protruding forward and back.

Although Ji Junlan's character is carefree, like a female man, but she is a star chaser in her bones. In Zhaode City, she first recognized the face of Sayuri Qingchuan.

At this time, she also covered her mouth excitedly: "Wow, isn't that Du Wanwan?"

Du Wanwan, the national goddess that has been on fire in recent years, takes the **** and charming route, which appears in film and television dramas, and is also a charming image of all kinds of scourges, making countless otaku wolves howl.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Xie Yanran's eyebrows. Du Wanwan's status was what she dreamed of. If any man could let her go to this status today, then Xie Yanran would take the initiative to climb into his bed!

But at this moment, Liu Bufan walked away from the crowd and came: "Shi Shao is coming, Yan Ran, you will accompany me to see Shi Shao."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed Xie Yanran's wrist. Xie Yanran froze for a while: "What stone is there?"

Liu Bufan said: "Shi Likai, the son of director Shi Dakai, is the young director of Lingyun Entertainment. This reception, there are several big brothers in the entertainment circle. If you can take the opportunity to enter their eyes, in the future Debuting in the entertainment industry is a breeze."

Hearing this, Xie Yanran did not say anything, just left Ding Liangcai and others, followed him into the inner circle!

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