The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 367: Kong Jiaming's Fear

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Kong Yuanwei lay there for a moment, and couldn't even feel the pain on his body. He just looked at Kong Jiaming in a daze, wondering why his elder brother kicked himself.

Everyone around was stunned on the spot. Kong Jiaming went to punch Yuan Wei. Is it because of their eyes?

Only Feng Shanhe and other wise men shrank their pupils. There is a faint feeling in their hearts. Kong Jiaming's performance seems to be more to save Kong Yuanwei. As if Kong Yuanwei went on, it was like life was in danger.

But Kong Yuanwei is the master of Yan Jing Kong family, Ye Chen dare to kill him in public?

This is incredible!

Feng Shanhe was puzzled, but there was a sense of excitement faintly, and he longed to see the scene in his mind come true.

But Kong Jiaming ignored everyone, but bowed to Ye Chen with a nervous face: "Ye Xianshi, my younger brother has always been a mess, and was spoiled by his family parents. So a lot of news in the family did not tell him . It only made him irritate you. This is my Confucian's fault, and I will definitely compensate you."

The eloquent Yanjing Confucian family said this, and the weight was so heavy that almost everyone was discolored.

The ability of the Confucian family is to make a poor man become a billionaire, or to put an unknown **** into the leading position in a province. It is not difficult. I don’t know how many people want to get a favor from the Confucian family.

Ji Hualing and other senior executives of the East China United Chamber of Commerce are even more trembling with excitement. If they get the support of the Confucius, then the Chamber of Commerce will not be developed into Hedong and Hexi, even if it is extended to the entire Huaxia!

They were so excited that they couldn't wait to come forward and agree with Ye Chen, but the latter just hummed: "Ye Mou is all over the world. What do you want, just go and get it yourself, what can you Kong family give me?"

He hummed and fell into Kong Jiaming's ears, like a thunder burst, and suddenly scared Kong Jiaming's cold sweat and his body shuddered.

"Furthermore, you should know that it offends me." Ye Chen flicked her fingers and said calmly.


Kong Jiaming replied respectfully, bitter. Although he is not very clear about Ye Chen’s previous experience, but from the perspective of Ye Chen’s actions in Yanjing, he knows that this strong man standing on the top of the world is too lazy to ignore the provocations of others, but if it is true Anger him, will definitely be shot to death.

After all, shooting the Kong family with his ability is as simple as shooting a fly!

Xiao Xiao of the Xiao family caused Ye Chen, and was submerged in the water for three full hours, even Xiao Yi was trampled on by one foot; the Qin family tried to use Ye Chen, but Qin Shuhuan was beheaded in public, Qin The family collapsed; the Liu family tried to regret their marriage, but the other party directly killed the door to grab relatives; Xu Duo of the Xu family angered him and was scared to death.

Even the four big Chinese families were stepped on by Ye Chen. Such a horrible figure, Kong Yuanwei dare to provoke him? Kong Jiaming really wanted to kick the broken younger brother back to grandma's house!

But thinking of the mother’s concern at home, Kong Jiaming could only sigh secretly and raised his head to say right: "Ye Xianshi, all this is the fault of the younger brother, Jia Ming is willing to do his part. My Kong family is also willing to take all responsibilities ."

"Oh, so to say? If I were to kill Kong Yuanwei, would your Kong family stop me?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to laugh.


Kong Jiaming suddenly froze there, his body cold. A "yes" was in his throat, but he couldn't say anything. It seems that this word is heavier than Qianjin.

Based on Kong Jiaming's understanding of Ye Chen's character, he believed that if the Kong family blocked Ye Chen, Ye Chen would never be merciless. It may even destroy the entire Confucian family.

Thinking about the end of the Qin family, Kong Jiaming didn't even doubt Ye Chen's ability, so he hesitated.

Everyone present seemed to have found Kong Jiaming's hesitation.

"Ye Chen really dared to kill Kong Yuanwei!"

"And Kong Jiaming seems to have no courage to block!"

After understanding this fact, everyone was silent. They can only look at Ye Chen with shocking eyes: "He, who the **** is he?"

I don’t know if Wei Xiuwen, Feng Shanhe and others, it was Ji Hualing and others from the East China United Chamber of Commerce. It was as if they had known Ye Chen for the first time, and looked around him in amazement. Seems to know his chairman for the first time.

"Forget it. Tonight I will come out with my disciples to play and don't want to see blood."

Seeing Kong Jiaming froze there, sweating. Ye Chen Yi Xing stood up languidly and pulled up Cao Xinxuan's little hand next to it. Go out.

Kong Jiaming heard the words before taking a breath, as if walking on the edge of life and death, only to feel that the clothes were wet with sweat, and bowed hurriedly: "Thank you, Ye Xianshi!"

At this time, Ye Chen's voice came again in his ear: "Kong Yuanwei, I don't want to see him again."


Kong Jiaming was excited and nodded in a hurry. Heart was cruel, and Kong Yuanwei was completely locked up when he was ready to go back. Elders who want to come to the family will also support his approach. Even Xiao Xiao, who is from the Xiao family, was closed in the sword mound for three years, not to mention his unlucky brother?

"Wei family, I don't want to see them in Hexi." Ye Chen said casually while walking.

"Understood." Kong Jiaming nodded decisively this time, regardless of Wei Xiuwen's unbelievable gaze around him. Compared to the safety of the Confucian family, what a Wei family is.

Ye Chen walked to the door, and the last sentence came only far away: "You Kong owe me a favor, the East China United Chamber of Commerce is in Hedong and Hexi, you are responsible for doing it for me."

"It must be." Kong Jiaming nodded again and again.

It wasn't until Ye Chen went out that Kong Jiaming slowly stood up. At this time, he realized that his back was soaked with cold sweat. The surrounding was full of silence, and all the faces were horrified, especially the Wei family, even more earthy.

Feng Shanhe was in a trance in front of him, Ye Chen actually stepped on Yanjing giants by himself? The scene of my mid-term hope actually appeared!

And those of the East China United Chamber of Commerce are even more shocked and happy, as if they have won the lottery...

Ji Hualing once had a dream. In the dream, the Ji family enjoyed the supremacy in China. In a word, no matter how high they are, no matter how high their status is, the Hong Kong, Macau, and wealthy people, but they must bow down in front of themselves.

Wherever the Ji family walks, they will proudly declare: "We are from the North Jiangsu Ji family."

This should have been a dream, but now there seems to be a tendency to become a reality. And all this is the Ye Xianshi who just "learned" himself.

"But... how is this possible?"

Ji Hualing asked himself in his heart: "Even if Ye Xianshi is even more powerful, he is just a local gentry. Why should he compete with the Yanjing family?"

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