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I only heard the roar of the collapse of the mountain, and the sound of the wind and the roar of fists, and they spread out in all directions. The huge smoke and dust covered the sky, let alone ordinary people, even those gods. The strong men cannot see what is happening.

The last thing people saw was that Ye Chen waved his fist and punched Xiao Yijue. At this time, the violent roar finally stopped. Everyone's eyes widened, and the mind was guessing: "What is Who's winning?"

The vast majority of the warriors, the characters do not need to think at this time, it is absolutely Xiao Yi's absolute victory! After all, Xiao Yi's unrefined cultivation has become a mysterious fairy that hasn't existed in thousands of years.

"Xuan Xian is a god-like existence, and mortals can never defeat Xuan Xian. The sword **** just entered Xuan Xian just now. As he gradually mastered the power of Xuan Xian, Ye Chen was never an opponent."

Langri Living Buddha folded his hands together and said respectfully in his mouth.

No matter how uncomfortable his heart is, at this time, he has to say Xiao Yijue eloquently, this younger generation is a descendant of a large generation of sword gods.

"It's not bad, the might of celestial beings, can it be imagined by mortals? Ye Chen is too arrogant, if he is willing to calm down and practice for a few more years, he may not be Xiao Yijue's opponent, but now... he will definitely lose."

Other powerful gods also nodded their heads, but Lu Xinghe's heart was involuntarily shaken.

As for many Yanjing giants, Xiao Yijue is naturally the only one.

"Mr. Xiao is invincible!"

"What is Mr. Xiao, the sword god!"

"Long live the sword god, long live the sword god! With the sword **** there, the Xiao family will stand on the top of China forever, and will not fall for a thousand years."


The Yanjing giants gathered in front of the Xiao family to congratulate Xiao Fu and others. In addition to the parting of life and death, Xiao Yao, who has changed her mindset, can still feel calm, and the other Xiao family members are already full of joy.

In the end only Qin Hongshuang and other women were left, standing there alone.

Qingchuan Sayuri couldn't help but snorted angrily: "Then what kind of Qin family, also claiming to fully support the master, as a result, although the old ones didn't move much, a few juniors also went to the Xiao family, Qin Si The dragon didn't stop, it's awful. The master hasn't lost yet!"

In Qingchuan Sakura's heart, there was a moment of disdain. Xiao Yi was absolutely a magnificent immortal. In the eyes of the world, it is like a god. Everyone naturally wants to make friends in the past. It's just laughable that Ye Chen was arrogant and arrogant, and he could obviously accept it when he was good, so that Xiao Yi would never owe his affection, but he still had to provoke provocation, or even take the initiative to provoke fighting, it was simply looking for his own way.

The two daughters Qin Hongshuang and Liu Bingyao looked nervous and looked at the sky, praying silently in their hearts:

"Xiaochen, don't worry about Xiaochen!"

"Ye Chen, you villain, I won't let you lose!"

Among the people, Xu Duo was the happiest. He jumped up and laughed wildly: "Ye Chen, you bastard, you are finally going to die! It's a pity not to die in my hands!"

This unprecedented battle was too fierce, which caused Xu Duo's heart to fluctuate several times. At this moment his hair was scattered, his eyes were full of red silk, and his **** teeth looked like a lunatic.

While everyone was about to laugh and echo, suddenly there was an unprecedented loud noise in the sky, like an atomic bomb explosion, a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky thousands of meters high.

Immediately afterwards, a figure entwined with the moonlight was falling down from the sky like a meteorite, and it crashed into the valley of Huashan Mountain. The huge impact force made several vice peaks unbearable. , Shaky.

"Ye Chen lost!"

While everyone looked at the past with joy, they saw another figure slowly descend from the void. His blue hair is flying, his face is as beautiful as a god, and he is wearing a turquoise armor, like the rebirth of the sea emperor.

"Ye Chen?"

At the moment when I saw the teenager, everyone's smiles disappeared in an instant as if I was strangled by my throat.

The audience was silent, and no one spoke. The winner who came down from heaven turned out to be Ye Chen?

Was the loser who was shot down by Yue Mang just now and fell into Huashan Mountain?

Xiao Yi was defeated? Mysterious Xuan Xian, who hasn't seen in thousands of years, is defeated? How can this be? This is not in accordance with the records of ancient books and novels! Even if I go through all the history books, for five thousand years from the beginning to the end of China, I have never heard that a mortal can defeat a fairy.

"This is impossible, the sword **** cannot be defeated!"

Everyone in the Xiao family shook their heads again and again, and Xiao Yao couldn't hold his face anymore, and his face was horrified. As for the people of Longteng, it was unbelievable that they were struck by lightning.

Xiao Yi has been sitting in China for almost a hundred years, but it is truly the world's first, undefeated myth!

Today, this myth is defeated and defeated by Ye Chen.

This impact on the Seven Kills, Broken Army, Greedy Wolf and others is simply beyond imagination.

The other Canglong Six Swords couldn't help crying.

Xiao Fu and Qin Shuang, meanwhile, turned into a blood awn and rushed towards the valley of Huashan to investigate Xiao Yijue's life and death.

"Ye, Ye Chen won?"

The High Priest of Eaton said difficultly.

"Jiangshen has advanced to Xuanxian, and has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, but has even lost to Ye Chen? It is incredible and unimaginable. This is the secret record of the Buddhist scriptures, which has not been recorded."

Although the Living Buddha of Langri folded his hands together, his heart should be full of shock.

As for other divine realms, they are silent. They had just witnessed the birth of a Xuan Xian, and then this Xuan Xian was defeated in public. Let these divine states be confused. If even Xuanxian can be defeated, then what is the meaning of the state where they have been struggling for thousands of years and dreamed of promotion?

On the women's side, it was Boo finally relieved and shouted loudly.

"The master has won, the master has won!" Sayuri Aokawa jumped up happily, cheering cheeringly.

Both Qin Hongshuang and Liu Bingyao were full of joy, unable to restrain themselves. They were worried about the extreme before, even if they had confidence in Ye Chen, but the opposite was a Xuan Xian!

This is not a person, this is a legendary god!

Only Qingchuan Ying, still stunned, was incredulous in his face, muttering to himself: "This... how is this possible?"

She never imagined that even Xuan Xian was defeated in Ye Chen's hands. After today, the entire China and even the earth, who can compete with it?

Compared with him, his master Ito Musashi is just a scum!

"This man is really too strong..."

A blush appeared on Qingchuan Ying's face, and the eyes were even flashed with a charming red demon, and my heart was determined to secretly: "I must grab him from my sister, I will get the man's favor, get The power of this man!"

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