The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 370: Ding Liangcai's first love

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After making up his mind, Ye Chen contacted Longteng and said that he was willing to use a technique that can quench the body of the Dragonteng soldiers in exchange for the few treasures he needed.

With the dragon power sitting in the huge power of China, although these materials are scarce, they should also be able to help them. With these things, plus the two remaining treasures of the Xingxie Old Man Cave, they can be refined. A top grade panacea.

Facts have proved that Ye Chen is too underestimated of Longteng's ability. Within half a day after he finished sending the news, Tang Shiyu took a special plane to North Jiangsu, and delivered some of the treasures he named.

In addition, the days of these celestial treasures are older than he imagined. They contain extremely high auras, and the effects of refined potions will be much better.

Satisfied with Ye Chen, he also showed his sincerity. This is a method of improving his own recipes, named "Drunken Immortal Gong". Even if ordinary soldiers have practiced, they can match the master of martial arts.

Coupled with the good discipline of the Dragon Soldiers and various high-tech weapons, basically a team of soldiers can siege Wu Sheng.

After listening to Ye Chen's introduction, Tang Shiyu was very excited and saluted him: "Thank you Ye Wushen. With your help, the combat strength of the Dragon Special Forces can be at least doubled!"

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent. While setting out to practice alchemy, she explained various precautions to her. In fact, this drunk immortal merit was nothing at all. The things he prepared for his parents were truly exquisite.

Considering that his father already had the foundation for mind-building exercises, the method he prepared for Ye Nian was called "Congenital Righteousness Song", but it was the Zhenzong exercises that followed the Tianmen Gate. .

Ye Chen's preparation for his mother Qin Hongshuang is called "Fenghuahuo Yuepu". He has already shown his life to his mother and found that Qin Hongshuang is a rare top grade fire spirit root. The person with this kind of spirit root, if he does not embark on the path of cultivation of immortals, will have a fateful and difficult life. Therefore, that senior man named her "Red Frost" to try to fight against the fate of this fire.

Both of these exercises can be directed at Yuanying. Although the earth's aura is insufficient, he also prepared a top-grade spirit pill aid for his parents, so that at least the parents can condense the gold pill and have the ability to protect themselves before the aura recovers.

The panacea he made this time is called Beichen Chiji Dan. After taking it, even ordinary people can instantly reach the peak of the foundation, break the shackles of the common customs, and set foot in the realm of immortals.

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Tang Shiyu left happily and left. She wished to grow her wings and fly back to Yanjing to try this exercise. Is it really as magical as the other party said.

Ye Chen spent three days in retreat, concentrating on refining the Elixir. Under the baking of the Samadhi Fire, which was attached by the wood-type Reiki, several top-quality Lingdans flashing in three colors slowly coagulated and formed.

"Well, it's time to take them all to Yanjing. After all, it is the capital of China, a place with outstanding talents, people with three schools and four schools on the second floor of a house. There are forces there. If they use their power, they should be able to recruit a batch of them. It’s a good disciple."

When Ye Chen planned this, Ding Liangcai suddenly came to the door and pulled him out indiscriminately.

"Lao Ye, your kid will not gather with his brothers when he comes back. Walk around. I must drink with me today!"

Ye Chen didn't struggle either, just looked at Ding Liang with a look through all eyes and said, "What's the truth?"

"Ha, haha, what's the truth, is that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to drink with my brother." Ding Liangcai's eyes shifted, and he touched his nose subconsciously.

"Every time you lie, you touch your nose subconsciously." Ye Chen looked at the other with contempt, and said with a lip, "Speak, what the **** is going on?"

Ding Liangcai said with a bitter face: "Actually, it's nothing, but Xie Yanran asked me to go out."

"Oh, Xie Yanran." Ye Chen hadn't responded at first, and then answered, but after a few seconds, he shouted, "What? Xie Yanran!"

It stands to reason that Ye Chen's strength at this time can make him look at it, either the Xuanxian Realm, or the power is in power or the enemy is rich.

But I didn't expect that an ordinary woman at this time would make the immortal emperor's eyes widen and an incredible expression.

In fact, the reason is also very simple, because this Xie Yanran, Ding Liangcai's first love girlfriend.

These two people met in high school. Xie Yanran was Bai Xiaoxuan's school girl. The standard long-legged Bai Fumei, and Ding Liangcai, the wealthy and loyal young master in the family, were also close to each other.

However, this woman, with all her heart in mind, wanted to get involved in the entertainment industry. After finally entering the art school, she put herself into the arms of a director and abandoned Ding Liangcai.

At that time, Ding Liang had been depressed for a long time before he came out of the shadows. Later, with the help of Ye Chen, he came together with Ji Junlan, and now he is about to get married.

Ye Chen looked down with contempt and looked at Ding Liangcai: "Wouldn't you plan to renew your lead with your first love girlfriend and find me to cover you up?"

Ding Liangcai said angrily: "Fuck, Lao Ye, who do you think of me? I didn't even want to take care of her, Junlan told me she came out to make things clear, and Junlan would also go with me, but the woman agreed The place is on a cruise ship, considering that she has no male partner, I asked you to go out to help."

Ye Chen gave him a white look: "Let's come. When it comes to male partners, it's okay for the Ji family to just find one. I won't see your careful thinking?"

Hearing this, Ding Liangcai laughed and scratched his head and said: "Hey, I just want to invite you out of the mountain, let that woman see how powerful our brother is now, show her, what is Thirty Years For ten years in Hexi, what does it mean not to bully the young and poor!"

Ye Chen was very disdainful about this kind of mentality of looking for his ex-girlfriend after being mixed up, but after all, it was his own good brother who spoke, he did not refuse, nodded and said: "Well, I will Take a trip."

Although Ye Chen was noble as an immortal emperor in the last life, he stood above him and ignored everything in the world. But in front of the deceased in the previous life, they will disengage their guards, revealing a bit of mortal character. After all, Ding Liang was his childhood, and the two were like brothers. Immortals are also humans, and occasionally enjoy the lives of mortals, and strive to integrate into it.

Seeing Ye Chen nodded and agreed, Ding Liangcai patted his shoulder with a smile, and laughed: "Boss, I will watch you all tonight!"

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